Tuesday, July 05, 2005

The Effects of Proximity Gestation
on the
Human Mind and Development
An Observation
On the
Metaphysical and Philosophical Aspects
Proximity Gestation

Copyright1990© David A. Archer 02/15/1968


In my opinion , the similarities between man and other animals even at the molecular level as has been recently proven, is because of the human element and not because of any influence from any other creature.

This effect and influence was established through a reoccurring process that I have named "Proximity Gestation."

This process and it’s consistency seem to extend into many areas of existence as I will address throughout this series of works.

It is of a very common belief that creatures have "evolved" in a manner that has rendered what they and we all are now. I do not hold to this in the respect that it is most widely upheld. The gist of Darwin’s- The Origin of Species, is that creatures developed traits for the purpose of survival- and "survival of the fittest." I do not see this as true in the consistency of the idea of "Proximity Gestation," as you will soon see. Quite simply in my opinion, it was those creatures and other species which emerged from their initial gestation with a harmonious make up, that survived. Those with a balance of existential elements conducive to the environment. In a metaphor, it is those that "fell" within the boundaries of conducive existence which continued to exist…. The dough inside of the cookie cutter goes on to be the cookie. The "cookie cutter" being the consistency of our environment…even at the metaphysical levels(which I will also address in regard to Proximity Gestation).

I will immediately cite Darwin’s example of the Galapagos Finches. The substance of his opinion was/is that the different traits "developed" in the different versions of the Finch, to serve in the aid of their respective survival in adapting to the given needs of said survival. In examining "Proximity Gestation" diagram 1, you will see the illustration of what I have observed in the consistency of existence, to have actually happened in regard to the existence of several different versions of any given species. Diagram 1 is particularly in regard to the Galapagos Finches. It would come as no surprise to me if it were discovered that there were actually more versions of the Galapagos Finch that didn’t continue. This effect holds true for all other species as well, regardless of how many variations of them that there are including the primate family.

I believe that the efforts in connecting the human with other primates in a linear manner is in fact, incorrect. Again, it is in my belief that the similarities are due to the humaninfluence/substance in "Proximity Gestation" on primates, and in no way are further related. I believe that the "linear" sense is incorrect.

Those relics found that suggest a connection are really nothing more than an example of different percentage levels of human to other primate substance within a given proximities spectrum of gestation in formative and susceptible periods, which didn’t continue. Please see "Proximity Gestation" diagrams 2 and 3. The form of creature that we are now, is in my belief very much the way that it was formed, as are the other examples of primates and creatures. Give consideration for a moment, as illustration of my point, that in a thousand years without any reference to Darwin’s work… should a person happen upon the remains of the Galapagos Finches…. It is considerable that it could be construed through the same frame of thought that I am trying to redress, which is our apparent norm, that those different variations of Finches could be seen as having been one before the other in some linear sense…..especially if it is that each variation of them should die off at different points in time, while the others continued to flourish for some time.

This idea is further supported in the findings of similarities between humans and other creatures as well. It is as such even more so in the animal kingdom and in archeological findings of similarities between long extinct creatures. In our modern day it is becoming quite common to find elements of several different creatures in a single species at the molecular level. With the aid of such technological advance, it is becoming more common to find such consistencies in fossils and remains of creatures long extinct, as well.

In a very common example, it is thought that certain creatures were actually bird like at some point. In this I will again cite the effect of Proximity Gestation. In my belief it is simply that those creatures which are now thought to have at one time been "bird like," only possess(ed) within their physical make up, a certain level percentage of those "bird like" elements among the others that make (made up) their physical/metaphysical existence. This having come to be through that Proximity Gestation effect. The reason for their continuance being that the combination of those elements within their make up, was more conducive to the natural environment.. both physically and metaphysically.

It is very much the truth that the human capacity of cognitive thought is what really separates us from the animal element… but I do contend that such isn’t in a “hard line” manner(please see Percentage Properties Graph 1).

Through the developmental effect of Proximity Gestation, it is that in most(if not all) forms of humans there is a certain percentage level of "animal element" within the human make up. Likewise within the animal kingdom it is easy to discern which of those animal elements are most prominent within human make up, through observing the animal kingdom, and finding those with the most advanced forms of capacity in the way of mental advance. Some primates for example show considerable capacity in that manner.

Again, in my belief such isn't due to humans having emerged from that line, but is more due to the effect of Proximity Gestation. In that it is easy to see within the human species as well as the animal species, which were closer in and through that effect initially. There are humans that show a larger percentage of effect from the animal kingdom within our species, and there are animals which show a larger capacity, effected through Proximity Gestation, within animal species.

Within the Proximity Gestation diagrams, it would be that those species gestated more to the center of an area, were more "pure" in the form of their initial elements. It is the "fringe" areas of those Proximities in which such exchange and effect most occurred, and still occur.

I should point out that in my belief, as can be substantiated through scientific evidence, it isn’t only a "proximity" of man and ape that has effected both variations of both species though it is in my belief that the more human traits in the primate world are due to the human influence. It is that many other areas of Proximity Gestation in the fringed sense have occurred much in the same manner as I have illustrated in "Proximity Gestation diagram 3." Such is an on going effect and cycle on many levels, as I have observed and will endeavor to illustrate within this body of work.


Metaphysical and Philosophical Aspects

In my studies, I have been reading the works of several historical philosophers, and it occurs to me that the thought process of humans has been steadily structured through various means, since even before humans could document. The acquired skill of documentation (in various ways) being nothing more than a developmental aspect in the natural effect of Proximity Gestation. Such things as those philosophical works, are very much tools in that structuring as well as products of the effects of Proximity Gestation.

Here-in I am going to explore those facets more in depth, for the purpose of expressing my view of how such formed/structured thought and perception, along with the consistent effect of Proximity Gestation (of which it is a part), have formed and shaped existing conceptions and perceptions. I will also explore how the various structures seem to have influenced and developed the modern dynamic in conjunction with one another through the process of Proximity Gestation, how it seems to effect society today, and my personal insights and perspectives concerning given aspects of those “templates for thought structure.”

I had hoped to begin a correspondence and discussion on this subject and my personal philosophical views, but such seems to be a taboo subject in the free world in 2004/5. That atmosphere along with the ever looming intellectual property thieves, has rendered such exchange nearly impossible in the modern day. Laughably, some of the greatest minds and most ground breaking ideas were published in times and political atmospheres where the ruling class could simply just take you away if they so pleased. The political atmosphere of today is a façade in that respect. Freedoms are touted everywhere, but people live in fear. Even in fear of simply expressing their personal views.

Ironically, it is my opinion that such social oppression is directly as result of the culmination and partial use/misuse/misinterpretation of classic philosophical writings- those earliest of “thought templates” included. Some of those misuses/misinterpretations seem very much unintentional, and other of which seem to be used to perpetuate a rat feeder mentality. The “cumulative psyche” having a complex (through such layers of influence as those many “templates”) though quite simple aspect as result of the “learned structures” of thought. I am of the belief (as any would know through reading my other writings) in an “eternal source,” an influence on everything imaginable, and beyond. It is omnipotent, omnipresent and permeating. It is that which supports existence. An intangible substance and body in a consistent pattern of “movement,” emanation. It is why all things are the way that they are, through Proximity Gestation (the natural pattern) and through the given paths that have been imposed on it within our existence and those structures, metaphysically and physically. Truth of such is everywhere. Our existence as emulation. Our technology as emulation. The thought in your mind. We, in fact are proof of such a body of influence, albeit that I feel we are intermediate and intrusive upon the natural co-existence and interaction of it and all else. Evidence of such, being how much farther we as a species move away from our own existence and connection with it, with the further that we claim to progress. Creating a distance between ourselves and it…. Very much imposing such filtration as those structures upon ourselves. Even creating more of said filtration with the continued progress of technology. Doing this with just about everything that we “create” (having found inspiration for such creations from it’s influence), and filling the ensuing void with those things, including those “learned structures of thought.” All of it then acting as an inhibiting filter within the natural relationship with that effect of Proximity Gestation.

I am to explore these aspects farther and in more detail regarding my observations and various things that I perceive to have developed.

Firstly I would encourage any that wish to experience the effect of Proximity Gestation in a real time sense, to attend the performance of a stringed quartet. Such is a living illustration of the process that is Proximity Gestation, and the interactive exchange between that “Eternal Source,” the process of Proximity Gestation and all else that is of the substance within such a performance. It is very much an example of the “emulation” aspect as well. In a larger sense for an example, any performance of an orchestra will serve the same ends, though much more diverse and containing more elements. Within such, is the example of that inhibiting aspect. Being the human element of solidification in a sense. The documentation and recording of that transition becoming very much a limiter to the process. It can be nothing more than the notes on the page from the time it is rendered as such.

To further illustrate this point I will immediately cite the melancholy humor of the statement of “Mans Quest For Free Thought.” As I have stated, such a quest very much results in the imposed limitations and even imprisonment of our minds through the formation of patterns of perception and the continued oppression of the mind with more regulation in such structures as they are introduced into that stream of “thought.” The more that we learn in such a manner, the more that we add “to be learned” in such a manner, the less capacity for free thought that we have, of our own design in the emulation of those larger influences. Essentially moving farther from such a “goal” with each perceived progression. As if to purposefully limit the potentially infinite (our minds) and label it achievement in the pursuit of “free thought.”

It would seem more the inversion- achieving such limits so as to produce the illusion of the freedom of thought.

Such limits and foundations of many of the given structures, begin with “learning to think, learning to learn.” Especially before the realization and exploration of self, in my opinion. Such should strike anyone as preposterous, especially when considered with the goal of “free thought,” much less the very real aspect that our entire existences and reality are the substance of what amounts to a series and variations of series, of said type of imposed structures.

It would seem that we have “learned ourselves into a corner,” so to say. “Thought” ourselves a wonderful living tomb full of most anything we can think of….except the ability of “free thought.” This from the very perspective put forward in the effort to attain it.

Following are some notes of mine on the works of several philosophers. I include these notes as supportive of my concept, Proximity Gestation;

Descartes; Meditation I- Concerning things of which we may doubt, in reference to the fifth paragraph- “Waking Moments and Dreaming.

I would now like to explore the origins of our perceptions a bit more. Is our perception really from “within our bodies?” Directly as from “stimuli” and our interaction? Could our perceptions actually originate somewhere else? Such as the place that our very essence originates? Transferred to, and through us?

In regard to “understanding” and “sense of connection,” might such feelings arise in those given moments of familiarity even with someone we have only just met, be due to the mutual contact of respective “essence’s?” And the varying levels of such feelings- due to the proximity of the essence’s with one another in “that other place?” Could this have to do with the level of understanding between two or more people? Our minds activity not being that of “thought” per say, but more that of a means of access to where we actually “think?” A complicated control panel that is operated between ourselves and that “Eternal Source” in a remote fashion? A thought not being a “thought,” but an instant request and reception of information? Particular in some extent, to the “frequencies” of our personal being and essence within that eternal body of “essence?” Envision, in a metaphysical sense, the indescribable beauty of being so familiar with another person that your individual essence’s, melded though still retained themselves. To feel, really feel the thought of a companion. To be known in ways that are hard to imagine…. To know in ways that are hard to imagine…the given structure of a personal reality perspective.

Through our direction and existence, such an accomplishment seems as though it is moving directly away in regard to possibility. Simultaneously, it would seem that society and our physical world are more and more striving to emulate such a phenomena in technological developments and “advances.”

Descartes- Meditations, First Philosophy. 9th paragraph, in reference to the existence of an eternal being;

If there is no “eternal being”- influence, then why do we strive for consistency? Betterment? And conversely, ease of living and even some destructive life styles? As it is that we seem to be pre disposed to such? If there is NO eternal influence, all then is most assuredly and certainly random and chaotic, which isn’t the case. How then have we achieved such order in existence? The consistent direction of our “progress” is far too consistent for all to be of a random order. Simply, with that, there is an “Eternal Influence” over, through, around, of our very lives. That “Eternal Source” is very much relevant to the process of Proximity Gestation. Proximity Gestation being of both; a.- in relation to placement within that larger, consistent body of “frequencies (for the purpose of illustration),” and b.- the proximity to other, more physical influences/elements in our reality. So in that, it is that Proximity Gestation isn’t just in reference to the physical realm, and isn’t solely a “product” of random placement.

Even within the most apparently un-learned people, there were and are undeniable consistencies. In that realization I venture that our attempts at structuring the mind (whether consciously attempted or not) are again, nothing more than involuntary emulations of the presiding and eternal influence that has molded our existence from the beginnings through the process of Proximity Gestation. Even the most primitive of humans and creatures is formed in a “structured thought pattern,” due to their particular relation because of “elemental content” as result of Proximity Gestation, (and I believe) positioning with that “eternal influence.” You can see here, a bit of the “weave” that I am attempting to illustrate. Proximity Gestation is an on going series of various relationships…. With various placements… pertaining to physical and metaphysical substances and their interaction…. The dynamic of consistency and inconsistency producing a larger consistency.

Any that can acknowledge the underlying consistencies within species in general, can attest to my belief that such an influence as that “Eternal source” is the source of our consistency and existence….through the process of Proximity Gestation….. the interacting with it through ourselves and natural surroundings….. and even further through interacting with it through what we perceive as progress. I believe that it is quite consistent and moves, undulates- in a manner that has produced a metaphysical “spiral” within our “everything.” The way that our societies and technologies have progressed… our thoughts and perceptions…. all due very much to this consistent movement and it’s effect through Proximity Gestation.

We can do what we will with our existences and “realities” only to an extent, and even that “extent” is because we as creatures (all species) are somewhat of a trespass. We… our reality…. Is between the one and the other. When we are gone, it will continue. As will the process of Proximity Gestation.

Descartes- Supplementary passages “Space and Bodies”- meditation VI

Flame? Body? While flame is known (more categorized) as a process, in relation to existence and in a metaphysical sense there must be more to it. Humans are, and always have been mesmerized by flames. There must be more significance regarding flames. It isn’t solid, liquid, physically measurable (as length/breadth, depth). It is as if it is “between here and there.” An “inter-dimensional breach” so to speak. Scientifically we know that it utilizes as much air/oxygen as it does the physical thing that it is burning. It pulls the gaseous fuel into it. In my opinion, it is an example of Proximity Gestation in real time, as well.

Is there another thing which has such qualities as are unique in that respect? My answer is yes;

-Human, cognitive thought. The ability to acknowledge, conceptualize.
-Mercury, liquid metal.
-Prime Numbers (though this is of human origin as a form of language)
-The Process of Proximity Gestation, itself.

Mercury is another “real time” example of the process of Proximity Gestation, though it is in different ways than the other examples I have posed. In my opinion it is more in the physical realm while flame is more in that “other” in very subtle differences- within that place of “between here and there.” Mercury as I’m sure you know, is a liquid metal that begins to evaporate around 70* degrees (F) and boils at 675* degrees(F). In a gaseous state it is colorless and odorless. It sports the weight of metal and the physical fluidity of liquid. It separates in accordance to the laws of physics- equally.. without any sort of prejudice, and it seems to gravitate toward a circular/domed shape of uniformity in our atmosphere.

When quickly examining these substances comparatively, the amazing ability of the human thought process (including emotion) is the only thing of humans that shares such characteristics as are evident in the other three “substances” provided as example. I would go even farther and say, that the fewer and less “thought pattern structures” imposed on a given subject (person/group), the greater would be rendered the similarities in practical function(as well as in a metaphysical sense), pertaining to functionality and “process.”

A flame is very similar to thought in substance. It usually produces something, as flame produces heat. And it is just as intangible, changing, fluctuating. Both can be quite fleeting.

The similarities of thought and mercury in a metaphysical sense, are quite obvious though differing from those similarities between flame and thought. We as creatures, when struck with the inspiration of thought, tend to accommodate said influence in a similar manner to the physical traits of mercury reacting to a given influence. The given inspiration creates reaction in thoughts- seemingly sporadic though limited in some ways, with the laws of “action/reaction,” it would appear. This “limitation” even being further inhibited with the presence of “learned thought process.” This process giving rise to “droplets/beads” of “idea” strewn throughout the area of the mind(most times within a given “structure”). This area being very distinct in those which have been exposed to “learned, structured patterns of thought.” In some instances even having several “areas” depending on the number of “patterns” which have been assumed. This seems to happen in accordance to a metaphysical “mass and velocity” reaction as it were, of the moment of inspiration (object of inspiration), and the human essence- through the medium of cognitive thought (this process itself, being yet another example of Proximity Gestation). All of those “droplets” instantly being uniform in shape, though perhaps differing in size and “placement” through out the field of thought- again in relation to the subject matter/influence, the formation of the existing pattern of structured thought, and the predisposition in regard to Proximity Gestation. The ability to acknowledge all and/or individually those “droplets,” is again due to the pre-imposed structure of thought pattern regulating the individual thought process. In a larger sense, the placement of such droplets in a cumulative respect – may give insight into individual perception of reality. This is to say that through the “structuring of thought,” there seem to be particular points of focus within those structures. A “cloth pattern” for the mind and process of thought, that is the result of centuries and repeated introduction of various “systems” and patterns of learning/thinking.

The more solidified such structures become, and the fewer of the varied “cumulative” results resulting from their given “reactions” and containment due to those structures, when combined through out “history” that manifest in reality/humans- the fewer then are the moments of actual inspiration that there are. This as such “droplets” progressively have less “area” in which to be “placed.” When an individual finds such a “droplet” beyond their given “structure,” if they have the insight and self with which to address it, it can prove to be a very un-ending source of inspiration. One “bead” of thought leading again to another, beyond it and so forth. Then given the aspects of such, can again be combined quite uniformly. Resulting there-in, more thought. This is really no more complicated than the idea of “thought then leading to more thought.”- although a person must first get beyond the density of said structured patterns of thought process. Given that I would site such a task as being impossible, as an ultimate truth in our existence, a person must then consider how best to be rid of the majority of what has been imposed. And even in doing such consciously, you have again set yourself in a negative direction in regard to your goal through again conforming to a set pattern and derived direction of thinking.

I have found the most success there-in through simply living my life without regard to such.

Consider that a vehicle doesn’t lead with the front bumper, the engine, the headlights, the hood ornament, the grill, the antenna, the gas tank, the windshield or any other part of it. It leads with the driver, the pilot. More precisely it leads with the thoughts, mind and action of the driver. Most times with the thoughts and actions that aren’t conscious thought. Even without being acknowledged, such thoughts are immeasurably ahead of the vehicle.

Such can be utilized in any facet of life and seems to be in an increasingly lesser degree. Many opting, most without even their knowledge, to exist within a pre programmed environment. Giving themselves to the emulation of Proximity Gestation, that is our media and it’s effects on the social climate.

“To paint into the canvass.” We are capable of vision in three dimensions though we seldom acknowledge it. Why then do we not only settle for, but opt to exist in essence and thought in a far more confined capacity? Especially given the unlimited (save for our own, self imposed limitations) potential of our thought and interaction of essence and that “Eternal Source” through the process of Proximity Gestation? All that a person need do to see the potential of such interaction, is look to where the emulations of it have manifested in our reality; “Radio…. Internet….The discovery of Prime Numbers…” Even speech and understanding are nothing more than emulation of the larger mechanisms at work…. The swell in your chest when your lover smiles…. The ticket printer in a restaurant…. The telephone…..historical philosophical works…..

In my opinion, these things are all manifestations/emulations of consistent metaphysical workings and interactions (however subconscious that they may be) with that “Eternal source,” of that “Eternal source,” and due to that “Eternal source” through the process of Proximity Gestation. Our existence within it and simultaneously between it and all else at any given time through the effect of Proximity Gestation, are as a result of said, due to “action/reaction,” “imprint,” “metaphysical displacement,” and very early on- things that were stumbled upon due to the implementation of pre-conceived “thought structures” and the results of those mentioned interacting in the workings of the Proximity Gestation process. Though as with anything, their over saturation and use becomes a detriment.

Many poets have compared our lives with a flame. A fire. I can see where much of that has remained topically perceived. With the raw uniqueness of what it is that a flame is, I find it to be very similar in regard to that mysterious property and trait of our essence, monad. I don’t necessarily feel that “heat” is prerequisite or even a part of what I am illustrating, but more the characteristics of flame in our physical realm and how I perceive the “essence/monad” of man. This isn’t in reference to color, span, duration or even size. Simply that area seemingly suspended, in which flame manifests.

I feel that it is a close visual representation of a substance that is intangible and even difficult to envision.

Similarly… Lightning….would it, that lightning could be sustained in that very instant that it manifested itself in our reality. It might even be a portal in a metaphysical sense to a greater or lesser degree.

Should it occur that we could ever suspend that instant in which it manifests, I believe that it could be an unlimited source of energy- self perpetuating and maintained in volume through volume of usage. Un-ending, provided it were used.

I see this as very similar to our reality and interaction with that “Eternal Source.” The less that we use it, the less that it manifest’s itself in our capacity and existence. The less it is present in the process of Proximity Gestation. This giving us a progressive impression of a “finite realm,” disturbed only with the occasional “lightning bolt” of inspiration and substance for/of essence.

Given the consistencies over all of emulations, such could be a perpetual, ever existing and accessible means for metaphysical sustenance. Even for those within “firm” structures of mind. An amplified emulation/version of that “Eternal source” that would interact in a conducive manner within any of the existing “set structures”/combinations of them and those that would arise in the future course of existence. This emulation of source being amplified enough to permeate those structures without necessarily damaging the attributes of them… nor harming the attributes of those that most consistently maintain our reality.

Constant “fresh air” in the intellectual/metaphysical “tombs” we have set our existence in and inadvertently/progressively removed ourselves from the level of interaction with that source, which is essential to sustain existence in a manner which isn’t digressive. Instead of being “structuring” and “further structuring” the mind (to a fault), it would act as a type of conduit/plumbing for the distribution of that “Eternal Source” through a form of Proximity Gestation which is much similar to the effected signal of a musical recording. Those structures becoming more an “effects unit processor” for that “signal,” than a hard line structuring for thought patterns. This would be achieved through establishing a means with which to “re-establish” our connection with it. By passing the detrimental effects of the admittedly necessary “imposed thought pattern structures.” This allowing for the infinite source of existence to again play it’s “symphony” through the effect of Proximity Gestation, unchecked with the imposed/established structures of thought, in full within the structures of our existence. To sum this, it would be the use of established structures as adjustable timbre’ on the consistent “signal” through employing them in measure through out the effect and process of Proximity Gestation. Thus removing the constrictive elements of such intellectual/self imposed progress which equates to “distance removed” from that source. The more we “progressed” would no longer be a detriment to that connection which we need as we now systematically remove ourselves farther from it with each perceived progression.

In a different description; We essentially augment the flow (how ever limited) of that source, within the process of Proximity Gestation, through the conduit/filtration of our “history/progress/string of reality,” which now is simply “dripping”(if that) into the structures that our progress has imposed on ourselves…. This combined with a direct “plumb” of that natural flow, in it’s natural cycle of influence through that process of Proximity Gestation. Simply, as a metaphor, we “mix” and regulate the “signals” as in a live musical performance. There would be no more need to maintain a desolate, near stagnating plateau of existence/reality out of concern for the loss of that connection and source.

Should such a metaphysical/social mechanism be achieved, those imposed structures would no longer be seen as a form of confinement or limitations of access to that source, but would there-in be able to serve better the purpose(s) I feel that were intended of them- a place of culmination, enlightenment and insight… even inspiration given new life to their desolate landscapes and seemingly trite elements.

This concept is much like dealing with the problem of an over processed signal in the audio realm. If you send an analog signal through too much processing, too many paths and equipment, you lose quality of that signal and at times even all of that signal. If you record that signal time and again, from itself… to then reintroduce it in the “path” of signal, you again lose quality each time that you reproduce that signal. It dissipates. It dwindles. This is a similar effect to what is happening in our metaphysical world and our reality.

The digital realm has achieved the ability to reproduce a signal in multitudes without such generation loss, but those reproductions are void of substance/essence.

What I am exploring in this area, is no more complicated than the use of an “auxiliary send” in re-introducing that source signal from very near it’s origin, with the “effected signal” which is within our normal existence in the modern day. Each existing “structure” still lending the design of it’s effect to the perceived outcome of that structures part in our reality. Thus highlighting the beauty of the original signal with the intended effects of those structures instead of stifling and limiting the existence and effect of their result. From a different perspective, I propose that what already exists in regard to those structures, is no where near getting the level of “power flow” for them to operate sufficiently if it were that they were designed to use electricity for their function.

It isn’t “tracking,” or “overdubbing” that I propose. It is allowing the origin signal(s), to be re-introduced through lesser effected channels. Still allowing for the intended effects of the desired structures along the way…. And further allowing for a better culminated view of the existing threads of such structures. Giving more and more ease of option in the desired combinations of said structures, as well. Thus providing for a more efficient “freedom of thought”(through use of those thought structures/filters) through highlighting/magnifying our natural (relatively un-effected) connection with that “Eternal source.” Re-introducing a bit more of the lost human element we have ‘educated” ourselves out of. Utilizing the individuals capacity that has been un-used and the individuals naturally occurring connection (how ever slight) with that “eternal source,” how ever removed it may seem. Turning those existing, normal, stagnant, mundane little “droplets,” into vibrant, more potent little points of substance.

To further illustrate the gist of what I perceive as the effect of these existing structures and patterns of thought on the human and our reality, consider please the elements within something such as a “poetry slam.” A group oration of several different poets exhibiting their works.

Firstly, it is another “real time” example of the process of Proximity Gestation. Within that, it will serve to give example of the effect from these existing/learned structures of processing thought.

Within such an event as a “Poetry slam,” an oratorical review of several different artists and their works, there are several contributing factors within the process of Proximity Gestation;

-The Different Artists
-Their respective works
-Their particular influences from life (including the structures of thought from their existence), rendering in part;
-their individual perspective
-Their presence, disposition, “individualism”
-The “quality” rendering within their oration/presentation

-The People in Attendance
-Their particular influences from life (including the structures of thought from their existence), rendering in part
-their individual perspective
-Their presence, disposition, “individualism”
-Their motive (reason for attending)

When considering all of this, it is quite exiting to speculate about all of the possible results within such a situation in regard to the process and effect of Proximity Gestation.

With each orator, there is a multitude of possible results that are not only immediate, but ongoing, from the moment of inception/conception of the social, metaphysical, intellectual intercourse which is that exchange.

With considering the effect of the group of orators in the same respect, as a singular body of influence…. A person can see the larger workings of the more subtle elements within Proximity Gestation. The “multitude” of possibilities, then becomes arguably infinite in regard to results from the “conception of that social intercourse,” the “gestation period” how ever long or short, and within that gestation period, the attributes due to the effect of existing structures within each individual in attendance- who is now digesting and gestating the effect and combination between themselves and as many of those “Artists” as they had experienced in that series of orators, as well as influence derived from others in that audience within that time frame.

It is multi-leveled, multi-faceted in regard to influential elements and potentials for out come. Each individual orator and each individual in attendance. Each combination of each individual orator and each individual in attendance. The group of orators and each individual in attendance. The individual orator and the group in attendance. Then there are various sub-groupings of interests, subject matter, the order of exposure…. On ad infinitum.

Some people within the audience will leave being moved and inspired… perhaps even to some immediate work of their own….. some will leave in the same manner…. not really to find any immediate productivity/inspiration, but perhaps will find some moment of enlightenment later in time…. Maybe even not being able to attribute it to that initial point of inception….. some of the Artist’s may find immediate inspiration as well…. Some may never even consider it consciously…. And again, some may find some moment of rapture in the future which stems from the cumulative experiences in such inspirational (though seemingly mundane) moments. All within the process of Proximity Gestation. All due as much to the presence of learned patterns of thought, as is what is never realized from their imposed structures of thinking…. The natural process of Proximity Gestation being the mechanism.

This process and phenomena is very much an endangered element of existence. There are still people that attend such a function as is given for example, but due to the over saturation and over imposed levels of such structures….. humans are essentially “digressing,” de-evolving from the direction of realizing the human potential in that incredible capacity of cognitive thought.

To not only see in three dimensions, but ‘perceive,’ exist and REALIZE three dimensions. Moving without movement or destruction, our perception of our reality, again to that point of newness and wonderment a person can see in the first works of ancient philosophers for example. Even given that those works are very much the type of ‘structures’ that I am referring to. To be able to bridge that area of exchange that cheats us with each addition of such advance, through utilizing it as a cage within our thought process, as much as a form of enlightenment. In that, giving life to the more desirable workings of those structures where it seems that many think them to be intended as firm boundaries and cold, hard lines. I see many of them to be a type of ‘show for the sense” yet un-realized.

From my observations and vantage, we have been building a “mechanism” through the centuries of additions to/of such structures, that we as of yet, haven’t even considered actually turning on. The initial and original source being far too subtle to “power all of the bells and whistles” which have been so carefully wrought in most cases. In my opinion, we have a meticulously constructed a “canal” for the substance of existence (being that eternal source) which is our existence, cumulatively in succession from as far back as we had begun. It has come into existence very much because of our interaction with that “Eternal Source” and within the reoccurring/ongoing process of Proximity Gestation. Further in my opinion, it sits collecting cob webs and flowing at only a trickle (if at all in some cases).

It is the ship with which we travel in our every moment. It is fully equipped. It has an eternal source of propulsion, and all that we seem to do with it, is float without direction when we could be clipping along full sail, beaming with every moment. We squabble over scraps that may be stumbled upon, when we could be supping the result of a type of productivity that few seemingly can even imagine….never even acknowledging such a capacity while even denying it’s use and potential.

To truly live every moment! To truly perceive! To sail on the winds of the un-imaginable into the inconceivable! Plotting our course and mapping along the way. Such, in my opinion is very much our charge. Our responsibility to existence. Our duty. Least we insult our very selves mortally and eternally.

I have heard some refer to points in our history, and history itself as if it were dead. As if those points of inspiration are somehow without life. I see it more “that all of the ‘Christmas lights’ to date are hung and at the ready”- those points of inspiration are no more dead than are light bulbs without a connected circuit. We simply have yet to really let them shine and to see it all as it is.

The beauty in where we stand is in the ability to discern those paths and series of structures that should be lit and flowing with that “Eternal source”- to see in all manners the different perspectives that may be viewed.

From my perspective such as those series of structures, are very much the conduit, housing and effects on that which transpires and corresponds within our reality between ourselves, our individual existence and that ‘Eternal Source.’ In a cumulative sense, such maintains our perspectives and perceptions of reality in conjunction with the firmness of contradictions.

What I am attempting to illustrate here, is the difference between black and white television and color. A.M. radio and quadraphonic stereo. Acoustic Folk music and Dylan. The separate pieces of a much larger thing, sitting dormant in a museum somewhere, and the magnificence of all of those pieces put together in the multiple ways in which they fit and are meant to perform…. As we use them to lead the way and continue to boldly sow the seeds of inspiration…. That we may all continue to exist in the noblest of ways, and avoid the stagnant demise of scurvy stricken rodents and dogs.

Ab Initio,
Aequo Animo,
Ab Imo Pectore,

Ab Ovo Usque ad Mala,
De bono et Malo,

Valeat Quantum Volere Potest.

Res Ipsa Loquitur!

We must wake to our every moment.

Those things of that nature, from our history are just that and should never be ‘in front’ of us again. Such is a part of what we owe those that have bravely and steadily set our course to the present. To squander their toils…… to use them for anything except ‘onward’ is to insult them and ourselves, again beyond description.

To allow ourselves and even purposefully choose to repeat sicknesses weathered and conquered from our history, is detestable at least and worth mention only that we may keep such from happening.

Though it is, in my opinion that each of those introduced structures from each of those periods in history are from a few people observing… and those few people corresponding respectively with each of their contributions and then again physically exchanging with one another (again illustrating the effects of Proximity Gestation), I believe that it is those people and their “more in tune” positions/connections with that “Eternal Source” within their given proximity, which resulted in their different perspectives and further allowed and provided for the different elements of inspiration with which to construct those different area’s of structure, respectively. I do not believe that those given individuals were meant to remain as the “conduit/connection” with that “Eternal Source” through their work…and in respect to the “piece” that they constructed. I see them more as the “umbilical cord” between their body of work (the structure) and that “Eternal source” while the work was being put into place AND set forward as “understood” in various ways. It seems that in many respects, we are still depending upon that aspect of “their connection” with the work(s) to “power” and supply those points within their work with the substance of that “Eternal Source,” and further within that- to sustain our metaphysical existence while here in the now- within that “new construction area” expecting said signal to nourish us.

I contend that the original authors metaphysical connection with their respective works, was simply to serve the purpose of sustaining it until it became stable. I don’t believe them to have been intended to remain the permanent “metaphysical path.” The “works” themselves when viewed as an entirety, seem to possess the capacity (whether intended or not) to function as a sort of linear “tunnel ram” that can be experienced sectionally as well. As if they where intended to have that capacity… to be able to employ each individually and in various combinations…. Each (and each combination) yielding a different (how ever subtle) effect on the structuring of the thought process.

The culmination of such works, in their various combinations (to this point) in humanity….with their augmentations and modifications on principal inspiration… are surely capable (and in need of in my opinion) of more capacity in the “pounds per square inch” area of “signal” that isn’t attainable through the “umbilical chord” connection of each of them. Their works are the substance of/and structure-some of the man made things that “effect” through the process of Proximity Gestation. In turn, our existence maintains those structures from generation to generation… most times without even the use of study…. which is something I am to address further, at a later point in this body of work. This effect being a product of Proximity Gestation, as well.

I can envision an immense “pipeline” through/of history in regard to such magnificent works, with which to bring forth that “Eternal source” for our needs metaphysically and otherwise, through use in various combinations. In such a manner, how can anyone hesitate with uncertainty about “ever forward?” This isn’t to say that those “points of light” of today should be set aside- but to the contrary, they should have their place in the continuation of that “canal,” as should those in that “now” moment with them.

Given that everything we are is a culmination of everything we as a species have ever been, in multitudes of combinations set upon very few (in comparison) “points of source” near the “core,” it is that our existence now should serve to essentially “mix” that “signal” of such culmination and further do so through acknowledging and employing the process of Proximity Gestation…. With and through both our digested perception it (them) and our perception/substance of our current existence AND the product of our interaction with that “Eternal Source.” It is really no more complicated than attention to thought, intent, meaning (i.e. acknowledging beauty), and simply living our life (lives). Applying such disposition, without complications, within our own lives…..whether you are a “World Leader (which seems a position that such would already be of large import),” a “stable boy,” a “pimp,” a “door man.”

For example, I will site the fact that many have attempted to apply and employ the works of Nietzsche in their lives, particularly “Beyond Good and Evil.” It is that many attempt to adhere to those writings as a direction in life. In my opinion such an attempt is mistakenly so as no one can actually adhere to it that consciously attempt it. From the instant a person allows their “will” to be distracted with his “direction,” that person has failed to fulfill the goal of which is the subject matter there-in. It seems that much of it is written from simple observation of what is attained through simply living. Other than the drivel about “superiorities,” the timbre’ that appears is being depicted is that of an “off angled” view of a “zen existence.” It is laced with arrogance which I believe serves to disguise the similarities between his “gist” and “zen” in an attempt to “cause,” “mechanically produce” a “zen-like” existence. Through attempting to adhere to such direction, a person is forsaking the very metaphysical elements which are needed to attain that type of enlightenment, as well as distracting themselves from their own natural direction in actually fulfilling the “goal” of living in such a manner…..

You cannot forcibly create a “zen” atmosphere type of existence for yourself. Efforts in that manner are in fact 9within my opinion) a type of “metaphysical anti-matter” unto the very state of existence that you claim to seek in yourself. That isn’t to say that a person could not acknowledge such as they may see it exist and it doesn’t mean that such existence is un-attainable once you have witnessed it…know of it. Simply, I feel that such a “zen” is what could be filling a person’s life if they weren’t worried about the state of “zen” that they may see in others. Further in my opinion, through attention to a person’s own existence, with a harmonious intent in regard to their existence (will), and little if any regard to the respect of “zen” being the goal… that person one day may observe that they had it all along and most prominently when that person was not set on attaining it.

There are those that misconstrue this to try and justify a lack of caring in their lives. Those are the same type of people that thrash about for some sort of sympathy in a place within existence where they can only help themselves.

From a proper perspective in my opinion, what I see as the attainable path of “intent” is quite to the contrary.

It is about caring in a way that is “from you” without preconceived notions. Much of it emitting from the type of caring in the average day…..intangible, without measure, un-noticed. The only way to attain such a level of existence is without trying to. I will add as observation, that such is yet again a manifestation of interaction with that “Eternal Source” through the process of Proximity Gestation…. Though without a conscious effort. It is also a direct emulation of the “metaphysical movements” there-in.. while being related directly to individual “frequency response.” Anything else in that equation including the disruptions of the process are as result of those imposed structures… perhaps to the degree of a non-harmonious combination of them.

In many ways we are born into the world in a “zen” state of existence. Many quickly finding their way from it through greed, lust of power, blind commitment to such “structures” of thought without grasping of their substance. In an amusing/anecdotal observation with a ring of truth to it, I would say that one of the only places Nietzsche’s “Will to Power/Beyond Good and Evil” even seem to actually function to any level of harmony is in the “parent-child” relationship. Placing the child in the role of “Noble” in respect to those writings, yields an interesting perspective and potential out come.

Through further considering such an example through the course of living, and seasons of change developing there-in… it gains yet again a spiraling effect with kaleidoscoping qualities with/and several rotations of a “role reversing” aspect.

Again, such is (as observation) only attainable to those that observe it and never retainable while bombarded with the attempt to achieve it.

In many ways it is as though Nietzsche presented a “different philosophy of life” unto the world as much as simply observed what is. I suspect from having read the work, that perhaps he even played a bit of a practical joke on those type of people that would be drawn to the aspects of self centered, arrogant existence in the ways put forward in his writings. The overtones of arrogance and the ever false promise of fulfillment through forms of greed, dangle prominently throughout “Will to Power/Beyond Good and Evil.”

In my opinion Nietzsche’s real contribution to the world may just have been a brilliant hell with which to stoke the flames of discontent and the type of torment that comes with the ignorance of greed and selfish existence. Those type of people seeing a haven in the “familiar” tones, but finding the reoccurring torment and hell of not only a lack of fulfillment, but the emptiness of spent existence in pursuit of something entirely unattainable in the direction provided there-in, as well.

Envision the ever growing hell and torment of yourself and your every failed effort to “gain,” with each attempt in the manner that Nietzsche has put forward in “Will to Power/Beyond Good and Evil?” To begin is to fail. To concede is to fail. To actually attain something (how ever slight) is to fail, having expended much more in the effort than is achieved. ANY conscious attempt and ANY result, regardless of it’s direction there-in, is to fail. “Metaphysical Chinese Finger Cuffs” so to speak. An unbelievably simple (having been rendered through observation) metaphysical “slip knot.” Those concerned with such conscious effort for what ever reason are truly a detriment to themselves. A wonderfully constructed, metaphysical contraption- drawing those with caustic intent for society into the hell of themselves. Unfortunately I might add, anyone else that they can mislead. Though, I believe that if those having been mislead simply return to their own path of existence they may slip that noose…but surely there would be consequences in relation to their earlier actions…while those truly of those personal traits will still remain ensnared…. And mostly through their own malicious intent (and of course the fear of having exposed their true nature).

Those truly of “Nobility” need not such bravado as is put forward in “Will to Power/Beyond Good and Evil,” nor is it in my belief that true “Nobility” possess many (if any) of the detrimental traits depicted in that body of work. I would site the existence of our society in support of that statement… I would even venture to say that any “Nobility” from our past that exhibited such traits were those that found themselves on the garbage heap of “Natural Selection” as well as in those areas of prosperity where it is that they met demise.

I see Nietzsche’s “Will to Power/Beyond Good and Evil” as a type of rodent trap quite simply, which yields a very pronounced “thumb on the nose” from eternity to any that truly seek it’s employ(for the very reasons that it describes). From another perspective, I can see it as a tool for observation…. But again, I feel that any who may consciously seek to fulfill such writ, are immediately at a loss…and maybe such is part of the “over-all” exercise” within those works for the purpose of self discovery.

One can only hope that any endeavoring in that direction make such personal discoveries before they have done any “imprisoning” damage or even worse. To attempt perfection for the purpose of perfection is un-attainable.

Perhaps metaphorically, such as would result from the attempt to consciously apply the stance put forward in that body of work, can be described as the “metaphysical burn” in the similarity of our substance with a flame, as would result from mishandled fire. It is easy to see the attempt from Nietzsche (whether purposeful or not) to an emulation of the larger workings within the process of Proximity Gestation…. More to the effect of a description from observation, cloaked with human arrogance, of it’s process and workings.

Descartes has written about “the soul moving the body.” I personally feel that our “essence” is a type of extension of that “Eternal Source.” I hesitate to say “a piece of it,” because I feel that it isn’t divisible as such though we as individuals correspond directly to certain elements within the larger body of that “Eternal Source.” This in respect to that which is harmonious with our individual metaphysical attributes which in turn are as result of things such as (though in no way limited to) proximity during conception, proximity of that proximity during conception in regard to it’s placement within the larger consistency of that “Eternal Source” and it’s resonation(s), proximity during gestation, proximity at birth….. Please do not confuse this with astrology. Astrology is very limited in respect to the concept I am attempting to convey. Astrology sets it’s measure on what amounts to nothing more than a set of traffic lights. The constellations are only a visible piece- even a distraction in this area from the point that I am illustrating. We as creatures have set so much in them only because they are visible and readily accessible when really they are no more in the workings than are we… simply products wrought of that influence, though contributing products we be. I do point out that their (the constellations) existence and consistency supports the idea of an “Eternal Source” and the concept of Proximity Gestation… and the consistency of movement there in supports the over all consistency I have noted.

When a person says “I was born under ‘Orion’…” it is usually used no farther than such a reference as if said constellations were ‘source’ when they are really only things that convey, as are we, the effects of that “Eternal Influence.” To focus on them as “source” is to confine ourselves un necessarily (beyond the human need for comfort).

To continue with the subject of essence and to address a part of our thought process which I call “interactive connectivity, I will site that from my vantage through observation, experience and study I can confidently say that in my belief there exists a direct correspondence for each of our existences within the body of that eternal, omni present source. More than an imprint… I see it as much of an extension of ourselves as we are of it. I would even go so far as to say that my belief is that our brains “activity” is only indicative of instant reception and transmission- exchanges and interaction with our corresponding “extension” within that “Eternal Source.” To speak in a bold manner, I believe that there is little of any actual thought that transpires within the confines of our physical brain/skull. Our brain is only a portal. A transducer of sorts. Our mind is actually as infinite in capacity as is our ability for this actual “thought process” in my belief, and the efficiency of interaction between ourselves, our corresponding placement within it and that “Eternal Source.”

The tendency is to envision some “far off place” that this exchange happens with. Such isn’t my belief and again mostly derived from observation of so much consistency and even consistency in contradictions, experience and study….

The modern “wireless computer” can easily be sited as example in being yet another “emulation,” and further utilized in support of this concept. It is (in my belief) that the given example is quite different in respect to the fact that a computer has definite points/places that processing takes place and information is stored…this beyond the obvious fact that the computer is far more limited. Such limitations are not the case with “interactive connectivity,” in my opinion. That is to say, there aren’t such limitations with the human interaction with that “Eternal Source” through the process of Proximity Gestation, naturally in real time. I will however, site the similarities I see between those “imposed structures” of learning/thinking and the characteristics of computers. I see those similarities as an extreme example pertaining to such limitations on thought.

In Descartes time, it was argued that the soul moved/effected the body from movement of the “peneal gland.”

I contend that our essence flows freely and immeasurably between our conscious existence, our unconscious existence, our metaphysical “effect” and our corresponding placement within that “Eternal Source,” instantaneously and perpetually throughout our existence…rendering the effect and result of the process of Proximity Gestation at those levels which we call “thought” and “idea,” and “perception.” Functions of the mind. It is my belief this existing movement and flow… such metaphysical correspondence, are what results in the illusion of what we call thought- augmented and implemented through the series of what ever structures we may have been exposed to (learned)- thus manifesting as our personality as well, among other things.

The importance of that “Eternal Source” and our individual essence can be illustrated through another example of technology albeit through the use of contradictory elements;

While it is not yet possible (and I think that it never will be, and will never be needed) to transplant a living brain from one human (living creature) to another, it is very possible to replace/transplant a circuit board from one computer into another. The computer is a non-living emulation of existence where we (and living creatures) are- or more have the capacity to actually be connected with that “Eternal Source.” I would even argue that such connection is unavoidable as a living creature to one extent or another (as I have basically illustrated in Graph 1).

While it is possible to sustain the life of a human (living creatures brain) artificially, perhaps even indefinitely, I don’t see the possibility to transfer any given “brains” connectivity to any other regardless even, of how physically “perfect” the similarities between the prospective examples may be. The “metaphysical terrain” of any given examples existence would be impossible to reproduce, in my opinion. I do however, believe that “inter-metaphysical” communication may someday be quite possible, but probably not before human realization of the futility within certain endeavors such as greed, lust of power/control.

I see that realization happening (if ever) in a similar manner as I have described the realization concerning Nietzsche’s “Will to Power/Beyond Good and Evil.”

It seems through my observation of consistencies and consistencies of occurrence- that humans will only find the true abilities said to be “godly” when they/we cease to aspire to such. It seems as if the manifestation of our existence is still very similar to that of a spoiled child or a confused early teen. Wanton, rebellious, uncertain, even fear-full of existence. Compromising the possibilities in exchange for frivolous, trinket-like compensation (condonement). Even damaging what have been hard won, established attempts at “maturity” in that respect, with various means (most being as frivolous as the desired result). All it would seem, with hopes of someday leading existence with various emulations of the existence as emulation- which our human manifestation here, is….. placing ourselves farther into the dilemma of sustaining our life source, while insisting on further separation from it through what we call progress. …demanding ourselves be announced as “self sufficient,” autonomous, autocratic- “Godlike,” when we have yet to really understand the slightest of it all. Most times cowering at even the thought of an omni-present, “Eternal Source” while insisting we embody such magnitude ourselves. In effect- denying our own claims to greatness in the very same breath that we issue them.

Descartes spoke of “the soul being connected to the whole body,” and that it “exercises it’s functions more particularly in the brain and heart.” Sighting the “brain” because of it’s connectivity with the other organs and the “heart” because of “passions.” Beautifully poetic, I must say…especially regarding the “passions.” I personally tend to romanticize in similar manners as well, as is our tendency I believe…and is in my belief due to such influence from that “Eternal Source” through the process of Proximity Gestation and the structures of which I have been exposed in my life time.

I am compelled to draw from this a question with which to bedevil myself until I have satisfied my query with my own response and/or discovery. Why do feelings of passion and emotion seem to occur within the heart/chest? Why not the foot? Or thigh? Even the butt cheek? Why not the liver? The stomach? The sexual organs? The brain alone? Why doesn’t this type of reaction surface in the big toe of one person, and the ear lobe of another? Even further, in the left calf on one occasion and the right eye lid on another? Such feelings are innate. They aren’t learned and therefore aren’t placed as result of any learned structure.

If there isn’t a single source of our life “essence,” how then is it that we all experience the same series and placement of the manifestation of such things as passion, emotions?

Given…. Other “thoughts” can be attached to such happenings per individual and even per occurrence, but how then to explain such an undeniable connection and consistency? Is it simply as result of the physical aspect an proximity of stimulation in/of the mind within areas that relate to the chest/heart? Even in that, how then such consistency yet again and even further being manifest in our physical existence?

There are those that feel we should “un-learn” our emotions. In what sense can something be “un-learned” that was never learned to begin with?

What of the emotions in a communicative sense regarding our relationship/connection with that “Eternal Source?”

What of the very real possibility of language being little more than an extension into our reality, of said feelings/emotions which actually originate ‘somewhere else?’ Without emotion/feelings… would there ever have been need for language?

From the very first grunt in approval, to the very first moan in pain…. Language having been derived to address the subtleties of emotion and emotional exchange…. In every instant? Much the same as mathematics being a language derived to suit the needs of it’s use, respectively.

Then, I must consider the aspects of perceived progress becoming detrimental to our very existence…. What correlation in that relation, applies in this area?

Given my belief in a connection to said “Eternal Source,” a larger influence on everything, I then must believe that such a source experiences very similar “metaphysical movement” as is emotion.

I then must deduce that what I feel when ‘moved’ is at best, miniscule comparatively to/in that ”Eternal Source”- and through that must realize that experiencing the level of “joy,” for instance, that must occur in an infinite measure there-in, would be euphoric at least, as unimaginable as that may seem.

Is it, as yet another rhetorical question, that such forms of ‘emotional movement’ are a form of communication within itself? A very young and as of yet quite new, within it’s development through the process of Proximity Gestation, area for growth?

I think it quite possible that such ‘movement’ is/are the beginnings of means with which to communicate on levels that we have as of yet failed to explore or even acknowledge. To speak volumes to one another’s ‘essence’ instantly- through what is now the feeling of happiness, sorrow, disdain, displeasure….. on and so forth. To be more precise, through what such feelings ‘once were’ from a future perspective.

It seems very much a natural progression from the knowledge which that initial communication is, as result of such metaphysical movements.

If there is no “Eternal Influence,” there would have been no “action” for the “reaction” that is our existence to take place.

If there were no “Eternal Influence/source of life,” there would be no emotion and most certainly there would be no consistency at the level of which it quite obviously exists.

With no emotion, there would have been no need for communication/language of any sort.

There would have been no progress.

Seeing the direction and ill position which that “progress” has brought us to- being the precarious position of losing that life source through the congestion of perceived progress, it would explain (though quite topically) the origins of the human “reaction” in that situation and statement of “There is no Eternal Source.” That aversion at times even violent to the prospect of a larger influence on everything (usually in the form of “God”)……whether such was intentional or as a natural (primal type) of response/course of reaction similar to the thrashing around of someone drowning or suffocating. The panic of that instant(itself being a form of separation anxiety- due to the loss of interaction and connectivity) giving rise to even such an absurd notion as denying a larger source… itself being similar to the useless flailing of a drowning persons feet.

In the direction of “No Eternal Source,” I think the drowning person analogy could be extended given the similarity in that the effects of drowning- that panic- is soon replaced with a calm in submitting to it which would relate in this comparison with the apparent calm given in the belief of “No Eternal source.” None knowing that as in the manner of the unconscious drowning person, that ‘calm’ is leading no-where except demise.

Should it be that everyone on the planet gained such a belief as “No Eternal source of Life,” something similar would surely ensue on a much larger scale as well.

Yet another example in support of such an influence is the human tendency to attempt ‘ascension’ in various ways…. yet another involuntary manifestation of the emulations I have noted though many times it is carried out without insight into the deeper meaning of such a station. Very much an innate need for that connectivity. Most times even demanding false authorities of the type that don’t exist in that which is being emulated (this being a product of the human influence- such as those structures- within the process of Proximity Gestation) and further it being that many times the emulator holds no belief of what they are emulating to begin with. Even more, not knowing that they are in fact, emulating something.

The proper direction of course in my opinion, is to again examine and acknowledge that “Eternal Influence” as it is, and is perceived in our modern day in various forms…. As well to acknowledge and explore the process and effects of Proximity Gestation. I feel that this should be done through the use of things such as Philosophy, and even Theology. Mapping the movements of it and the effects of such flailing interacting with it, through the use of Sociology.

In order to remedy the detrimental situation and effect of progress becoming a harmful distance, I believe that we should address it from anew. Setting aside ‘momentarily’ that which we have already established in regard to it for the purpose of establishing that “inlet” I have already described.

I can see where many would become defensive to such a potential direction and needlessly from what I can see- being that many would fear some “new” religion. In my opinion that would be a mistake to implement in that regard- where I feel the more positive results toward rectifying the impasse, would be through Philosophy. Perhaps as far as even establishing another “city of minds” as if none had ever existed. Writing and expressing views and resulting proofs as if no one had before. This giving the natural process of Proximity Gestation the ability to fully function in regard to the effect from the individual perspective through it’s process…. Meaning that no opinion wrought in our today will be the same as any that has been wrought from the past…. Should the situation be addressed in a manner that doesn’t introduce the existing, constrictive structures.

I am sure that simply as a matter of coincidence (and there-in demonstrating the level of consistencies I have noted) there will be some similarities in and of many different previous views…. But the potential to be gained from this method would far out weigh the similarities through that overall consistency, which would arise…. Being the finding of newer, fresh perspective.

I do believe that this should be implemented in a manner that I believe would produce the most desired effect… that being multi-leveled in regard to use of some with an extensive knowledge of philosophical history (though disregarding it, as I have stated), those with a moderate level of knowledge there-in, those with hardly any scope of even the concept of Philosophy and of course those that have no idea what so ever. All addressing existence from a Philosophical point of view and exploration.

In my opinion there is no real need to acknowledge the history of philosophy for the purpose of this endeavor, as further in my belief, it is already innately a part of everyone and anyone that can grasp this concept or not. The idea isn’t to re-examine existence as has been, but to examine from our “right here and now,” in the spirit and method of the great and even not so great philosophers from our history. As if we were beginning the idea of Philosophy now. There is nothing to be lost in such an endeavor. Only the insured continuation of our very existence and the insured connectivity to that which sustains us, to be gained.

The mistake that I feel is of the common method of compensating progress is that it is a “band aid for a laceration” type of remedy. It is most common as introducing ‘a’ person with a lesser/different amount of said structuring into a situation/metaphysical area that has been ‘structured’ to a fault. Nearly stagnant. An area such as the supposed ‘leading edge’ of humanity for instance, where the greater danger lies in being severed entirely from that “Eternal Source” through “progress.” The idea is that something like this process introduces contained “injections” of new inspiration- providing a fleeting contact in a larger volume with that “Eternal Source” through the process of “acclimatizing” the ‘subject’ to the more structured area/environment.

The larger mistake in this tactic, in my opinion, is in failing to recognize and acknowledge that process which is Proximity Gestation. In that, failing to maximize efficiency while promoting waste.

As a personal observation, this tactic has most times been employed using those subjects with the type of personality that said “Eternal” wouldn’t embarrass an ass with.

The concept that I have in mind is to utilize some of those with a bit more on the ball… no personal ‘agenda’ other than a genuine interest in something and the ability to address such subject matter as is within the realm of philosophy beyond the level of pop music song lyrics…. This for the purpose of laying the ground work through their contributions in said “city of minds” and thus sowing the seeds of inspiration for future generations.

From my humble observations, such a ‘stitch and pattern” may very well benefit the ‘weave’ that is human existence and reality. If my initial predictions are correct (as I feel that they may be), it should alleviate through ways that I have described, the strangulation of humanity (inspiration, existence) from the reckless production and misuse of technology and the repetitious elements within that ‘cannibalistic’ cycle. Leaving such abuses to perish of their own hand when fueled through inconsiderate self servitude and greed. It is my belief that such abuses could not support themselves. Placing them within a check and balance quite naturally.

Examining this element of capacity, interactive connectivity and use of, leads me further into examining the proofs existent within our reality of the process of Proximity Gestation and that “Eternal Source.”

The Latin term “A Priori” is frequently used in much Philosophical writing as a means to describe the type of knowledge that a person possess’ before knowledge that is of “A Posteriori” which is said to be derived from experience. In exploring and acknowledging “a priori” knowledge, a person has to see-even in the limited sense it is usually referred to- supports the idea that our ‘thought process’ actually happens outside of our physical being however you may envision that at this time. It further supports the existence of the process of Proximity Gestation in demonstrating the fact that such a type of knowledge isn’t stationary or set firm in quantity and quality.

In order for creatures to have ‘a priori’ knowledge- innate knowledge- there must be a larger source and a connectivity with it. Such isn’t the issue that I want to address at the moment, though the idea of such a source is part of what I am to explore in the next few lines.

The term and functional meaning of ‘a priori’ gives insight into connectivity with a larger source. It’s use has usually been in the direction of referring to a percentage of ‘thought substance’ which may be contained within our existence before gaining thought substance through experience. What then is to say that such ‘a priori’ (and very possibly much more), isn’t really contained within our physical body- but is actually attained through interaction with that “Eternal Source?” Interaction which isn’t voluntary in the least. Each thought, each discovery that we make- is as result and simultaneously cause of such interaction. The activity within our brain that is measurable through technological means, being indicative of such a type of transference as apposed to indicating the mechanical workings of our brain.

The very used term ‘a priori’ and that which it is in reference to supports this, though the popular perception in it’s use falls short of it’s depth of meaning within the logically sound argument I have put forward. It is similar to the example of looking to the constellations as source…. True, it is part of a sequence, but I would argue just that…. Only a part and nowhere near as limited or confined as is set forward in the perceived meaning with the standard use of that term. It is the deeper meaning and beyond it, that I endeavor to examine. In considering this, it shifts- more extends the meaning of ‘a posteriori’ as well…. Meaning that it could now be perceived as indicating “the knowledge that a person discovers of their existence, through the interaction of themselves with that “Eternal Source,” experiences of the senses and various other influences through the process of Proximity Gestation.

Kant referred to “a priori” knowledge as “empirical knowledge,” I suppose party because it seems that such is procured in an “empirical fashion.” With the new insight of my thoughts and theory, I can see where such a notion is quite logically incorrect. I contend that such knowledge as is seen to be that of the “empirical” sort, cannot all be “empirical”- ‘a posteriori.’ I would even argue that very little is actually procured in such a manner- ‘implied – imposed’ upon our existence. Most knowledge that is seen as such, I contend is actually already more a part of the version of “a priori” that I have described- simply unfolding to us through out our existence based upon the nearly unlimited combinations of stimulation and interaction between and through said connectivity with ourselves, “given situation/Proximity” and that “Eternal source.”

Especially in our modern day, very little could be considered ‘procured’ knowledge in regard to the near boundless amount that we have manifested here in our reality in various forms. Books, stories, photographs…on and so forth. Given that we know of ‘a priori’ knowledge, whether you agree with my views or not- you must concede that all we know here- in this realm of our reality, was actually of and stemmed from that “Eternal Source” in it’s origins- before it was our knowledge- which means, in effect that it is still ‘a priori’ knowledge. Someone simply put time into capturing it… placing it in the current form of it’s manifestation according to the various variables of the time that it was ‘procured’ and set into the form in which it can still be referenced time and again, here and now…in books, paintings on and so forth….

In some ways the only ‘a posteriori’ knowledge to be attained are the effects and result of the combinations of the various structures that we have imposed on our minds, as they (It as a body) interact and move through the process’ I have described….. there is a large percent of ‘a priori’ knowledge contained in any individuals work and existence, the rest of a given substance percent should be seen as product from the effect of various influences and how they were “processed,” digested through the given individual and the described connectivity (a priori) that they possess and exhibit.

Where I feel that our society has mistaken is in looking to such examples of ‘captured’ a priori as if they were that “Eternal Source” instead of just an interpretation of it through the process I have described…. Then further in building upon those examples too far…removing society from immediate connectivity with each generation of such use. In my opinion that ‘Eternal Source’ is ever changing though perhaps too large for our ‘time frame’ to notice. It is as infinite as infinity (to be redundant).

I believe such ‘captured’ information is as much and even more to demonstrate the use of our individual connectivity as it is to serve in a dictatorial fashion. We as creatures have simply as of yet, failed to progress to a suitable level for such to become the case. Always falling back to the dictatorial use.

I believe that there is as much societal structure to be gained through new lucidity due to the exercise of connectivity, as was/is there to be gained from rigid, dictatorial script and imposed structures of thought. Instead of imposing (injecting) the controlled chaos of something like L.S.D. into the rigid structures of a stagnating society for the purpose of some semblance of reprieve, I think we are of the capacity to implement something near what I have described through the use of connectivity and lucidity. Thus producing without harm to any previous existence, new perspectives, perceptions, ideas and possibilities.

When I examine this type of subject matter, the idea of a ‘finite source/world’ is as senseless to me as demonstrating jealousy of disproving such ‘finite opinion’ through the destruction of a small snowman placed where no one else has placed one before. Adorned with things that no one else has ever used as decoration before. The action of a small snowman on the globe of a statue is itself subtle proof that the idea of a finite realm is easily refuted.

The information and substance that we have captured and manifested here is in no way all that there is though certain imposed structures of thought would have a person think that such was the case. In fact… if addressed in a manner that is conducive to the production of and existence of all that existing information….. through the process I have described, in recognizing and employing it… that existing information can in turn serve to illuminate other, as of yet discovered “beads” of inspiration…. Further, it can all be used to sow new seeds of inspiration as well.

Ironically, many of those proponents if a “finite realm” opinion, seem to have no trouble what so ever with creating waste product that has half lives of millions of years. If humanity manages to last that long it will be forced to deal with the non-biodegradable waste that those supposedly concerned with a finite realm, just happen to overlook as they produce it. Such hypocrisy leads me to believe that their stance is purely self serving in the effect of maintaining some façade of control. A standard like that is more than likely a resonation of the misinterpretation of something such as Nietzsche’s “Will to Power/Beyond Good and Evil.” More even the continued futility of trying to implement it, there again failing with the attentions being more focused on depriving someone else than on fulfilling their own existence.

Perhaps such action is due to what appears to be a diminishing cycle within a philosophy as “…beyond Good and Evil.” Repeated failure reducing the person to “one speed” which more than not becomes malice fueled with discontent. Perhaps, in some cases even resulting with acts such as murder driven with that history of failures, malice and the blindness to their own misconception, a lack of understanding. This without even considering their movement away from ‘connectivity’ with the implementation of misconceived direction…. Having trapped themselves in a part of reality that mandates (through their choice in ‘following’) the promotion of the already manifested works as a form of boundary, insisting it be seen as an unsurpassable source. I believe it would be hard pressed for anything to be more wrong or mistaken.

Examining that aspect leads me to realize that those misconceptions actually are acting as a corrosive element to the third degree of civilization…. As Tracy has described in a review of “The Spirit of Laws.” Within his review, to paraphrase his description he notes that the first degree of civilization as being founded on human vengeance… the second degree of civilization as being founded on religious vengeance with the beginnings of understanding, and the third degree of civilization as being founded on realization and philosophy… a greater understanding. With the treating of philosophical works as if they were religious text… un-approachable and sacred, is in effect an immediate violation of the spirit of Philosophy. To apply any Philosophical work in a religious context… unchangeable, unapproachable…. Is an area in which I can see a problematic result likening to those I have described. In perspective, it is laying the rigid structures of the second degree of civilization and the barbarism of the first degree of civilization onto the potential of the third degree of civilization.

The word wrong is a strong word, but I do feel that is applicable here. The misstep in my opinion, is as I have described and I see it as wrong for various reasons- the first being the overwhelming proofs to the contrary of such regimented timbre in addressing the “third degree of civilization” being fruitful as can be seen in our world everyday. Such proofs tell me that those works which have been manifested in our reality, didn’t necessarily capture and solidify anything within that “Eternal Source” …and especially to any degree that would mandate such strict adherence to them (again this being directly contradictory to the spirit of Philosophy). I feel that they are more to the effect of having only captured a particular instance in the movement of incalculable combinations.
From my perspective, it seems that those of that particular mindset of applying such structure and rigidity into works of the third degree of civilization tend to see their given source of inspiration and the people/person that manifested it in our reality as if they were in the process of making a very old photograph… as if their connectivity were with a ‘solid source’ and they simply kept the aperture open for long moments to capture the impression they seem to think is without motion, change, advance, life of itself.

My perception of those works is more to the effect that they are snap shots with very high speed film. Snap shots of what amounts to an instant in the moving pattern of an unimaginable process. A process of which I have begun to describe and that we as creatures emulate daily. Proximity Gestation.

Oddly enough it appears that many of these same type of people/dispositions, are those who seem to want to force a humanity of ‘one race’ consisting of identical individual units (units being people in this instance). Even further it seems that they don’t care which way that they get there. As if they will force their beliefs to be truth even in the face of everything else indicating otherwise.
What I have found about my own beliefs pertaining to that subject, is that similar to the eco system…and very much in the manner I have described regarding Proximity Gestation….. variations are needed for all to survive.

What I have found about my own beliefs pertaining to ‘a priori’ and ‘a posteriori’ knowledge recently, is that “a posteriori” knowledge should be used for the purpose of inspiring and uncovering “a priori” knowledge within a person/people that said “a posteriori” knowledge has been exposed to. This through personal connectivity, personal perspective due to the effects I have described, and that influence serving as the source of connection between the stimulated “a priori” and the “a posteriori” knowledge. The only time I can discern when those “a posteriori” sources would be problematic is in the event of the perceivers lack of personal connectivity with that “Eternal Source,” understanding. More further a lack of the acknowledgment of said… confining their perception within the existing imposed learning structures and the information example. Then beyond those problematic aspects from my perspective, is the fact that the technological interference of our modern day plays into the detrimental aspects of those lacks.

Another aspect of the “un-truths” I find with the “finite” opinion is if it were that all is ‘finite,’ we should then be able to actually measure something such as “a priori” knowledge… the given dimensions of the metaphysical realm. Then, within the attitude of ‘finite’ existence becomes the over implementation of thought structures in our societies…driven beyond the use of organized thought….there in being a progression un-checked… ever adding to the complexity of those existing, over used structures. Confining itself even further which to me seems needless and futile…as in my opinion there need be no structure forced upon that “Eternal Source,” as a given structure already exists (obviously) with an order of magnitude we could never really understand….. and further in my opinion we would do better and benefit as the wiser to more ‘harmonize’ with it instead of our present direction of trying to wall it in with the continued over use of such structuring.

Perhaps it is that most don’t even realize the effect that they are producing through continuing with such patterns…and not acknowledging the emulations those actions are of the larger workings…. In a few words we would have to be able to recognize the inward pressure being created, before we could change it.

If a person considers it removed from those structures… it is as if we are trying to seal it ‘out’ of our existence. I can see where the development of such structured thought was (and is) not only inevitable, but very important to the existence of our species. I simply think we should be able to utilize them and see them as tools…… no longer the rigid, unconscious “programs” of our existence. Such structures are quite vital as even our most basic of amenities would never have come to pass without such structuring.. even in it’s very rudimentary form… much less our architecture, medicine…. And so forth.

In my observation, it is the continued development of even more confining structures and the confining use of the existing ones that is the problem… especially within that “third degree of civilization.” There really is no reason for that direction to have to continue in our modern existence. As I have stated, we as creatures have developed sufficient capacity to now view such substance and structures as tools…. No longer dictation. There is no longer a need for such developments to correspond with physical changes in our reality…. Granted that within that concept is a certain amount of rigidity in coming to such realizations…but as I have stated.. that bit of rigidity is necessary at the core elements of that relationship.

I don’t believe that we need to solidify our essence more, as we continue to progress. I don’t believe that we need to solidify our patterns of thought more, in that progress either. I do believe that the direction is in realizing the potential for our capacity beyond such structures… lucid existence so to speak…. Realization of the “interactive connectivity” aspects of our ‘thought process’ and working to develop that capacity. Recognizing the natural occurring (and changing) patterns within the process of Proximity Gestation…. and flowing with it/them….

I believe that we actually need to promote more malleability and flexibility in order to proceed and progress in a stable manner. The majority of our thought, connectivity, existence, reality and societies need that flexibility to exist and function efficiently and with substance to a greater or lesser degree… in my humble opinion. This being true times over at the fringes of those examples through out different societies….

Though it may be that we can exist like the tines on the gears of a clock at the cores of our societies/thoughts/existences, that rigidity no longer will suffice in our everyday further from the core areas and elements..... In other words, at this point I would propose the mandatory preservation of what could be considered the remaining unstructured areas of our metaphysical existence. Our thought patterns, that is to say…. And other areas in relation to the metaphysical aspects of existence… I would go further in mandating that no philosophical work be allowed to solidify there-in… as if it were holy writ. We are living creatures and such access and availability for involvement is necessary, even vital to both our existence and progress.

Kant’s “Transcendental Doctrine” is a very good example of the type of structuring that I am describing. This work, from my personal perspective appears to be an attempt to create a sort of “plumbing” of sorts….. metaphysically for knowledge (a priori), something that is understood to be innate. The elements of said structuring are very readily visible within the first few paragraphs. Further in this document he states that “Time cannot be outwardly intuited, any more than space can be intuited as something in us.” This statement, is again indicative of the odd direction of such endeavors. It is also curious from the standpoint of insight into the time and perhaps even the disposition metaphysically of Kant.

It speaks of boundary and limitation and so through the most surprising medium for such which is the idea itself of metaphysical exploration… an immediate though functioning contradiction to the very endeavor.

As I write this, I am now in the year 2004. It is entirely unavoidable that this work has not influenced my life with it’s resonations (at least) somewhere along my existence. This happening even without my knowledge.

I personally am of the belief that the capacity for thought is infinite (especially in conjunction with my theories of interactive connectivity)- thus, space is quite readily intuited in myself and with much ease.

When I consider this difference it sets in my mind various possibilities of “shape” in such motion of progression(s). Firstly I find more support of my opinion of such movement being an elongated spiral consisting of parabolic cycles and hyperbolic existences within it, and it again within another. I find as well, possibilities of insight into the mindset of the day- and more particularly of the given area (proximity) from whence Kant lived and existed. From such a statement and so early on in “metaphysical explorations,” a person cannot help but to see the firm structure of thought within the individual himself.

Is it that he was in the process of breaking his own mental boundaries while simultaneously establishing a consistent platform from which to “think” in examining this subject matter? As if he were ignorant of things metaphysically that I have found in my experience as a granted element of existence… very much “a priori” in the sense that those such as Kant intended. This would mean that “a priori” knowledge is not only without a quantitative element, but with the capacity for growth (and conversely loss) through generations. This undoubtedly supports the idea of connectivity with an “Eternal Source” and even further supports the idea of thought being more the ‘connectivity interaction’ I have described than a physical process in a persons brain. This also corroborates the idea that what is seen as “a posteriori” knowledge in one persons existence, may very well be part of ‘a priori’ knowledge in some future generation. This happening without the “empirical procurement” of said knowledge…. And yet even further supports the statement of no longer needing to introduce “thought structures” or even furthering those that exist with modifications.

It sets up an interesting dynamic to view within the mind metaphorically, to say the least…..

In Kant’s life time, it was normal for a person to begin study of such subjects in their early teens. In our modern day, having the benefit of those centuries and such transcendental factors… a person doesn’t even consider such studies (if at all) until their early/middle twenties. Immediately this indicates to me both a growth and a decline in what is seen as our progress, simultaneously. It indicates as well, that such abundance of ‘a priori’ knowledge wasn’t available in that era.

On a sarcastic observation; It is that there is more available without effort to even the most loathsome degenerates in our time (2004/2005), than there was to the most committed of pupils in the 1600’s. Why is it that we not only lack in such greatness as were achievements from those centuries, but seem to fear them? Most all being ‘pre-equipped’ to excel in this existence and to accommodate such achievements within societies collective ‘metaphysical sphere.”

Such realizations are mind boggling before realizing how logical such occurrence (or non occurrence) is with the motion through generations of “pre-existing” knowledge. Especially with the ‘matter of fact-ly’ attentions given to those early works of structure.

This gives new insight into the perceived problem of separation through knowledge, from that “Eternal Source.” My first impression is that such an abundance of ‘a priori’ knowledge has displaced the more refined ‘rawness’ of that “Eternal Source.” It has become a buffer through said structures as it has accumulated. Thus giving some the perception of a finite realm through said abundance of ‘a priori’ knowledge being all that they ‘see’ in a metaphysical sense, and all that some ever know.

Speaking from my personal perspective, that body of ‘a priori’ knowledge seems very much part of the body of that “Eternal Source” with no firm boundaries that I can discern, but again that perspective may be due to that displacement factor. I see it as moving with a trickling ebb and flow, seemingly representative of our reality in shape/structure- loosely within that “Eternal source”… as a mis-colored and multicolored patch would appear on an unimaginably large cloth while retaining within it’s structure the characteristics of something such as mercury/flame…. Entirely permeated with that “Eternal Source,” though again through ourselves and existence acting as a filter. I see it as changing as do we metaphysically, and growing as I believe does that body of ‘a priori’ knowledge.

Some would argue that such (our mind and connectivity/Eternal Source) could be regarded as a “fourth dimension.” In such a statement, I would contend as well that the womb be included in that grouping of ‘fourth dimension.’ Particularly in light of the apparent continuation and cyclical movement of ‘a posteriori’ and ‘a priori’ knowledge.

The womb (as is our brain) is within a finite physical space, but is neither in our reality or out of it. It is very much connected to the metaphysical through the mind and thoughts (interactive connectivity/connectivity exchange) of the host.

Considering that, it is possible to say that the only influence readily on the mind and essence of a developing fetus is that of the metaphysical realm (save for the dietary intake and mood of the host). It is very much neither here nor there, suspended. Perhaps even subject to metaphysical influence of the sire as well through attentions from the host and of course from that life giving, fertilizing element.

As a musing- It may be said that in a metaphorical that the growing body of our “cycling knowledge” could be compared to a developing fetus… suspended as happens… within that Eternal source….. yet another dimension of it’s own beyond our possible fourth dimension. It could even be said that our metaphysical realm and connectivity exist mainly for the task of bringing forward new lives.. each laced with glimmering areas of new potential and inspiration woven into the metaphysical body of what we already are… fueled with pickles and ice cream, of course!
As I consider this angle further and then place it within the workings in a larger sense, I have to consider that such ‘structuring of thought’ began and was diligently carried out simply as a natural course… instinctual. Unique within humans due largely to the capacity for cognitive thought and it’s interaction with that instinct (‘instinct’ due to that connectivity with said Eternal Source and with different levels individually due to Proximity Gestation- see graph 1). Self perpetuating from the earliest formative patterns derived from hunger, need for shelter/safety, the inclination to breed and procreate. Initial thought structures again being shaped because of proximity within that Eternal Influence and placement in our physical realm. That thought structure then imprinting as a culmination within that Eternal Source (displacement).. thus beginning the cyclical movement of knowledge through generations. Those structures modifying through generations as more of the source information was introduced, digested through existence and ‘interactive connectivity,’ and then expressed…learned....re-introduced to the metaphysical realm through collective exposure…. Then again mingling at the fringes with that Eternal Source only to be re-introduced again most likely in part with much other substance… then again through development-influenced with said structures/series of structures… then re-introduced… on and so forth….. a metaphysical eco-system as it were and another example of the process of Proximity Gestation. The solidity of our reality growing and changing with the growth and realization of the metaphysical realm in a process similar to what I have described. Mingling with, and reacting to that Eternal source through the displacement of it while intercoursing with it and mixing… though still retaining a certain form, in and of itself….and further growing in relation to a collective, perceived reality. The development of the yolk within the egg, though more permeable and infinitely vast.

In regard to the effects of those “patterns of structure” in thought…. I realize that to further exemplify my gist… I will site that I personally have experienced the detrimental effects of it (them) many times in my life, as have any that have found themselves in the task of writing from their own perspective… if not creatively. It is most commonly referred to as “writers block.” I find that most times when I experience it, I may still be in the process of digesting the subject matter… that which I am/may be exploring mentally, metaphysically….then as well… perhaps it is that writers block is indicative of one of the more contained – “airless” in a metaphysical sense, areas of “interactive connectivity.” While there is much to consider in the recent comparisons and sited consistencies here-in… I tend to believe that the subject matter would lead me further to inspiration when pondering it. The comparisons, consistencies and vastness of their realizations are of a considerable magnitude, though quite natural and logical in my opinion… which is both why I support the idea of growth in the pre-existing knowledge “cache” and why I feel that I am not overwhelmed within the process of considering it (this subject matter). Much of it I can recall having seen from different perspectives my entire, conscious life… until recently I just didn’t care to endeavor in the area of a more in depth- written recorded exploration. I really saw it very much as “every day” considerations…. I hardly ever even discussed such subject matter beyond topical considerations (however more or less than average that they may have been).
In the previous passage… I note that I have in fact displayed the effect and process of Proximity Gestation… being that I found myself at a loss for direction momentarily….. I found myself experiencing writers block in having lost my train of thought…. I find further that I have always employed that process when faced with similar situations. Basically, in regard to this type of instance… I begin to employ the process through addressing the “block” itself… as if it were the subject matter…. As it is in many ways attached, for that moment at least…. Soon, within that process I usually find that my train of thought returns… even more inspired at times….. which brings me to thoughts of that emulation which is itself a cumulative monster that we call modern technology… and the unsettling effects that most any given part of that body must have on such a process as Proximity Gestation.

The “frequency” interference alone is enough to give a person deeper pause. Then the aspects of the manipulation of perspectives, perceptions and those established thought structures should even invoke further concern.

Much of it is “two dimensional” information… which gives rise to consideration of such bombardment being much of the reason that most people seem to be (function) as two dimensional in our three dimensional world, realm of existence. Then further I consider the effect of this on those thought structures alone, most having been created/derived and implemented particularly in and for our three dimensional existence through our very natural and human interactive connectivity.

It leads me to believe that much of the constraints which seem to be of the most concern, may just arise from over-saturation of that two dimension perception, and then the effects of that result and saturation metaphysically upon our existence and interactive connectivity.

Envision already rigid structures in a three dimensional realm and capacity being forced into a two dimensional realm and capacity. Then consider the perception of the resulting product to be seen as a/the “source.”

Just as horrifying is the prospect of such information sources (our modern media, television, computers and so forth) becoming consistently three dimensional. The disconcerting elements from my perspective aren’t necessarily that such a transition could ever “take over,” as no matter how complex it all gets it is still emulation. What concerns me given the obvious consistencies within existence, is the effect of such on our very source of existence and our interaction with that source. Even more, it isn’t so much the use of something knowledgably for the purpose of enhancement, but as has been consistent within the technological realm it is the premature implementation of those efforts through arrogance, greed, lust of power on and so forth.

We have as of yet not accomplished certain tasks within our connectivity interaction… ourselves as humans, as was meant to be in my belief…. And are already abandoning our very lives blindly to premature, hasty direction. To employ an emulation of our existence as dictation to ourselves concerning existence, is lunacy. Full blown, it would probably result in nothing short of species annihilation.

I definitely see such two dimensional interference as the largest problem concerning our existence, it’s stagnation and the unreasonable fear of moving forward in/with existence and our potential….. in more ways than simply the progress-separation dichotomy. It seems that dependence on the “two dimensional” is very much the damaging, destructive and inhibiting factor of our natural course of existence…. With the effect result of a large nuclear weapon being detonated over a long period of time, if you can imagine that. Simultaneously eroding our substance while inhibiting our development. Anti-matter so to speak. Self imposed anti-matter that we continue to increase dependence on without regard for it’s effect on our existence. In a different phrase… the “bottle neck” is it’s own problem and perpetuation. Further this tells me that humans have come to rely on technology as the source for progress… and perceived progress. It is very much the ‘measure’ of the day whether it is actual progress or not. In many instances it is regarded as the source for inspiration of progress as well at times even directly copying the former… forgoing the pattern of emulation for the most part and replacing it with duplication. Essentially reproducing a given example/area/effect with some slight modification and implementing it as ‘new progress.’

This is indicative of the distance between the emulation that we are, the emulation of our interpretation that is technology, and that very source that sustains existence.

I believe that much of the current problems have arisen from yet another layer of emulation that doesn’t seem to be considered- that being technology emulating technology… but as is apparent (as it is emulation imitation emulation), no where near the proper process (as I have described) that has yielded our “well” of growing ‘a priori’ knowledge.

Improvements on a given component for example, through the reproduction of a component with some augmentation, then again in the same way repeated, isn’t really progress. It isn’t really development. It is without any reciprocation elements and is very much the path to stagnation.

I believe such to be a very good example of over standardization as well as a wonderful example of those structured patterns manifesting physically in our world, lending much light to the truth of “E Pluribus Unum” and it’s meaning effect in a social dynamic sense that many do not consider.

Through this exploration of thought it is hard to realize that not only has technology mis-stepped in it’s path…. But has continued to reproduce and amplify that mis-direction. It has missed the substance of life entirely. The true path of it within it’s misdirected and flawed, imitation emulation of emulation.
The demands it seems to make to rule my metaphysical existence are beyond consideration. Firstly, it isn’t capable and as I have pointed out promotes it’s own “diseased” elements as it perpetuates it’s existence. Continuing reproductive practices that liken to cannibals eating of diseased cannibals, and breading with the very same. Beyond that, how could anyone consider a two dimensional contraption as the source of existence?

I must say- entirely as a dark humor, terrifying laugh that such seems to be near a majority percent in 2004.

Could what is lost in such an exchange- self consuming cycle, ever be measured? It is unlikely that those in a two dimensional existence have ever even considered that which they have scarcely even known.

It seems through observation, that from at least the onset of electronic appliances, that those in the forefront of that level of imitation (technological) emulation pattern have set it into motion entirely missing (without regard) the elements of the “metaphysical eco-cycle” aspects of our existence. The very thing that allows for the rejuvenation (progress) of our path of existence through the process of Proximity Gestation and interactive connectivity. The physical manifestation of their imitation emulation resulting much in the same way I described in regard to the example of ‘components.’ This combined with the ‘two dimensional’ confinement of their “source,” results in the stagnation of ‘progress’ and digression of actual progress in society as well as the purely synthetic existence/substance/source that it is and is seen to be.

We as creatures and through our existence still have elements of even the most ancient of “existences” within our collective, growing body of ‘a priori’ knowledge. The technological realm supposedly disposes of out dated equipment-components-technology. We have ‘wiring’ (metaphorically) that is thousands of years old. The first computers and components are no longer even thought of much less in use.
In considering the existence of Prime Numbers, it appears very possible that the real beginning of the “problem” is at or near a point when the “sciences” began ‘of their own,’ having been birthed out of the philosophical realm. In truth, as amazing as prime numbers are, they are but elements of another language- that of mathematics. A man made language put forward at first to help understand and describe much of the consistencies and to explore the process I have now labeled Proximity Gestation. The consistencies of those Prime Numbers being evidence (proof) of the process of Proximity Gestation.

It is my belief that the only reason one was not more readily used to realize the other until my perspective, is due to that “split” in society at the advent of mathematics as ‘science,’ from the original grouping of philosophical exploration of our existence.

I believe that much of the separation I am exploring is due to that point in time as well…. And further at points when it was decided to forgo the philosophical, metaphysical aspects (understanding) of existence in pursuing the immediately more evident results of the language of mathematics (topical, however complex the result), as if they were the answer and source, instead of the man made language and tool for description. Again, we have separated ourselves from the actual meaning with our own search for it. Distanced from understanding in depth with complexity of information/components.

The science of mathematics is incredible… much of it is beyond my immediate recall understanding. I cannot quote for you complex equations or list’s…. but I realize that those equations and list’s are still quite flawed in respect to the fact that physically they are based on happenstance developments in many respects… but even in that randomness of their origins, is again the consistency of the process of Proximity Gestation. The mathematical system that we utilize now, can be described as result of the failings of several others… pertaining to its base, integers, systematic workings, origins….…. Even in that- mathematics (within that example) can still be sited as proof of a growing body of ‘a priori’ knowledge, and the discovery of the phenomenal consistency of prime numbers within it’s workings can be sited as a separated description and mapping as it were, of the ever changing though consistent process of Proximity Gestation.

In a moments thought, I have realized that people are more comfortable in 2004/2005 with subjecting themselves to such limitations as are of the ‘two dimensional’ experience than they are with existing in the three dimensional, quite natural aspect. Many are even fearful for some reason, of our very existence. Such bodes ill for our species, I do think.

Over thousands of years of existence and suddenly we are in fear of existing. Of interacting with one another. Of involvement with one another. Even of acknowledging that “Eternal Source” of existence.

How can anything justify that? Where then did the misconceptions gain such influence? Was it in following the immediate gratification and splendor of realizing success in discovering allusive means with which to describe those consistencies that were themselves, so elusive? Soon replacing the importance of the described with the spectacle of the tool used to describe it? As if the mathematical equation were the ‘truth’ and source, instead of just another means of communicating?
I hesitate to speculate on the eventual result of such a direction. I hope only, in regard to such- that the greatness and brilliance that has been wasn’t simply destined to be firstly, the scapegoat of misconception and further that of blind greed- leading only to it’s ruin and reclaim with all else. Back into nothingness. Leaving the scar of such embarrassment as our mark upon eternity.

In exploring Kant’s “Critique of Pure Reason,” I again see great attempts at implementing a very hard lined structure within an area (the metaphysical) that demands and necessitates motion. He sets standards and claims of measurement of understanding. How so? And why else except structuring, would a person ever hope to put limitations on something like understanding? He goes on to site “This domain is an island, enclosed by nature itself within unalterable limits.” I can only surmise that such is propagated either for specific limitations to become- or from the lack of extent within ‘a priori’ that we have the benefit of (but apparently fear) in our modern day. He continues with christening his limitations as “The Land of Truth.” Again. A limit to truth?

I question this direction even more based on a chide he emits directly following it with “Enchanting Name!” This speaks volumes, quietly of intent. Perhaps even from a personal need to confine such issues. “All else” he states “is of illusion.” From my perspective most everything is actually illusion- begetting truths from the consistencies which arise from cumulative perception. From the body of illusion is knit the realm of reality through ourselves as course of interaction with that “Eternal Source” through the process of Proximity Gestation.

The body of “a priori” knowledge which is ours, is very much directly associated with the stability of our reality and perception. The structures of our thought, which have been set in us through the “metaphysical eco-cycle” and through exposure in learning, of works such as his- are much a part of that stability as well. In some instances to a detrimental fault.

When considering it, many of the older philosophical works could be directly compared with the architecture of the day. Even those of early Greek origin (which can be seen resonating in many of the works from the 1600’s era). The timbre’, décor, meter, cadence, substance….. on and so forth, metaphorically are quit similar. The firmness and stability of carefully hewn stones. The bravado and daring of intricate adornments. The type of greatness embodied within that still resonates today.

When I look at such grand buildings, my inclination isn’t to copy them- to reproduce them or to claim them as from my hand. My reaction is to be inspired. To be moved to my own example of such dedication and perhaps even greatness. Then living my existence beyond said inspiration… through my own path within the ongoing process of Proximity Gestation….and interactive connectivity now imbued with the tones of such inspiration for my own hand to bring forth from my own perspective.

Kant then goes on to equate intuition with “a posteriori/empirical” knowledge. In my opinion, such a series of action is more in line with logical deduction. From my view, intuition is more from “a priori” knowledge and/with that interactive exchange with that Eternal Source/body. Factually my belief is that our “a priori” knowledge is as much a working body as is our “empirical” knowledge. Even interconnecting during our existence every measurable amount of time, and through out that interactive connectivity which is the working essence of our lives/existence.
Even through reading such works, I can’t bring myself to say that the over all intention was purely to limit and confine. I thing that such things were meant to mold and shape for the purpose of efficiency and flow. Ironically from such greatness- the ever occurring metaphysical eco cycle and our growing “a priori” knowledge because of it…. Somewhere along the line it would appear that someone forgot to inform the following generations of that aspect… as the consistent angle from that period on, has kept the tact of adding more limitations (through emulation) and over conformity.

I believe that these and other works were written as much to be challenged as they were to set structures, though it is (in my belief) that such challenge doesn’t necessarily mean destruction. ‘Challenge’ in this sense is much in the direction of ‘digesting’ and then moving as boldly as they in claiming ones own place and direction. Regardless of how lofty that sounds, I mean it to be applied to every level and velocity of existence in the sense of self respect as much as anything.
Though a person may not have ambition beyond being a hot dog vender, such person should challenge these boundaries within their own existence, and there in finding their own truths and establishing their own sense of self and greatness through adding with their lives, the same form of greatness that wrought such works into our reality and thus- metaphysical eco cycle.

To acknowledge that we have been life in a stream of such greatness with respect to it through carrying it on through ourselves, is the least that we can each do. The fear of such is indicative of a lack of understanding and especially a lack of faith and trust in the fact that we each and all have been born into the possibility of greatness. We have the ability to experience it in even the smallest ways, through ourselves.

These structures of thought seem even to try and reach beyond our personal perspectives. Some even seem to attempt organization of our metaphysical existence past that of a certain pattern thought…. Even to the degree of imposing gravity upon our psyche.

Gravity is a contradiction in relation to our metaphysical existence. It may be necessary for physical existence, but I don’t believe that to be true in regard to our ‘interactive connectivity,’ the cerebral space that it occurs in and our metaphysical selves, beyond where we each may personally impose such. Gravity really has little if any actual effect on our psyche - metaphysical existence other than our preconditioned perception. It effects our physical lives anonymously, un-noticed really and without much regard from ourselves. Why then is it that much of that physical perception is transferred into thought? Many have been lead into ‘two dimensional thought’ when quite naturally, I feel it should be boundless in that respect. And as what appears to be matter of course, the ‘idea effect’ of gravity has seemingly applied itself. ‘Two dimensional’ AND ‘Gravity’ where neither should be imposed.

I think about this aspect and it gives a bit more support to the idea of our interactive connectivity being quite important to the stability of our preconceived reality… even our physical surroundings.

The very fact that most people don’t seem to separate their thought process from our surroundings.

This means that in most people the physical characteristics of their immediate influences are transferred into their mind and that given process. It makes the situation more of not existing within something (our reality and surroundings) than it does of what we are in being individuals within the structure of our reality.
If there is no acknowledged separation between our “mind”/perception and our physical surroundings then our mind and it’s process can function as nothing more.
When it is exposed to those “two dimensional” elements of influence (especially for extensive periods – years, decades) this becomes even more problematic… such not only becomes the perceived reality but it also permeates the thought process through that lack of separation between self and surroundings… thus inhibiting further the mental and metaphysical existence of humans.

This brings forward much to think about. In my belief a person must first acknowledge themselves before they can acknowledge reality and really being a part of everything. And even more before they can really know of the workings of life…. That process of Proximity Gestation.

Much in the way (and perhaps the very place of misunderstanding that perpetuates the two dimensional emulation) that there is little acknowledged separation between self and surroundings- there was little acknowledgement between self and those two dimensional sources. Without a firm grasp on ones self, such things permeate and further disrupt the natural course of our relationship with the process of Proximity Gestation and our interactive connectivity.

Without firmly acknowledging ones self as an existing individual- without establishing that difference between ones self and surroundings- a person then is really nothing more than part of that terrain. One can never become part of existence, can never actually move within it, and function within that process of Proximity Gestation and interactive connectivity beyond that which immediately influences them.

Most anything that anyone would find through life without acknowledging that difference, is the sine wave of established consistency that is already- and merely topically. Then is added to that equation the ever growing over exposure of two dimensional versions of that which is already. In a very real sense, a person can never hope to actually become a part of something else- until they have efficiently become themselves as individuals. Such could very well be at the root of many governmental/societal failings- the mis-stepped idea of being without se4lf or individuality. One must first become an individual and ones self before they have anything of substance to contribute. It isn’t possible to “lose ones self” (or gain that, the substance of another) if you have never established “ones self” – your own individual existence – physically, metaphysically… on and so forth.

Our modern day and the over saturation of such two dimensional influences, has made it rather easy to never happen upon the need to acknowledge that difference- your own individualism. This aspect I see as a detrimental bi-product of the advent of such two dimensional influences. With little and/or no distinction between self and surroundings in a “numbed”-empty way, a persons interactive connectivity is very much limited to the transfer of that “lifeless” sine wave. Thus another point of origin for detrimental stagnation.

When a person becomes and acknowledges being of themselves, an individual – they then become part of everything- the flow of life. Such isn’t possible from a two dimensional perspective and lack of self. Such persons, to speak metaphorically… may be able to place themselves as a magnificent stone sculpture through their imagination without ever having been an individual…. But the individual can and is a part of the actual life of said stone sculpture, as well. The flow of it’s origins. The meaning in it’s given shape. Even a part of the drops of sweat that were part if it’s making.

The level of understanding is limited only through the amount of information (substance) when such is perceived from the point of an individual and their process of thought (interactive connectivity).

Putting thought to this, I have to consider that such two dimensional existences/influences become a type of metaphysical static in the body of ‘a priori’ knowledge/Eternal Influence. The interference with that cycle of process for thought and intuition through a type of pollution in that body of substance. Where at one point in time, I can see where individual essences within those bodies of substance were more readily able to interact – thus providing the metaphysical manifestation of a deeper level of communication and understanding within our lives. It seems that such over saturation of those empty two dimensional influences has displaced the given essences from such over saturated interaction – forcing any type of exchange through those limited, destructive two dimensional pathways/meta-techno-physical manifestations within our cumulative body of metaphysical and “a priori” knowledge and substance. As it would seem, even to the point of attempting to be the only path through which a/any person might interact with that “Eternal Source.” Given the path and progression of structures for thought, this is a logical speculation.

Frightening is the aspect of such mangling and loss of substance through being forced through a two dimensional transition…. And then perceived and experienced much in two dimensions…… Just as frightening is the aspect of such being forced upon us.

The more that this becomes normal, the more substance is actually lost and damaged. This indicates that such isn’t just a stagnating direction/cycle – but a negative, destructive direction as well. Anything technological in that sense, that is implemented to perform such tasks purposefully – will still yield the same loss. Existence as extensions of “computer generated frequencies” isn’t possible over even half of the length of time that we have already existed, in my opinion.

The synthetic properties of such direction are not only void of actual substance but lack the capacity to keep from losing and destroying what once was substance – then being nothing but empty information. An inaccurate, artificial emulation of an emulations emulation so to speak, forced into and through a two dimensional designation. Such is wholly and entirely counterproductive to existence as well as “progress.”

Whether a person believes in “God” or not – that person still must admit that the energy for our existence came/comes from somewhere. I propose that, that which effects us (as I have stated and described) is a large, consistent and perpetual body of “frequencies (for purpose of illustration),” which may even manifest (being omni present) as nothing more than a small breeze that you feel when someone passes near you – and within that small breeze (and all else) contains our concept of infinity. Such cannot be perfectly and purposefully (much less accurately) emulated. Even further less in a two dimensional format.

My concepts and opinions have been bolstered recently with the theft of my personal writings… my journals… notes. A wonderfully bitter compliment. Such gives me confidence in my insights and opinions. Such oppositions speak volumes pertaining to the soundness of my explorations.

Within the “nothing” that is “everything” – being that “Eternal Source” – there are contradictions which support truth and reality. Contradictions which seem to be between the truths (as per our collective perception with that interactive connectivity) and the “nothing-emptiness” which are the untruths.

A person can find such “un-truths” through their life – as if in pockets/bubbles within reality (with corresponding groupings within our metaphysical body/a priori). Some are larger, some are smaller – but from my personal experience they are isolated and easily broken apart in a similar manner as are the large bubbles is a viscous liquid.

That which provides the contradictions- seems to be of/related to those “pockets” of untruth (where-in can be found no contradiction to provide, help provide anchor points for reality)- in relation as if an exhaust of sorts from such areas/voids. From observation, the two dimensional areas don’t seem to differentiate, but do produce just as noxious of an exhaust as do untruths. Perhaps the occurrence is a form of mandatory motion/action in the “physics” of “metaphysics” as it seems very similar to the process of accumulating “a priori” – without the “metaphysical-eco process” or any benefit. Perhaps even directly related to technological waste and that which is mangled and destroyed in the “two dimensional” existence- largely unseen as in relation to that missing third dimension.

In some respect it would appear that, whether inadvertently or not- the “third dimension” within the influential sphere of that two dimensional place of existence, has been regulated as “metaphysical landfill.” A place to hide the waste of such endeavors. In that direction, a full 1/3 of existence and capacity as a creature, is not only lost-rendered useless, but is for nothing more than to contain non-degradable garbage and pollution. Personally I feel that our existence is meant for much more than that…. And maybe such an area now full of waste, is part of the reason many seem to fear our three dimensional existence. That two dimensional emulation of our existence and interactive connectivity with that Eternal Source, isn’t really much of an accurate emulation at all. How could it ever really, seriously replace our natural course in existence? Especially given the negative sum of actual productivity such two dimensional areas have within life- regarding the effect on our interactive connectivity and our accumulated body of “a priori,” it is disastrous. Centuries of three dimensional human perception and existence, being mangled forcibly and wasted into a two dimensional ‘reality?’ How could such a course be considered progress? What reason beyond greed is there to continue such destruction? Even further continuing such destruction without addressing it and reflecting upon it? Rectifying it. I suppose as a ‘dark humor’ reprieve, if such continued unchecked – before long those that selfishly perpetuated it would soon be dumbfounded as to even the most basic elements of existence…much less be able to place of maintain value of anything, in any respect. Droning around and reproducing according to scheduled television programs, I suppose… perhaps depending upon some placement of advertising in their internet email?... sadly transferring such crap to a place once lovingly and caringly tended so that tomorrow might actually be better. And having tended it through nothing more complicated than aspiring to ones own existence and greatness in the today.

In the word ‘greatness’ I do not mean through the instant ambitions and misguided greed’s of our modern day. Considering that such things as some of the great philosophical works endeavored to label and place/categorize much in the metaphysical realm and aspects of existence – and the resonating effect that has had on existence to emulate that aspect (mistakenly and misguided much of the time) – thus limiting elements of our existence that shouldn’t be/have been, and thus creating that chasm/separation-‘bottleneck’ of life source and our progressive existence. Much I believe, should be considered before we as creatures continue to maintain such a focus on electronic technology and the continuation of the certain ‘limit placing’ aspects of given existing patterns of thought.
The direction that we have traversed through electronic technology has created an offset in the dynamic of our existence. Much in an emulation of the larger process, it presents a dual aspect of it’s own….. in a manner, unlike the larger process that isn’t always in tandem or even relating at times.

From what I have deduced, it isn’t possible to employ electronic technology to fully act as our source of existence. It simply cannot sustain our basic needs as inhabitants of our existence.

Many argue that technology is ‘the path’ to the future and things such as space travel. Given what I have observed, I don’t want much to do with a future governed with two dimensional, substance less information- mostly because it isn’t ever really going to happen. If it should ever actually breach that un-attainable threshold, it could very well be “lights out” across the board simply given our need for interactive connectivity with that Eternal Source.

In regard to space travel, I can see a very important element stating that such isn’t true regarding technology as being ‘the path.’ It is factual that technology is needed to a degree, but the further that we remove ourselves from that interactive connectivity the less likely we as creatures could physically sustain such different atmospheres and states of existence…. Such different extremes of Proximity. We have almost gone in the entirely opposite direction as creatures through technology dependencies, that I feel is needed for a human(s) to achieve inter-planetary travel…. Much less inter-galactic. I believe that the correct answers and solutions for such aspirations are to be found in the metaphysical more so than our technological emulations.

We have continuously separated ourselves from the very thing we would most be exposed to in varying degrees and angles differing from what we are accustomed to- within the movement of that process of Proximity Gestation and that Eternal Source.
If as individuals, we cannot learn to exist with it, within it- harmoniously… how could we expect to survive or thrive in space… far outside the consistent patterns of it (how ever large) we have been influenced from/through, are accustomed to… and that we continue to separate ourselves from here? Granted, intellect and knowledge seem to be problematic in much the same ways as are our emulations regarding stagnation- but there is a definite “eco cycle” in reference to our natural state of interactive connectivity within that process of Proximity Gestation…. And from what I can discern it is more the continued implementation of restrictive structuring that is actually the problematic area within our metaphysical “eco-cycle.”

At first glance such poses the problem of “un learning,” dumbing down… but I feel that is as fruitless as the two dimensional direction (and would probably serve to fuel dependence of it). I think that the direction is in introducing the use of knowledge to people at a point when they have accumulated, realized the terrain within themselves to accommodate it- a priori, posteriori and that interactive connectivity with that Eternal Source. In effect providing a pathway to begin to free the mind and interactivity of those imposed structures. Thus allowing for free flowing use of that ‘information’ through our naturally occurring interactive connectivity. In other words, I feel that instead of promoting dependence on the artificial emulation…. More attention should be put into promoting the human aspect of that connection. In a metaphor, much like the musician which studies their instrument through years of structured exercises in hopes and goal of one day being able to fluently express themselves (much similar to interactive connectivity in a working/physical form). Such use I believe, is what those initial purposeful structures were implemented for. Such guidance should be available for our intellect, metaphysical existence- our mind and lives.

Perhaps a mandatory “decompression course” post graduate, as a musing. An emersion in some native, primal setting with regard to the study interest; a physician could experience the daily life of a ‘medicine man/shaman.’ A lawyer could live in the sewer with rodents (har har), with the politicians! A business degree; The sewer with the rodents, lawyers and politicians or on a more serious note.. perhaps a working ranch/farm.

Another angle that I consider is that such imposed limitations may have yet another aspect to consider- the limitations aren’t on that “Eternal Source.” Those limitations are imposed on our individual selves, en mass.

From my perspective of Kant – it is as though he tries to construct a setting which is like a trough set next to a river… insisting that which is in the trough is more true. His work being a type of ‘spigot’ bringing forth insight into such realms, as if said ‘spigot’ were the only place to find it. That in itself tells me that such works were meant to be foundations of sorts. They were meant to be moved past… beyond in regard to the apparent tendency to maintain the same levels of imposed structure on thought in our modern day.

I am very curious to know how much more acute were our other senses – smell, sight, hearing… before the advent of electronic technology…. And even those centuries ago before the ever increasing pattern(s) of imposed thought were layered into our existence. I’m very sure that there was a substantial difference, especially before the artificial emulation of the emulation… being the two dimensional influences such as television and the computer, became “normal.” The mind having been overwhelmed and forced to commit more attention to maintaining such structured patterns and then loss of perception in that two dimensional source…. It has to have manifested in such ways… such is the consistency of things.

In review of some of my personal opinions and findings in an effort to be understood in a more clear manner… I should go a bit more in depth about some of my perspective simply as review. More in regard to this can be found in other works I have penned (specifically “Exploration of Existence”), which unfortunately have been stolen in their original forms… though not complete.

I find that I do not agree with ‘evolution’ as it has been put forward and developed in theory. I hesitate to use that word mostly because of the sociological, metaphysical vortex that it embodies in the popular “social definition.”

I do not see the human creature as having stemmed from one particular place – or one particular other species for that matter. In my personal opinion, and as a quick overview of it- I believe that the Earth was once ‘flat’ (at least seen as such being one land mass), and different animals and species, and species variations of humans originate from different areas (and there-in proximity with that Eternal Source pattern) of that land mass at different times during it’s existence and separation.

I do believe it to have occurred (at least highly probable) that there was one source of human embryo (to say one specific type of human), that was ‘cross pollinated’ with other influencing embryo/fertilizing elements, in different areas within the similar proximities…. All within the same process of Proximity Gestation.
I believe that this same process was in effect throughout all known species of living creatures and I also believe that it was much of those other “creature” elements that effected the formation of different species in/as result. Further I believe that such a process, in and of itself is ongoing and is/was really an emulation… a reaction as result of firstly the larger elements of itself on different levels… but as well from the influence of that Eternal Source. Please see diagrams 1-3, graph 1. the shaded areas I would refer to as “Fringe Areas” of gestation.

These “Fringe Areas” being made up of more than one ‘source’ of pollination and embryo- thus giving us different versions of any given species- for instance- humans. As well, in a metaphysical sense… acknowledging this process gives insight into the larger workings of just about everything and serves in many ways as empirical proof of itself and the similar process that is ever occurring.
A person can still readily see the influence of other substance in various races of humans- such is noticeable in personal traits as well. I will again state the wonderful example of the effect that I am talking about in Darwin’s very own “Galapagos Finches.”

In my opinion, within the proximity of the initial “Finch embryo area,” there occurred several “Fringe Effects” with several other influences other than the Finch. Thus giving the world several different types of the same (apparently) species within a very close proximity.

I see this happening during initial insemination and gestation periods very early on. I see it as well, as an ongoing process happenstance only to the degree that those cross pollinations which continued to survive being more in harmony with that larger process and that Eternal Source influence. Those that didn’t continue, being without firm connectivity within that source of influence. Further I don’t see “failed versions” as being incompatible necessarily, only outside of the existing ‘timbre’ being harmonious with that Eternal Influence, interactive connectivity and that process of Proximity Gestation. They simply failed to continue to “resonate.”

From those initial points, and cross pollinations- creatures developed and existed being moved in that existence through and of that Eternal Source pattern, interactive connectivity and the process of Proximity Gestation itself in conjunction with their changing proximity as the Earths plates moved.

I believe as I have more in depth explained in other works, that much of the Earths plate movement was due from our metaphysical existence- that interactive connectivity (for various reasons) as much because of and in conjunction with that Eternal Source in the process of Proximity Gestation. I believe that it may very well have been the perception of “fear” that helped those plate movements in their motion…. envisioning that the very early mindset was more than likely dominated by that perception and the concerns that provoke it. “Fight or Flight” being the first (or near it) decision making process – most times resulting in “flight.” This in a cumulative sense, metaphysically make for allot of desire to “be away from,” separation.

This gives me the consideration that how we have developed… what we have developed….. could very well be encased in an atmospheric layer of those elements that constitute and equate to ‘fear’ (metaphysically), and it seems that only certain types of creatures and certain types of humans have transcended it (at least in part). Those being in an existence which still exhibits unreasonable amounts of fear- most likely being products of “fringe areas” having more of a percentage of other influences within their “strain,” of those creatures still firmly within such “fight or flight” mentality.

I do not believe that the human race (as we know it) developed from a single source element. I do believe that there are influences of other “strains,” source elements in many races and sub-races of humans. In that I also believe that there were some human traits imparted on other creatures within those same “Fringe Areas.” Even much more than readily visible physical traits – some emotional (metaphysically as well – in exchange both ways). Such might even give new light to humanities gravitation toward using animals as symbolic of themselves…being influenced with an unconscious relation… perhaps even sharing small elements of essence substance… hence; “the Lion Hearted,” and so forth.

In considering this as person has to consider the essence of animals as very real. Their metaphysical capacity being quite limited but still present (do to that process of Proximity Gestation and those “fringe areas”). Limited that is, in comparison to our capacity and interactive connectivity… knowledge (which we have established is a bit of a snag in many respects)- perhaps it is even that in their more prominent, raw interactive connectivity- they simply have no use for the substance we transfer within our own interactive connectivity. Perhaps it is even that their primal, very basic exchange with that Eternal Source acts as some sort of counterbalance – stabilizer to that of our human follies in exchange with that Eternal Source.

As creatures, we most surely differ from all other physical life forms within our reality. I believe that difference is for a reason. We have progressed in ways that no other creature on Earth has. Quite factually there are some animals that haven’t changed much, if at all. I think that our perceived progress- especially that of the intellect, ideas and social/societal in accordance- are as result of a type of metaphysical intercourse between ‘nature’ and that Eternal source through human existence within that process of Proximity Gestation- transforming and performing such ‘pollinations’ and ‘fertilizations.’ This aspect I feel is proof of the importance of the existence of the human (not that it is that important to anything else) species for itself and progress.

Without the metaphysical “conduit” of our existence, no such intercourse would be possible. Only then would be the existence of two substances; Nature and that Eternal Source with varying degrees of the process of Proximity Gestation. Each contained and separated- neither ever gaining entry into the realm of the other, as if grinding against one another within that process. It seems that humans are of nature in that ‘finite’ sense and of that Eternal Source in essence.

Even our sexual existence is yet another emulation though it has developed to the point of nearly a purely pleasurable act. In examining the level of emulation there-in… I can’t help but notice that again the process of Proximity Gestation applies to sexuality as well…. Heterosexuals and homosexual/lesbians (as well as other deviant behaviors) can be seen as part of that larger process.

Through observation I have found that most homosexuals and lesbians eventually happen upon the respect that they are so inclined….. they gravitate away from the opposite sex much in the same way as those movements of Earth’s plates…. In respect to the process of Proximity Gestation, I would say that the existence of such sexual tastes is due largely to being an emulation/resonation of the very same type of elements that make up those very early “fight” or “flight” aspects. Whether you agree with me on that or not, you have to admit that there is a consistency that is at least similar.

Heterosexuality isn’t limited to any specific race/variation of humans… and neither is homosexuality/lesbianism. Their disbursement throughout societies, is very consistent with the workings of the larger process. I contend that such leanings are merely resonations of other types of “Fringe Area Effect.”

In knowing that our sexual existence is only another form of emulation and the overwhelming consistencies of that process through out existence, why then the fear of the mind and interactive connectivity? Where in is justified the fear of the metaphysical?

Look at personal tastes and how they have developed and refined. Many seem directly connected with pleasure as well- even knowing that some things pleasurable are entirely in bad taste. Such is an obvious contradiction- within that, I argue that such is truth. It would seem deeper within such a human contradiction… that such pleasurable experiences in ‘bad taste’ are indirectly associated with obvious false opinions of certain things that aren’t so pleasurable; “lacking quality, actually being seen as quality,” giving artificial life to those things with lesser levels of quality in the idea of being good.

That isn’t to say that one thing is seen as being better than another, per say… but it is to say that some things purposefully deprived of certain types of attention during a given process (for what ever reason) are knowingly then deemed “good” in a false manner.

I feel that this result is due largely to that two dimensional influence with the process of Proximity Gestation.

Where is the need for deceit and tasteless efforts? There really should be no difference between ‘common’ and ‘sensuous’ enjoyment.

Such efforts at deception are never able to attain what is actually desired…. Only at best, a lesser quality emulation of such desires… desires that are never really fulfilled in that direction, leaving in the place of satisfaction and fulfillment; disesteem, disgrace, dismay- disingenuous commentary and pride, disappointment and disdain. Setting forward a cycle that begets anger and envy when finding actual quality… and really for no reason… when quality and satisfaction are so easily experienced. So easy to produce. So very harmonious… very much a natural course.
I can see no other direction except onward in a joyous manner concerning these subjects- and re-establishing a fruitous interactive connectivity. Given that it is our existence to date is much result of the effect of Proximity Gestation and that Eternal Source. Through our essence and existence a person can’t help but to see the wonderful challenge and potential magnificence and greatness that surely awaits those with the insight and inclination to “drink of” life and our interactive connectivity in full.

Simply through examining the map that is humanity, which has lead us this far, a person should very well be moved to inspiration. When considering that our planet (and thusly we) have yet to even complete one full revolution with our sun around the center of our Universe…. A person should be moved to near a metaphysical climax!
All that is known to us at this point in time isn’t even the smallest percentage.
As creatures- our exposure to the untold boundaries (if any exist) of that Eternal Source are and have been quite limited – given the fact of our small distance of travel through it in relation and comparison of what is to date.

To look at how incredible some of the smallest and most harmonious of our developments are, through the proximities and pattern we have already been exposed to- a person has to consider what more wonders await our existence to embody and put forward in our reality? Then beyond the suns rotation, what of the path that the center of our Universe is traversing? How many unimaginable influences, much the same type of degree still await in unimaginable combinations? All as we move through the body and resonation of that Eternal Source, and through the process of Proximity Gestation.

Where from is it really, that downtrodden “finite world” opinion? Which “tomb” is it that people such as they have imprisoned themselves in – almost insisting that everyone else do the same? How is it that they cannot see the work that is our existence (including those writs that they claim as “fortress”), as and for what is?
We are very much a work in progress…. As is Proximity Gestation an ongoing process. Our own decisions making for “the next stroke of the brush” in conjunction with that process and influence. How arrogant a statement to have insisted that we have seen and done it all.

Perhaps such is as the statement of a child in reference to the security blanket it still drags in tow, insisting that it really doesn’t “need” to have it… but that someone else might “find it odd.”

The argument has been made as I have addressed, that there is only so much room here in our world- such statements usually from those with no concern of the physical waste they produce much less the metaphysical and intellectually progressive famine that their tact instills. When a person thinks about it, it’s rather amazing how much actual room that there is- how much flexibility and even forgiveness there is within our interactive connectivity – and that which is in that Eternal source.
It is very much up to our own decisions as to our own destiny as a species. ‘God’ won’t tell you what to do and such is very much the case in our situation.

It is amazing how much can actually be sustained in our world – even those that have no belief in any larger influence, source, are provided for equally and treated as such within that interactive connectivity… even though they hold it as non-existent. Beyond not acknowledging it, are those that don’t even believe in anything of the sort- still partaking of it in the very fact that they draw breath and apparently “think.”

It is quite an amazing source. At first glance, it seems all too bad that so many have been numbed to it’s existence even while fully expressing the emulation of it’s very consistency within their lives.

When giving thought toward our perceptions, our level of perceived existence- problem solving, day to day life- an individual has to consider the factor of “practical reasoning.” Not only for said purposes, but for the purpose of understanding- as well. Applying it unto itself, as subject as it were. Topically it is quite reasonable to state that the level and “form” of our practical reasoning of today, would not have been efficient in times throughout history (even given that it is, as it is now- because of said progress at/in those given times), and just as true if not even more-so, would be the fact that a level and form of the practical reasoning from any point in history, would in no way suffice in our present day. Especially isolated and applied as if they were singular.

A person can judge fairly well of the areas of growth and prosperity from points in history, through examining the direction and changes of practical reasoning.
Fichte sighted “practical reasoning” as “a fundamental knowledge,” where I see it more as a culminating point of knowledge- the “standard of the day” so to speak.
Another small aspect that supports much of my idea, is that a truth in practical reasoning from any given point in time – isn’t necessarily still a truth in light of our “advanced” practical reasoning. But in that it still retains solidity through the fact that our “greater truth” wouldn’t be, had it not been for the earlier perceived truth. Whether such was found as untrue, incomplete (as I feel most of our physical truths/reality are) or even inconsistent in retrospect. Our truth of today is still “built upon it.”

In such a discovery, the earlier truth doesn’t simply “go away,” it is moved in a sense into the realm of contradiction and still very much part of our modern truth in that capacity. Even, I might say- part of the newer process of practical reasoning.

When considering other aspects of practical reasoning it isn’t hard to see it as a place to measure (in gist) the level of interactive connectivity… it’s progression and our perceived growth… there-in much as of the result of the influence of that Eternal Source “woven” into our metaphysical ‘eco cycle’ through the process of Proximity Gestation.

From my point of view, such is quite a natural fit in progression… harmonious and simultaneous with/within our existence and thusly our interactive connectivity. A person could argue that the farther we progress, the more that there is to be woven into said knowledge…. Particularly in light of our planet/galaxies/Universe’s movement through the ‘field’ of that Eternal Source and it’s resonations… combined with the very visible consistent direction of knowledge growth that we are as a creature.

If consistency means anything in the Universe alone, then there is much to look forward to judging from our very small history (in comparison). However when looking at society, it’s easy to see that such may not be for everyone… based largely on their own personal choices. Such is readily available to all- but such can in no way be forced upon any beyond that natural level of influence. When considering that the thought must occur in regard to that growing body of “a priori” knowledge.

Is it that our modern advances have cheated some of their “allotment” within? Effectively having exchanged such through displacement and “metaphysical distraction,” with that two dimensional emulation? My immediate thought is that there can’t be a way for such not to be rectified. Factually I see the real struggle of those trying to maintain the two dimensional artificial emulation.

As Fichte had put it regarding the “true,”…. “There can arise nothing whatever but a dexterity in groping after vain and empty refinements, throughout the absolute void inane.” On further thought such a statement may be applicable even further- in regard to the lifeless cycle of much perceived technological advance.

In observation, our practical reasoning though woven, solidified, progressed, changed from our history of existence, our moment right now, the interaction with the Eternal Source and various other factors can never again be called/used to lead in the forefront of our existence – even as it is in the moment that is unfolding now…. Leading on the very edge. Even in such an attempt through recollection, this moment right now would be interwoven with the practical reasoning of the moment from which it was called upon. It is my belief that at the core, our practical reasoning is much the same as it has been since we began….. I feel that such is actually built on our instinctive imprint – then flowers out from it draped and adorned with all that has been added to our mindset since… through that larger process as I have described.

Even those first attempts at challenging the instinctive pattern are very much a part of said structure. Our practical reasoning becoming much more diverse as we progress. As an observation, I feel that in some instances (especially with the modern interferences) such an accumulation has lead to very easy confusion and misconceptions…. For instance, those who are psychologically at a loss- even dangerous. Such things indicate a lack of that natural connectivity and there-in instability within what we consider the normal result of our given structures and their interaction with the process of Proximity Gestation. In some instances it is even welcomed (though soon shunned) within society as a form of that “ fresh inspiration.”

I do believe that our practical reasoning is very much a large part of the interactive connectivity that I feel is as constant in exchange as is our existence and that Eternal Source. Within that, I can see how our modern practical reasoning serves yet another purpose through that interactive connectivity- as a sort of tending mechanism to that growing body of knowledge within our metaphysical eco-cycle and process of Proximity Gestation. The more of that Eternal Source that is woven into our existence through that process, through our existence and thought (interactive connectivity with that Eternal Source and body of knowledge), the more our perceptions progress- consistently augmenting both our personal experience and knowledge (through the current structured thought pattern and it’s interaction within the process of Proximity Gestation) and our practical reasoning.

This cycle in my belief, may account for much of an individuals change in personal preferences throughout their life – as they simultaneously move through existence and subsequently through that body of innate knowledge according to their level of connectivity and proximity- both accumulating personal revelations/perceptions/knowledge within themselves (that area of said body of knowledge that they have consistently exchanged with- their “essence” within our cumulative “a priori” body) and likewise depositing said substances within that metaphysical area- to be woven and re-introduced through the process of Proximity Gestation- still accessible to the given individual throughout their existence.
Thus our essence consists more of substance within that Eternal Source and our cumulative body of knowledge that our each, individual existence are more “tuned” to. More simply- parts of that Eternal Source are drawn to each existence, individually – rendered again into the whole of it upon passing of said individuals existence in our reality. As if we each have a certain “frequency print” that we “modulate” at – my personal existence will not attract the very same elements in the same order and manner as will another persons.

Our children then draw from each our own (parents) essences and those even perhaps that are in proximity during that process… in addition to their own “signature modulation.”

As a dark humored quip- the “mad scientist” of our day would probably have better luck in manipulations of embryo- through ultra frequencies, though in that I have to point out that I use “frequency” as illustration and in no way believe that we as humans could reproduce the type of source energy I am referring to.

In considering these thoughts I am drawn again to the two dimensional aspects… such over exposure and constant proximity/ influence may not only be just an inhibitor… but itself, could be seen as a type of thought structure as well… one existing outside of our interactive connectivity…. And beyond the limitations that are obvious.

Envision the product of a mindset produced through only adhering to one specific philosophical stance/structure throughout entire lifetimes. Then consider at the level such is imposed regardless of subject matter in reference to the two dimensional ‘sources’ of our modern day. All that we are through that is being consistently confined into a two dimensional mindset… again regardless of the information transferred. Much of the planet is being “technologically conditioned” into such structure. Regardless of how ‘broadening’ any new type of structure to be introduced would be – perpetuated through those mediums relegates it in a mandatory sense, into the two dimensional structure that is now all too common. Said idea/information is rendered void of any substance while it is immediately confined and inhibited… failing to be understood in even two thirds of it’s/our capacity… again, regardless of the information or anyone’s ability to regurgitate said information verbatim.

There is a level of understanding that is missed so completely that it isn’t even ‘missed.’ Most people don’t even know that it is no longer present.
I am amused when speculating about even the aspects of technological advance that have gone unused- undiscovered, without understanding or even consideration of their possibilities in our modern day- due entirely to the ‘perception’ that ‘it’ (technology), itself imposed.

Very much in essence and reality our practical reasoning is hardly that. Functioning very much in the limitations of that two dimensional mindset. Reducing our existence and experiences to that which could be readily compared with the prototype of the video game, “pong.” Thus yielding much of the plasticity (even within the ‘organic’ emulations) that permeate our society.

Even in the throe’s of passion, most aren’t even aware of what they are missing.
Perhaps such is in the reason for what appears to be the insatiable appetite of ‘modern societies’ – always wanting more without much satisfaction – lacking the insight and interactive connectivity to figure out why.

Such two dimensional structure essentially having been burned into the brain as well as set as a norm metaphysically.

The ‘activity’ could be blistering and the essence would still remain un-fed.
Metaphysically the two dimensional structure limits the interaction of essences as well- which again provides for an unaccounted loss, and further less and less satisfaction of experience….meaning…information….existence.

Our practical reasoning and interaction with that Eternal Source need no other voicing.

We as creatures don’t need our modern technology – as obvious as that sounds – none of it is in any way necessary to exist.

That we as creatures have imposed upon ourselves such useless, needless hindrance – insisting that it is better, while depriving ourselves of human experiences can’t be considered progress, can it?

The attempt to have technology replace our human experiences is in itself indicative of it’s own detriment. For such to inhibit/influence our perception and practical reasoning – essentially run our lives – is choosing to miss the very best of existence from the simplest of sources.

My immediate question is from whence comes the root of such an inverted direction? Is it again as result of fear? Fight or flight in a more complicated manner? Choosing to hide ourselves from existence? Fabricated and manufactured justifications to do such – eventually (if not already) being seen as viable through the effort to maintain those reasons?

When was such a structure imposed that not only allows for this false/artificial emulation of our own emulations…..this false emulation of life in empty drama… but burns itself to perpetuate it? Further entombing our existences in a lack of existence. Attempting to replace our natural exchange and metaphysical cycle with false notions of what is actually natural. Creating things with no real importance… giving them precedence over even that which sustains.

As a thought in examining this destructive inversion – immortality (as is a large concern for many) becomes entirely impossible through the self consuming cycle of the two dimensional existence. Winding tighter on itself with each supposed advance. In a few words, for such to have been attainable – we as a society have ‘progressed’ in the wrong direction.

The more that the two dimensional existence progress’ the closer that it becomes to it’s own demise.

In a metaphysical sense through such direction it may actually be possible to “kill off,” erase the accumulated body of that ‘a priori’ knowledge. Such is an extreme, and would at least need the consistent exposure of a larger majority of perception – but such seems very possible given the non-reciprocating qualities of that two dimensional area and it’s progressive use and prominence.

Already it is apparent that the areas in various societies being more exposed/dependent upon those two dimensional sources, have less access to that Eternal Source and the body of “a priori” knowledge.

It would seem that something like this would be of greater concern to many- particularly governments when referring to productivity, efficiency – competitiveness in the rest of the world. For any given population to inhibit itself and essentially make itself less intelligent through removing it’s own populations access to the very human source of intellect (and there-in efficiency), is to handicap itself in the long run of things. To depend on other countries (and thus proximities) to acquire access and new insight through their migration and lack of that over exposure, is to subject the very reality of the given society entirely to the perspectives, perceptions and reality of those other source proximities. Thus losing a very import emulation of influx mingling with source from your own proximity providing new direction and inspirations much like the metaphysical eco-cycle- resulting in stagnation as well as an unstable climate. And to reiterate, the lack of influx, as has been established here-in and throughout history, results in stagnation as well.

The beauty that is life, that is our essence and it’s metaphysical activity with ourselves and that Eternal Source which we emulate everyday, everywhere – even those entirely immersed in that two dimensional existence – though their motion is of emulations several times removed – dressed scarcely with the interactive connectivity being steadily displaced. Given light to that, it isn’t hard to see the birthplace of many modern anxieties within the discord of such competition….mostly... ….entirely really, un-necessary- but claiming place in that moment of reality just the same…. And there-in being folded in that weave…. And displacing for some, that element of practical reasoning.

Our practical reasoning is directly influenced from our perception (though not only influenced from perception- but to illustrate the consistent patterns of resonation, such is a good point to enter the stream of occurrence), our perception is largely influenced from our social structure which is the product of our efforts at establishing patterns of thought and perception. Such social structures are an emulation of such thought (exchange-interactive connectivity) and effort. That thought and effort being emulations of that which most directly influences perception.

If there were no other influences such as interactive connectivity, such would be the extent of existence. There would be no progress in any manner. That “most direct” influence is an emulation of something else as well in a similar manner as produced through our metaphysical eco-cycle, and that which produced it as an emulation… again has existence due partly to the emulation of yet something else… and yet again in the same manner…..this all through the process of our metaphysical eco-cycle and it’s motion through/within the process of Proximity Gestation. This all transpiring over and again until we reach a point that is the epicenter (most commonly our perception in/of the moment) however large or small and diverse the circumference of influence initially (effect) and initial receptacles during that very first series of reactions to that Eternal Influence. This can be applied over history in general and at the smallest level immediately- giving satisfactory example of the consistency that said “Eternal” is.

From any given moment, object, influence- it is possible to derive countless directions from different perspectives – promptly assuming that consistent pattern as path of resonation. Then again at each and any given point of influence, perception – such again is possible.

As fractured as it is, it is a consistency- and the very same fractured consistency can and does transpire every second of the day- from even the most perfectly shaped object of influence (even physically). With the given differences (apparently) of a measured physical object and the fractured consistency it is a part of and perpetuates through existence – I have to consider an “area” of sorts within…between those two very different things, coinciding. Entirely not of each other, but of each other in the very same.

Hoping not to distract from the focus at the moment on that “area,” a person could compare metaphysically and quite topically, the fractured consistency – moving from one structured thought pattern to and through another with immeasurable speed… with our perception of freedom…. And that “area” could be readily stated as our intangible perception of reality. Each seeming to be of importance nearly equally even as drastically different as they are, in the maintenance of our physical surroundings… reality.

From the direction of our supposed progress that I have examined, I would say that such co-existence manifests more as a type of compression than a repulsion from one another. “Squeezing” our path of existence through it with our own efforts… our own perceptions even fueling that compression as it does our “progress.” This giving me thought again of a form of displacement – though simultaneous carrying and imposing the seemingly inverted effect of compression… this without considering the following possibility…. Though it may be amplified from that two dimensional “effect” on our perception and reasoning in the artificial emulation version.
I can’t but see some similarity to that apparent cycle of progress – “squeezing” as it were, our existence through that “area,” and the process of child birth in ways other than the obvious comparison with “squeeze.”

The cycle of our “spurts” of “progress” suggest to me a definite time of gestation between them. Perhaps it is that such accumulation of that “a priori” moves in a similar manner? Building up… gestating… then being birthed into the world as those in possession of it come of age to venture of their own… discovering within themselves said inspirations and through that interactive connectivity, process of Proximity Gestation…. Bringing them forth into the world… seemingly in unison, tandem.

Sadly enough as I have noted, is that two dimensional detriment- which in regard to this particular emulation/living metaphor, would equate to that which causes still birth… through the over saturation and said compressions.

Thinking further about this, perhaps it is even that our reality-existence…all told, is still very simply gestating. Those “births” and “progress” being development within some sort of “womb.” In that thought there is even more to consider about that “Eternal Source.”

Sighting an off colored joke, slightly modified;

What is meaner (larger for this purpose) than a pregnant bitch?

The son of a bitch that knocker her up!

This bit of color being used to put forward the consideration not only of a much larger interaction, but as well the seemingly endless cycle of such forms of emulation. We as creatures and a world may yet to even be born into a much larger reality… if it is that we don’t sever the capacity for connection with it.
Our minds and existence… our perception and capacity with and within that body of knowledge – haven’t even been born yet. We, metaphysically have yet to see that which waits to be seen. We have yet to even “draw breath.”

I contend that our metaphysical existence even though seemingly cyclical, is still only gestating.

Will we realize that moment of birth? I can conceive of such, but cannot recall anything from my gestation period in the womb as a human. Will we recognize beyond realizing someday that such was our form of existence in days and years and centuries such as have passed? Has it already happened, perhaps? Has our metaphysical existence already been born? Being now in an infancy still, even through thousands of years? Systematically and progressively removing our access to that “other worldly” future with things such as that ‘over exposure’ to a two dimensional format that we mistakenly consider ‘progress?’
I can’t help but to think that the fuel behind such an over exposure and continuation of such, is due largely to more misconceptions- particularly that of “perfection.” Again within that such efforts are entirely in the wrong direction from my perspective.

Perfection in my opinion, isn’t “perfectly neat,” ”perfectly clean,” “perfectly measured,” as things like that are all subjective – very relative to any given set of influences and opinions.

I believe that perfection can only be attained through no consideration of such a goal, if it be attainable at all. In my opinion it is a natural/normal state of existence and has little concern with any want to attain it… other than such a want being immediate failure of that goal.

There are those who misguidedly strive for perfection, and not so surprisingly they are usually the same that do so to seek some non-existent benefit of having another think that they in fact are perfect. And further- the thought of oneself being perfect in the light of that misconstrued definition which is so much the standard – is to exhibit imperfection.

Such attempts at perfection, as I have been describing – are very much rooted in a/the barbarous perceptions. The first degree of civilization, even within the second. Uninformed, misconstrued and in some cases purposefully perpetuated in that manner.

Much of this structure, I feel is rooted in the “fear” aspect. It even seems to be purposefully kept at such a level in our modern day – usually through the use of those two dimensional aspects. As result, this has created a social element both “barbarous” and without full connectivity to a natural source element… without natural insights or even understanding beyond what is exposed to their existence through that two dimensional source.

In some cases, even producing mindsets of such a depraved state, that the most barbarous of societies in history would look upon them with shame. This in many ways is the degraded resonation of existing natural remnants of such barbarous states of existence. Perverted echoes of imperious, fear inspiring “lordships.” Some of which still resonate outside of that two dimensional realm, within society. Many of those “echoes” being nothing more than artificial emulation.. for what ever sad reason… making it all the more pathetic.

From my perspective, such emulations that arise from such resonations are only remnants themselves of barbarous states of existence and that “structured pattern of learning” perspective from them…..at their best manifestation.

Fear isn’t necessary given a conducive structure of perception. Fear is an inhibitor of the freedoms sought within most every culture and in most cases is indicative of a perception (learned structure) that isn’t conducive to health in society, much less freedom.

In a metaphysical sense, those possessing such “fear laden” mental structures could be likened to the level of disease in a given society – perhaps even directly relevant… and said societies distance from freedom… how ever that fear is imposed.
There are those to be feared and those that convince you – effect your perception of what to fear. Both are enemies (and most times are in the same substance… more lack of substance of their own) of the very concept of a free state. Within that seems to be another contradiction being that to some degree it is perceived that such “enemies” are necessary to the health of any given society. Much of that perception I see as being of said structure and as a remnant in substance (if at all).

The argument that a criminal should fear a police officer seems quite true- but how necessary is the criminal to the health of society? Only in regard to a social eco cycle could such a destructive element be necessary. Such an element is only necessary in a “finite space”- such a need is a contradiction in a two dimensional “finite space” (as the natural eco cycle is ignored to begin with)… thus negating their use entirely in a metaphysical sense.

Without limiting ourselves to a “finite” world through the means that I have described, and over advancement of perception in any one given pattern of perception…. Our existence in that respect is no longer “finite.” There-in negating any perceived need for such a destructive element…. Especially a destructive element that does not recognize the natural order of process.

In a sense… our need and sometime over zealous efforts for organization – especially in the area of conditioned pattern of thought – actually produce such harmful elements and the misconceptions of a need for such. Without such efforts in constraint of such thought structuring, the criminal element would never come into existence quite naturally because it wouldn’t be needed. Given, it is necessary to maintain certain standards for such thought structures – if nothing more than to maintain our consistent reality – but it would seem that well within the misconceptions and misinterpretations, the goal for which such structures were introduced, seems to have been lost in the efforts to comply with misconceived notions.

Such a goal, If I am not mistaken – is/was freedom. Somewhere it has been forgotten that those structures were meant only as formative. A place from which to expound into our own being. Our own path of realization. A firm platform for which to venture into the unknown of our own existence. That “ship” as I have stated, awaiting the movement wrought through full sails of inspiration and passion for existence….. involvement with the adventure that is life – beyond the static of modern convenience and those that seek to move you with it – from their misinterpreted directions.

I do believe that such criminal element is the manifestation of the discord produced in the advent of what many perceive as social progress – due largely to over imposing those structures (and their misinterpretations) that is really only the confinement of given parts of that Eternal Source within our perception. Such discord also being produced in those various effects through the over imposing of structure and “organizing” through out history.

Such method could be likened metaphorically to the idea that our thoughts and perceptions were a set of drawers…. Set and firm containers…. Each different attempt at such social confinement – metaphysical confinement being very much the same in that respect – in and of itself being an imposed pattern.

Even with the most primitive examples of humanity it is that criminal element interacting with the current “structure of perception” which facilitates the perceived “success” and “progress” of that particular imposed structure. It is as much those resonations from past barbarous patterns, interacting with the modern “structure” that beget the criminal element… it isn’t that all of humanity progress through the process of Proximity Gestation at the same rate and speed… thus rendering certain levels of that process as “criminal.” Each time reaching an apex. A dead end.

There in is the evidence that such isn’t the path to “freedom” within any given state of existence. It does however, as I have mentioned before, give the illusion of progress and a productive society. Such progress being nothing more than a series of empty (most times artificial) emulations stacked upon each other, so to speak. The “next” emulating the “former.” The result is false existence in claiming truth to such perceptions there-in, regardless of what physical damage it can be used to put forward…..It widens the chasm between our existence and perceiving directly from access with/to that Eternal Source.

A false, virtual reality being able to produce nothing in a real sense – even in reference to said destruction – making that destruction nothing but waste beyond the obvious waste that it is, however real (physically) it may be. This direction of empty, cyclical emulation, is much the reason for the stagnation of society that I have already described and is much the source of need for the “band aid” cure that I have addressed in the reintroducing “drops of influence” into the folds of those empty emulations… producing what is in turn within that cycle, promoted as “progress.”

As the sources for such “social injection” grow fewer through the saturation of over imposed structures of perception – so goes farther away from actual freedom within our “reality” and more toward stagnation upon the current “branch” of our direction – all within the innumerable options outside of our conditioned perception/reality and responses.

Though alchemy has long been left at the side of the road, I think a metaphysical alchemy and overhaul with it’s use through those still maintaining an intercourse with that Eternal Source, is all that may be able to right our course from stagnant demise.

If it is that the “City of Minds” still exists, then it is obvious that it has too long been over populated with corporate consumer puppets… and is in much need of such an overhaul.

The capacity of humans and of our existence is only that of what the over imposed (misinterpreted and applied) structure(s) allows in which ever direction it is already in motion within the given reality. Again limiting our very existence through not teaching how to exist.

I realize that I have used the word “emulation” to some degree in basically two different ways. The first of which is in meaning to describe the motion of our existence – the spiraling effect of our “cyclical nature.” This meaning is quite a normal occurrence – such emulation with the factors of our interactive connectivity, our experiences and the other aspects of our natural life, are what yields both the stability of our reality and the progress of our existence (and that body of knowledge).

The use I have employed in reference to the technological emulations is of a much different variety. Such is empty and void of existence…. even though it seems to emulate it. It is an artificial emulation of that which is our natural course and that which is our natural interactions with one another and that Eternal Source, which in turn are actually forms of emulation themselves. It is an emulation of our emulation and our continuing emulation of all the preceding emulations that constitute our existence and reality. It is finite… where our existence and potential capacity aren’t in that respect.

Our existence and series of emulations is alive. Beyond the obvious evidence of such there is the fact that no such previous emulation can be completely “covered” in that series and process. Certain aspects of them can only be recognized and dealt with accordingly.

The idea of some automated annulling of thought or past ideas is really nothing more than the attempt at “covering of old thoughts with the next emulations weave” of our perceived reality. A type of temporary “cross cancellation” of the given idea/perception regardless of how long it is “buried.” I believe that it’s substance can and does resonate, and again surface in different forms and at times bearing new “information” and perspective through it’s interaction while traversing the perceived distance from it’s place of origin (where it was “buried”). With more recent ideas and perspective in the weave of the “today” it is again addressed.
Bearing as well within it’s folds is the influence of that Eternal Source and our interactive connectivity… in a type of metaphysical emulsification… then manifesting in the most recent “layer” of emulation.

It is quite obvious that there is a cyclical motion of sorts to our existence, some have seen it as a circle. I would argue that it is in fact a spiral- a spiral containing parabolic and hyperbolic patterns as well as other spirals. That larger spiral is again within a pattern…. Considering the infinite properties of the spiral…. It must be hyperbolic as well… with multiple if not infinite other options for direction having been present at the very moment of it’s (our) journey’s conception. This I have derived from looking at the path and pattern of history as well as the overall consistencies within nature and our reality.

When viewed as if it were a geometrical shape, from a certain angle and perspective if can and does appear to be a circle. Skew that perspective and alignment of view a bit and the spiral is revealed. That spiral, in which we as a substance have traversed (in various other patterns), is again in itself infinite if tended properly…. And is only one of an infinite number of options that could have transpired from the point of origin.

The direction that we have as our history and present perception is due largely to that consistent Eternal Influence… interaction with it… and the specific point when such interaction began. Thus producing and pre-disposing the series of various “structures” we have progressed through and upon… much because of proximity and timing within our “launch” and placement.

As a larger thought it is possible for other dimensions to exist from much the same type of beginnings…. Perhaps even having been simultaneous with ours. These other dimensions containing a variant of substances there-in altering the result of said interactions – producing a different “direction” in existence in and of different “frequencies.” Though, in such an analogy I am pressed to say that I feel no other could exist entirely/exactly simultaneously with ours as it would be exactly the same… and already a part of our substance. Any other dimensions altogether too similar with ours (in ways that we understand)… would have to have come into existence either before ours or after it. Traversing much in the same manner though developing differently in accordance with the elements converging at that specific point of it’s creation. Any other dimensions would have to be either ahead of us, or behind us (and thus older) in what we perceive as time. I do not rule out the possibility of a connection and possible connection with such through our body of “a priori” and that Eternal Source through our interactive connectivity.

There-in as a thought with the consistencies we have acknowledged, could be yet another rotation of sorts in conjunction with that Eternal Body and each existing dimension of reality – through that metaphysical eco-cycle…. And again, with the given consistencies- acting as do the conductors in an automobiles “distributor cap,” in the larger sense of what we see and experience in thought, sensation and reality…. Even so within the exchanges per that metaphysical eco-cycle and the process of Proximity Gestation. Perhaps even being conducive to the very meaning and maintenance of existence (being interwoven), reality- life.

The “fabric” may well consist of more than a series of emulations that we perceive as history, reality and existence. Several (innumerable) dimensions/realities being accessed in a form of succession while interacting with that Eternal source – the access happening so fast as not imaginable – combining to manifest as a given reality… perhaps containing elements of another, while each are different and containing their own patterns of emulation. Each to some degree being metaphysically susceptible to influence from others, though such is never consciously acknowledged or discernable from each dimensions vantage point.

A recent Tsunami may have been a manifestation in our reality of the destruction of an entire world elsewhere. Such may have been as result of some resonation from eons and millennia beyond our existence. In all reality it may also have been as result of some sniveling billionaire with a Tesla coil, throwing a tantrum. In that, how did such effect the cycle that I am describing?

Things such as that carry resonations of themselves, not only in their happening but as well in the simultaneous deaths of so many living creatures.

Comparing what our existence is with what I feel it has the capacity to be – is similar to modern “rock” bands compared with symphonies. The voicing are very limited in modern music – much the same as our perceptions and thought patters. Even in that I see room and unused capacity. If a person put together a musical group consisting of 3 guitars – one each to represent “first chair, second chair and third chair,” then added a baritone voiced stringed instrument to work with the bass… then percussionist’s to accompany the “trap set” drummer – a person might well be able to find that area that could resonate in a similar magnitude as did the classic composers.

There again is another problem… there are few if any modern composers of such a caliber in that given genre’ of music especially. Another problem to address with such, is the lack of depth in timbre and tone with the modern electric guitar.
In order to actually represent such a vast capacity of tone and musical textures that can and do happen in symphony – the signal from the guitars would need to be altered. Specifically, in order to represent the produced effect of the 3rd chair from each section moving in simultaneously and in tandem with their different voicing – that “third chair” guitar would have to be modified in effecting each strings signal differently – producing the depth ( a small semblance of) found in the given example from symphony of the “third chair sections.”

Each different strings tone and timbre, texture would have to correlate to each given instrument section – thus producing a similar effect chordally…. Plucked, picked and when played in a certain manner, linearly as occurs in the symphony setting.

The “second chair” guitar would have to be effected in the same manner – though played differently (different technique) to represent the octave differences usually found between 2nd and 3rd chair – like wise to represent the different motions there-in.

Then again having the “first chair” guitar effected in the same manner – saving perhaps the mid-high/higher octaves for the purpose of soli/solo and an additional chordal timbre.

Then of course is the problem of composing – and further the challenge of finding guitarists with enough talent to be able to equally voice the differences within sections – between their strings that is to say that the b flat brass do not always play the same rhythm and notes as do the clarinets in any chair grouping.
Then again in respect to the “second chair” and “first chair” guitarists respectively.

The composer would be writing then, as much for sections and chairs – breadth/depth, that would be represented on the three guitars, a bass, a baritone 9stringed) and drums/percussion.

The design in this manner is just about a “quarter turn” twist in perspective… and really nothing much more to produce the effect.

In the symphony setting, each chair position is playing within their section and concentrating mostly with the others there-in. then each section being under direction of the conductor, melds to form the perceived linear pattern- depth/breadth/timbre/texture/movement/dynamics of the piece.

The modern music ensemble I envision would be different in respect to each “guitar chair position,” would be voicing for “chair positions’ across sections with the different effected individual strings (please refer to Ensemble Illustration 1).
I feel that something like this could have the possibility of hitting that area with to actually resonate – mostly because it is outside of (how ever subtly) the “structured” thought pattern within modern music… and the classical sense as well.

In order to effectively play in this manner, any modern guitarist will have to re-approach their instrument… regardless of how advanced they are. The result in such an “inter-instrumental” arrangement would yield a very similar result in the finished, perceived outcome… as does the symphonies “sections.” I think to really produce the desired effect, the individual string effects would have to be approached in the same manner – almost completely anew as the goal isn’t to produce excessively “wet” signals… in the manner of ‘chorus’ or ‘reverb/distortion’ effect…. But to give the signal a distinct texture and timbre – each in the texture of given “instrument per string” subtleties. An entirely new approach to modern music…. And another example of harmless displacement of the “nothing” with “something.” Newness with the shift of perspective.

This simply utilizes the capacity (part of it) that has as of yet been utilized (consciously).

Instead of adding “false depth” through reverberation in electronic effect… the object is to work from existing depth with natural occurring overtones, harmonies, reverberation. The possibility of even a bit more depth and width is simple enough through adding such reverberation in smaller amounts to a given “chair/string voice? Without necessarily doing so to the other two corresponding chair/guitar strings within that “voice textures” group or any of the other strings on any given guitar….. there-in further emulating the differences/movements between chairs in any given section….. being able to give emphasis to a given chair in a given section as to emulate both dynamics and presence of instrumentation.

No longer would the modern guitarist be limited to shallow chordal voicing… with no options other than heavy effects to alter it – the only catch with it being such breadth and depth in this manner would only occur in conjunction with the other “chair guitarists.” I don’t see much of a limit to the number of “guitar chairs” other than to keep from being too cluttered and overwhelming. I chose to use three in example to make available chords within the separated “guitar chairs”… forming chords with each guitar as well as the unified “chair positions” throughout the represented sections….. that is to say, between the voicing of the inter-working guitar chairs…. As well as within the inter-working voicing of each guitar and the different strings. This giving the possibility of breadth in chord voicing as well as depth…. Several different voices having the possibility of creating a chord from one instrument as do several different instruments in a symphony…. While maintaining the possibility of those voicing in a chord structure between the different guitars…. Simultaneous.. linear.. tandem… inter-woven.

This subject of “breadth and depth” in modern music, and the slightly altered method I have proposed as means of approaching it… is firstly a very fun idea I must say… but it serves to demonstrate how I perceive most changes having occurred and how changes within our reality do (more like should) occur.

The “quarter turn” of perception in addressing a modern musical ensemble easily illustrates the ‘spiraled effect’ of our progression and the other patterned motions within it. The only new physical change in the proposed ensemble, is the separation of individual guitar strings in giving them their own voicing. The rest of this idea is an example of Proximity Gestation, the metaphysical eco-cycle… with the interactive connectivity and the “filtration” through my personal existence/interactive connectivity of pre-existing structures and elements. Through my personal series of structured thought patterns applied to the apparent beginnings of stagnation within modern music, the consideration of an aging “market” for “rock” music and knowing the frustrations of such limitations instrumentally for very advanced musicians (there is only so much that a person can do, no matter how advanced, on a standard electric guitar) – and then digested within my existence, perception, interactive connectivity….

I resulted in finding a spark of inspiration when considering the unused potentials of modern music. I successfully demonstrated the effects of the process of Proximity Gestation as well….. further I demonstrated the harmony within human emulation through striking a “new chord” so to speak.

The technology is quite advanced within modern music, but still pales in depth and substance with that of classic composers in the realm of brilliance. Personally I feel that this is much due to the focus on the technological aspects.
In modern music most all is due in the attempt to create the illusion of depth, substance, breadth through applying different effects between the point of origin of that vibration/signal, and it’s projection from a transducer.

The thing I have applied in my previous description, is in producing that signal from a point of origin that IS “depth and substance.” Working/producing from depth and breadth to begin with… instead of the common “several individual ‘mono’ points of origin” being processed into a stereo field.

Applying (a semblance of) natural occurring acoustic placements in a symphonic setting – within individual electric guitar instrumentation….. in this theory it is possible even further to achieve the desired effect through placement of each given string voice assignment within the stereo field….through effecting it… producing even more breadth and depth. Each string being processed into the stereo field and placed accordingly pertaining to it’s voicing and further pertaining to that particular voicing relations with the other present signals within the stereo spectrum.

If such could happen throughout society – especially within the technological field itself…. Much of the constricting factors attached to use and progress of modern technology, may be alleviated to some degree with next to no actual physical displacement (destruction).

The problem I suppose is in composition – the type of composers that could produce such works that would be worthy of such presentation… and the opportunity for the type of metaphysical resonations that are fit and due the great classics. I believe that the arrangements should receive close attention as well. A person can see attempts as such in some of the works from the “Frank Zappa” catalogue as well as in some “progressive rock” and various instrumental electric guitarists-… the different voicing and arrangement… the layers of said… but it is all still done in the manner I have already described…. Trying to produce breadth and depth “without,” as apposed to “from.” It is still two dimensional though it is presented in a stereo field.
This theory is an example of utilizing more of the capacity of existing structures and thought pattern structures in addition to what I have already mentioned. Producing access to a very vital human element of our interactive connectivity… our human capacity.

Should this theory actually become a popular forum/theater, I contend that the effects upon society would be very similar – and thus upon our metaphysical-eco cycle and body of “a priori” knowledge that is readily effected (as I have addressed) from such modern means. In essence, there would be “more room to breathe.”
This concept isn’t much different in it’s origin within myself – the ”perspective” tools, the perception “pattern direction” that I naturally possess… than is the concept theory I have presented in reference to the “atomic structure” and how it is perceived and thus how it manifests in our reality. I have presented that concept both in my other writings and here-in… in comparison to the “distributor cap” of an internal combustion engine.

In an effort to again bring light to it I will quickly cite the mechanical workings of an actual distributor – current/signal is passed to different receptacles quickly, one after another in a circular/cyclical way. While this is quite effective and seems to be somewhat effective in how such actions have manifested within society – both in distribution and efficiency… it differs slightly from the “atom structure” where the receiving points are also stationary.

If you invert both, and shift perspective just a little – the results might very well have the same type of effect as does the “instrument/ensemble” example. Through reversing the flow of “current/signal” to culminate at the center point from the surrounding connective points- the opportunity for greater results presents itself. Given as well, that in my concept each of the surrounding points of connectivity are then themselves surrounded with other points of connectivity making each a center point in the same manner… then again surrounding those points and so on…..

The flow of “information/signal” moving through each point from another, unnoticeably and mingling as I believe does our “interactive connectivity,” eventually manifesting as a singular representation of all of the originating points of information in a singular “entity” on center…. Which again has potential to be only another point of connectivity with a larger structure… transmitting that “culmination” onward and making all of the information/signal readily accessible in part or any combination as per “request.” This I see very much as the immediate and instant process of interactive connectivity/thought….. to employ such a systematic process is to emulate our very existence and even the process of Proximity Gestation on many levels.

Such may even prove to be quite an advance pertaining to artificial emotions and emulated intellect as well.

The possible uses for this ideology/theory applied, are only as finite as is technology in my own opinion. In fact should such “structure” ever have opportunity to manifest within our existing structures, the results could be quite liberating in a very human sense and especially in regard to the “bottle neck” within technology.
As an exploratory thought momentarily, I would like to apply every philosophical publication as can be found, into this structure… each individually as per connectivity points and their surroundings and so on as such has progressed in our path of existence. The thought is something to muse on… and such an ideology/theory- when I step back and analyze it myself- is again but a human emulation of that which occurs naturally… though it is an example of my personal version/perspective and thought structure result.

The concept of “world as idea” has been around along time and the tendency of humans is to place oneself, I have noticed, in the center of everything as if each of our existences were from the “creators” stand point and perspective instead of us being receptacles of experience/perception and influence from that “Eternal Source,” thought and reality. It seems to me that the truth of it is more in regard to a cumulative manifestation of perceptions in regard to the “worlds existence” and known reality… but only insofar as the result of its interaction with that “Eternal Source,” experience and the perceptions of others.

Should I have some “new idea” as those I have proposed my perception and effect on the world could be amplified – but it would still be subject to formative influences from and through the interaction of others – many others… in a similar manner as I have described. Such a “new idea” effectively displacing yet a bit more of the “nothing” which we aren’t a part of. In doing so, I see it act as if it were a liquid filling no more space of “nothing” than is within it’s capacity to do so.
In such action the movement of reality that it is attached to into that “nothing” is much the same – and the interaction of said “idea” and reality as they move in such displacement… is again similar to such movement in a large body of liquid. The “idea” becomes intermingled with the rest of that reality through the agitation of that occurrence. Dispersed consistently through out… to the degree of it’s capacity and relevance/potency.

If it is that we are “idea,” then it is that we are of the same idea as all that we know (interactive connectivity). Then it is that all we know – especially “a priori” is of that “Eternal Influence.”… and again we as creatures act as transducers, putting forth the result of such motions continuously into our reality…. Shaping it through the effect of our “digested” transmissions of said interactive connectivity and the raw form of it’s effect on all else through interaction within the process of Proximity Gestation. “Digested” including the advent of technology.

As I have before stated I feel that we are a form of “conduit” between that “Eternal Source” and our reality through the process of Proximity Gestation, progressively (relative) effecting the initial mode of it’s (Eternal Source) existence and interaction with our perception, structured methods – and through such (each being a form of emulation) have established civilization and each of it’s successions/developments, and there-in; Reality. In fact… ever discovering(‘creating”) metaphysics in the same motions of displacement quite naturally as means with which to comprehend all that is and such displacement of nothing in that realm.

In such an attempt, we limit ourselves as it would seem- in regard to actually attaining it. Thus again the illusion of a finite world that is produced when “structures of thought” and perception become too prominent… losing sight of the reasons they are there (much like the common perception in our modern day of the language of mathematicians – itself seeming to be more the focus than the reasons it was developed), limiting the reality at hand and simultaneously exhausting those “structured/limited” areas of perception of any and all sources of inspiration/substance. This gives way to a destructive self consuming cycle that could (and has) caused the demise of entire civilizations…. Losing direction in the ever short sighted focus and there-in within the illusion that everything has been done. That finite aspect is only true within the constraints of those structured perceptions.

When such structure becomes far too prominent, societies are even blinded to the very real possibilities of inspirations from “untrained (thus less structured)” minds…perceptions… “in tune” in a different manner with that “Eternal Source” and nature.

This is even a more significant matter in reference to and against the use of genocide… and further supports my theory (idea) that each of our races must remain as if “spokes in a wheel.” Many that support genocide claim the cause of achieving a single unity of humans. I think achieving a single unity of humans in such a manner is a good example of a misconstrued direction. In my perspective the goal for ascension in that manner is to achieve unity as individual (in that sense) representations. “Races” existing together from their given perspectives to achieve and maintain that which I think to be possible…….one of which is enlightenment and another (more vital immediately) is the continuation of our reality… very similar to pieces in a puzzle.. wheels in a clock without firm edges in a metaphysical and real sense.

This is supportive and supported in cross reference with many of my views and existing consistencies, as well as the idea/observation of “Proximity Gestation” I have put forward in other areas here-in. this subject matter corresponds as well to the action I have described in “sowing seeds of inspiration” through means I have described.

The human race does not just continue. The brutish and simple (though quite pleasurable) act of sexual intercourse is in no way the true and only means that allows for the continuance of the human species. Factually it is another emulation. No matter how much physical procreation may actually take place within a race/species, if such structured patterns of existence are in no way augmented… the given example of species/race will cease to exist.

If one looks for it through the ages it is readily apparent where such decline has transpired, as well… where such a fact has failed to be acknowledged. Consequently, it is from and in the areas that managed such “metaphysical provision” (whether accidental or not) through out history, that most greatly pronounce their influences today and are most present in the existing structures of perception in various degrees throughout society.

Within such dynamics exist “pockets” of greater concentrations of given structures (most still acting as if they are in contention for omnipotence) and most within them being ignorant of such vital cycles… leading me to believe that such augmentations as are necessary weren’t always consciously achieved.. not always purposeful from the human perspective. It leads me further to believe that such ignorance is sustained through repetition of sorts.. still being unaware of anything beyond their actions as being the reason for their continuation.

These examples accrediting their physical movements as the reason (much like an obsessive compulsive disorder) and the maintenance and repetition of said structured actions… in that limiting the given examples in the amount and level of augmentation and new “life energy” that they receive even though it may be interacting with much more modern ideas through it’s relation in the overall structure of metaphysical/real society.

The “Fringes” of these structures must be tended as well as the areas and the cores…. And through their interactions are new developed “areas” and “fringes” to be considered…. “tended” in the spirit of the sculptor….. being a culmination as result something in the degree as perhaps even, the “city of minds.”

I would like to see… even more would like to be a part of… a new revolution of writers on existence. It isn’t as though I think myself more intelligent or even “worthy” of such comparisons with the greats, if even through happenstance and accident… but it is that I have a sound sense of myself and in that, know that such would be rather enjoyable…. If not even beneficial. It isn’t as though I won’t continue to write and study knowing that such is probably quite a rare, if existent at all, area of existence.

I suppose, on the bottom line regarding such a subject… it is enough to do as I am doing in my personal explorations… knowing that it does automatically gain acceptance into the fold of reality and existence… simply through existence and that Process I have described…….regardless of how great or little it is acknowledged….. I know that I won’t find myself in the labyrinth of seeking acceptance just to find it. That would be a waste of my existence in the right now…. As historically, If I ever did manage such greatness… anything that I produced would most assuredly be utilized for “evil” purposes when laughably in regard to such misuses… there is no reason to gravitate toward such. Everything is provided for within that “Eternal Influence” and through our existence there-in. Everything imaginable is possible as result… the realization of the greatest passions and conversely the realization of frightening fantasies with the element of “evil,” if done in a harmonious manner. It is only the discord that presents “evil” and destruction. Both extremes are there in that “Eternal Source;” Fear – Pleasure… both extremes then have purpose. It only becomes destruction when those purposes are ignored and such things are forced (used) to transpire in a manner that isn’t conducive – wrongfully used.

Hegel stated that “Quality is completely a category only of the finite, and for that reason it has it’s proper place in nature- not in the world of the mind.” What then of words that I both read and write? What then of the “Venice de Milo?” What then of mathematics? Machinery? The smile on my lovers face?

Thought and nature are of each other as much as being and mind.

What says such a statement about his own thought?

While quality should not be the limitation or measure of thought, such innate leanings shouldn’t be purposefully excluded either. Even the attempt at such is an attempt at achieving and maintaining a given level of quality. In regard to understanding such comments as a part of our being, it seems as if such statements are made in the effort to “contain,” give the impression of having contained something… for the purpose of laying claim to having control of such a thing. We then try and relate not to the idea of what it is, but to the idea we have put forward in such a statement… which we then feel as though we control. This produces yet again, the illusion of understanding and of understanding things we can hardly grasp… then further laying claim to control.

The concept and ideas of things such as “chance,” the “infinite,” “love”… all being quite elusive… and even that of “quality.” These things cannot simply be ruled out when we find ourselves at a loss to adequately place them for our own satisfaction. Such is their nature in my opinion… very much the purpose of their existence, even…. Perhaps vital to our existence in the degree of being a “last line of defense” built-in naturally to keep us from entirely curing like concrete “between our ears” and subsequently in our existence… and with that hastening our demise.

They serve to fill our lives with “new” moments, warming our very essence with elusive and indescribable motions.

The simple proclamation of superiority has historically failed. How is it that one can claim no place for quality in the mind? Then along with another, claim some station of superiority? This type of direction has failed repeatedly though has served as a provider of destruction with which to sustain the artificial elements and emulation of our existence. The very thought of “superiority” implies “quality.” “Quality” of most if not all things in reference.

Nietzsche boldly stated that our “physicists created God and the world.” This type of statement is well within the area of “stating superiority.” What kind of world did they “create” without quality? It has to be one of the more obvious statements in attempt to bate and skew from actual consideration, as well… not to mention drawing attention to oneself.

To be fair I can perceive an aspect that has to do with the realization of our perception of a “God” through such means as physics… and I have to state that such is a good example of science having blinded itself…. I can see this statement being placed “from” that given point of realization, still holding to the ignorance of the mindset in the moment prior to such realization… being that mindset seeing our perception of such having been made available (and thus “created”) through the actions of the physicists. More over, quite plainly the statement bolsters the unarguable existence of an “Eternal Influence” through proving it with said physicists and mathematicians.. though it is stated in a manner as I have described regarding “control” and the illusion of “control.”

It is sensationalism, but when considering it… it may have been sensationalism in an attempt at an artificial “rejuvenation” similar to that in the manners I have described.

Truthfully from my own perspective, such a statement doesn’t even rank in the “productively absurd” in regard to our reality and the process of Proximity Gestation… and the “re-invigoration” of perception. It immediately brings the term in regard to quality production of food products to mind… “Garbage in, Garbage out.”
Not so coincidently… a person can see a relation in modern society with physical food products (and their quality) and metaphysical “food products” (as is such a statement).

It seems to be a statement and direction more for the purpose of laying claim to having said it. Speaking of Nobility and unrestrained self servitude in the same breath is like describing every failed form of government that have ever existed… as if to inspire with such statements the very acts and course of direction such would need to exist…..to justify needless destruction posthumously with the fabricated excuse and posturing falsely creating it’s own motive… the illusion of such motive having ever existed.

From my personal perspective “Will to Power” is the ability to manifest thought into reality. A young lady may be fantasizing right now, about something pleasing… this fantasy may be re-occurring with subtle differences. The version of “Will to Power” put forward seems to state that she should act immediately on impulse. This I think would result in an empty culmination… where as cultivation and attention to said fantasy… savoring of it, will yield a much fuller experience when realized through bringing it forward into reality.

I would argue that such philosophy as Nietzsche’s has had little actual success (other than private instances, accidentally) in practicality as a whole… and in the large scheme. This would mean that the “slave class” of thought is the predominant and more effective thought pattern ion society.

People fantasize about actions quite frequently that never manifest in their lives (which means that they hardly acknowledge “Will to Power” at all) even in “Noble” ranks. Where then is the use of posturing such? Much less the attempt of employing it as we have already noted, is a non-efficient direction.

Nietzsche then goes on to speak of “eternal self creation” and “eternal self destruction.” Factually the 1067 th entry in his “supplemental passages” within “the Will to Power,” seems much to be more sensationalism. The kind that a person might find as a narrative in a motion picture. When you read it you can almost hear the “crowd roar” in his head as he wrote the final words of that entry.

As a personal musing I would venture that he was the type of child that would have stolen other children’s lunch money, in our modern day…. Then produced such “works” in his adult life through a need to justify such actions in his youth…. Much in the same degree as is displayed in meaning within his works.

Society hasn’t been maintained and developed to the point that something such as his predominant attitude in such works could have been published through the type of existence and subsequent societies that such works would have created- safely. If “Beyond Good and Evil/Will to Power” had actually have been a substantial part of the structural make up of his day….. he would not have been able to publish it.

A person shouldn’t need such bravado to justify their personal wants. It may even serve as distraction from personal short comings. If that which he puts forward in those works is “beyond good and evil then I suppose that it exists somehow beyond the society (societies) that sustain it. Somehow kept from influencing itself and the consistent reality that is our perception and ourselves… Unless such philosophical stance were employing mechanical means, it is no way possible for it to exist of it’s own – thus proving it’s lack of substance in any respect.

Such silliness needs someone to believe it or it perishes. Further, in the fourth “chapter” of the supplemental passages – seventh entry – I find a timbre much like the grousing of one spoiled child of another spoiled child in an attempt at instigating some sniveling contest. How is it that either view there is correct? Where in is the authority to make such claims? Especially in light of each, their own manipulations and self serving ends?

One spoiled, sniveling child deserves nothing more than does the other… much less the leeway to disrupt harmonious existence in the lives of others as some ploy/demonstration of their fictitious deservedness and disertitude. Noses to the corner! I say! With the both of them!

He then goes on to describe (more like prepare a way) for some “need of imaginary revenge.” This seems to be the desired effect of this published drivel. Making itself a focal point – creating such “needs” through it’s own workings and design while missing nearly all of existence and what truly there is of it.

He then goes on to speak more of “slave mentality” citing “it’s action is merely reaction.” As we have established, such is all that any of us really are in the larger scheme.

He then cites the “contrary as being the case” when referring to aristocrats.
Perhaps such “smooching of the hiney” was necessary then – more over maybe such is just indicative of the time with a lack of insight into existence.

Neither of what he poses is (or should be) true on the whole in our modern day. The “farming” aspects of social classes is as much one way as it is the other within society.

The great “tug-o-war” is rather an embarrassment these days. Any that are of it, in my opinion, have lost/misused so much of life – the very life they claim to be doing it for. Some still thinking that they can return to “the good ol’ days,” and attempting to drag all of society with them in their small moments of false victories.

If either side were of “a better cloth” in the sense and tone that Nietzsche puts forward, they would know that more opportunity is in a future existence, through posterity – than is a learned vendetta and insisting on living in such a mind set.
Neither can win (especially that it is that both are of the same area entirely ) as if it is/were that either succeeded… all it hoped for and much more would find ruin through their attempts at moving reality “back” to their moment of loss, initially.
Placing the focus of society on an outdated structured thought pattern, along – leaves all others (and prosperity) without recourse as reality can then only act within the dynamics of that miniscule part of the entire path/layers of structures making up the whole of what we are now. If such focus remains misplaced (forcible or otherwise) for long, damages untold will manifest in ALL of society…. Regardless of any fabricated excuse employed posthumously or otherwise. It likens to the effect of using a tourniquet around your neck to stop a nose bleed. If such a “remedy” isn’t soon rectified and debunked for what it is, all of the body will suffer.

In his supplementary passages he address’ the subject of art and again I see a tendency in attempting to “force life onto itself.” ‘Art imitating life that imitates art.’ To force stagnation, a contained cycle.

If it were that such were the larger percentage of inspiration and cause of “art,” it would all too soon become repetitious, trite and without that very thing such a statement claims it is in need of to sustain itself. If I do say, it is very short sighted.

In our modern day, it is fairly easy to see the effects of such a philosophical stance as what he has put forward pertaining to art, but thankfully such doesn’t rule the normality.

I should note that in much of these publications (Nietzsche) – I see painted the image of a caged animal. Mistreated. Allot of pacing and panting. Allot of projection of what appears to be personal want.

I could argue that such disposition is as a result of said “structures” and the human element subconsciously searching for something outside of it.

The over all “soapbox, grandstanding” elements of it – the sensationalism, is very similar to that of a trained (more like conditioned in the trap I have described) animal at the zoo. Even a wild animal on display could never consciously conform to such claims. I suspect that even animals in the wild would be hard pressed – if any would even find interest in wasting their existence on such silliness.

As I have stated, what I see here is the opportunity for any that try to conform to these principals and perspectives, to actually be in violation of them – already existing to one extent or another in their own lives… and there-in wasting their own opportunity in trade for what appears as someone else saying that your existence is alright. Trading the excitement and “honey” of your own experience and development – for the “empty excretion” of an excuse spewn forth for nothing more than attention.
Definitely “Noses to the corner!

Nietzsche speaks of “The Will” as being emotion. “A complex of sensation and thinking” among a few others. From my point of view, I see it as “an extension in the moment of ego (self).” Unconsciously it seems to be the center point… turning… balanced atop itself… through each moment, hour and day – completing a cycle of decisions within parabolic, hyperbolic and spiral degrees… within yet another set of such motions which is our reality.

From that “Eternal,” to the “monad” substance, through given structuring – to the ego (self) – measured and yet again disbursed in the instant to emotions – culminating in both subconscious and conscious “will” – which manifests in reality.
Looking at that sequence it becomes easier to see how the given structured learning deprives everyone, our species entirely – of much.

Envision again if you will that “Eternal Source” as an incredibly large body of “frequencies” consistent and very much organized (much more so than you can see manifested in nature). Then, in another way to describe those layers of imposed thought structure, visualize them as various “noise gates,” parametric and graphic equalizers, high pass filters, low pass filters (shelving equalizers). Each given structure is set to allow only so much sensitivity to certain “frequencies,” many of those structures being quite similar.. though having subtle differences as anyone can see with simple observation of different societies and sub-cultures.

I attribute our level of organization to this, but as well the problematic stagnation and illusion of a finite world/existence.

When a stone is hewn for a certain purpose, it is shaped and placed to be utilized in that capacity for as long as the stone and what it is a part of should physically exist. Then it exists even further beyond the assigned use.

I feel that our existence is intended to be much more malleable and adaptive than is stone – though similar in such a path.

The self and will seem to be unable to act, think, and perceive anything beyond/outside of that structure (layers of structures). This is true so long as the self doesn’t discover/isn’t taught further how to exist beyond those structures as everything.

Again, in my opinion the only way to keep from metaphysical suffocation is to introduce the absurd, apparently… and beyond that, to even exist as the absurd. I believe this to be possible even after making said “discovery” of how to exist beyond those structures. Factually I think such “learned absurdity” is vital in the continuation of our existence as is the periodic introduction of the “unlearned” mind (this being different than the example put forward in regard to Nietzsche).

I should mention that such attempts of absurdity have been put forward through direct contradiction in given situations – but such serves no purpose other than a form of useless distortion/static. Within that… application of such contradiction is really nothing more than another “structured Pattern” and is very much subject to the same potential of destruction as all others when utilized – over imposed.
I do believe that there is a difference between acting as a contradiction and the contradictions that occur naturally (and still feel accompany all truths) –
I still toy with the idea that truths may actually gestate within contradictions (even untruths) and given sets and series of contradictions. I am still quite curious as to a way to map the terrain of all contradictions in regard to all known truths. I don’t feel that it would manifest as a direct mirror image. I don’t feel that introducing “absurdity” will “un-structure” our direction or reality, either.

Nietzsche also states that “nothing can originate from – out of it’s opposite.” This is simply entirely wrong. What then of man born of woman? Would such conclude that woman is nothing more than a “holding cell?” Irrelevant even? Could it be – if such were true, that life originates beyond the womb? It is still moving through the female human creature being born into the world… man of woman negates that statement entirely.

In considering the direction of “life originating beyond the womb,” such would stand to reason and the consistencies… given as well that most truths are long held dormant for one reason or another in what can be considered their opposite until discovered… birthed into the realm of perceived reality… giving the illusion that such truth emanates from such a different position… such truths even originating beyond the “womb of contradiction” in this example.

This I suppose could be illustrated in the following manner as a musing; Instincts are innate, involuntary… a direct effect of interactive connectivity. The confinement and structure of thought with such elemental qualities through “structure patterns” is another example of truth being held within untruth – contradiction. The “truth” being instincts, the untruth being that “structure,” the encompassing substance of our perceived reality. Even in some cases being entirely suppressed. To coin a phrase; “Iniussus Structura Theatrum Cognoscemer.”

It begins at birth when exposed to and added into the perception of our reality. In some ways it begins before that breech.

I have to say how odd I think it, that such a thing as birth can be seen as mundane to some people… thus more to reference in regard to “progress” and “chasm.”
Even more Nietzsche poses the question – “Is greatness possible-nowadays?”
Such a point of view, even in the time period that he wrote, is indicative of the effect of that series of structured thought. It as well depicts that growing distance between ourselves and that which we claim to be- that connecting with the “Eternal.”

Having (even then) systematically closed ourselves off from existence and that “Eternal Source” through said methods, we as creatures have greatly and consistently lessened the chance of greatness – much more-so because of losing sight (and losing ourselves) of the very reasons for such endeavors within the immediate distractions we create within those structured thought patterns. Even further, removing opportunity to discover how to exist of ourselves without the shackle aspects of ‘knowledge,’ thus enabling and engaging our capacity toward greatness of our own, regardless of it’s volume. In that manner such greatness doesn’t need destruction and would seldom produce it, as such destruction develops from the friction (that is undue) between said structures.

Attempts at greatness of your own from within a given structure/pattern is at best a feigned effort… yourself truly choosing the safety of the familiar and the empty emulations that are all which can arise from said “attempt.” Most choose to confine themselves and through half hearted “efforts,” naming it progress, civility… when really it only promotes the destruction such emptiness needs to achieve such an illusion in the place of true development… freely….. in a desperate need for any semblance of progress. It is that which effectively fills each pass of the “spiral” with tactless, transparent sameness…. If it happens that within it the spiral makes it’s path at all. It does this mostly in an unconscious manner through attention to fallacies and façade that emulate our reality. Then devouring the “product” of destructions, inadvertently deemed necessary for “expansion/progress,” instead of nourishing ourselves through existence and our rightful interactions with one another and that “Eternal Source.” In line with that replacing that which has been destroyed with a flimsy facsimile and pale emulation of it – calling such “new” and “progress” while it is really nearly void and entirely removed from the very thing that sustains existence…. Seemingly forced into such decisions through that illusion of finite existence which is really nothing more than a result of lack of self (and knowledge of self) to carry on. Stripping it even further with each use of such an empty, clumsy tactic.

In a drastic example it is similar to destroying your garden, that you might forsake the pattern of the eco system… in an effort to eat of dung directly from horse’s and cattle… then to smile and call it good. Perhaps even in some effort to/of “Will to Power”- forgetting in the arrogance and greed far to much to describe here.

“Exploitation” in the immediate, connotative sense, is an act of cowardice and has nothing to do with actual power. It Seems to fit in with the cycle of events I have just described – that many falsely call progress. Perhaps that form of stance was derived in the need of an excuse… justifying a lack of self and a connection with that “Eternal.” Something derived for those who failed to find themselves (through which ever means) for the purpose of some false right, some false security.. serving selfishness to an extremely detrimental fault.

I prefer to see Nietzsche’s writings as a form of self inflicted torment (in manners I have described), set forward to ensnare the rodents of the world… but I must consider as well that perhaps the ways in which such theory as Nietzsche’s has come to manifest on the world, in our reality are through misuse and misunderstanding of the intended meaning… though it is as I have stated with much doubt that I consider the possibility as exploitation in such extremes as Nietzsche has put forward… only insures ones own demise… regardless of how deftly that they exercise it.

In a wonderful contradiction to the pomp and timbre with which he delivers such writ – much of said results from his theory seem to come to rest firmly in a “slave morality,” very much in accordance with his description of the “slave morality.”

Reading now from some notes that I have made while reading some of Comte- He states that the “Universe is to be studied, not for it’s own sake, but for the sake of humanity.” He then goes on to point out that our scientific theories can never be really satisfactory. This observation points again to the mistake in the conception of a finite existence – I see part of the reason for such a lack of completion (besides factors I have already stated) being the fact that there really isn’t a set point of completion.

Everything that we claim to know, is just that. Our reality is nothing more than what we as creatures have made of it through history in conjunction and as interaction within interactive connectivity and that process of Proximity Gestation. Our progressing knowledge being only a part of our functions in the living sense. I see the importance of our existence (though really quite unimportant) as extending to being the very consistency that maintains reality. Those living unknowing of each, while accumulating for that body of knowledge – also as fasteners in the perception of reality. Part of the reason that some things actually do change from my perspective, is due to movement of the perception of those fasteners in one degree or another. Thus even farther in our workings is the importance of posterity and concern for the maintenance of our progression….. though in reality most times people choose the false safety of repetition of information through any combination of said “metaphysical thought structures.” Many times they abandon the “conscious existence” for the hapless, careless self servitude.

There is plenty of living to be had and experienced in the direction of consideration for the effect on humanity…. And it is easy as easy as actually enjoying your life through living it and perceiving it. Topical hedonism is a waste on many levels and especially in it’s extremes. Even in it’s extremes, it’s “pleasures” nowhere near match those of “applied life,” productivity.

Comte then goes on to speak of “entire freedom” from a theological state before the positive state can be attained.” I see this as nearly 180°. I feel that a person must find that connection with themselves and of themselves, with that Eternal Influence (even subconsciously) before any freedom can be attained – much less any metaphysical ascension. Granted, he is probably referring to any of the existing thought structures in reference to theology, however it still remains that a person must acknowledge that “Eternal Source” in one form or another as well as having a sense of self.- lest they find themselves simply contained within any given thought structure’s dictation and reality. Within that, as Comte had stated, is the “tendency to degrade higher subjects of thought, through confounding them with lower.” In my opinion this creates various levels of “structure” and layers several – happening in several different degrees – again upon themselves.

When this is applied every day it creates a controlled illusion of freedom of thought – most generally in the peripherals of it (this occurrence’s) focal point. The previous system/structure of learning is destroyed – it becomes much like mis-mingled levels and rooms within a building – in a “thought” and metaphysical sense, still accessible (given the effort) for reference as well as becoming an unconscious attribute in the pattern of thought perception. An area once malleable and receptive to untold amounts of stimulation – now firmly structured and pre-designed (though somewhat haphazardly) for a limited part of the entire source.

That appears to be the “weave” of one generation to the next in the living sense… it has been said that the “new” must struggle, as does the “old” with encroachments there-n… but again in my opinion the “old” isn’t necessarily destroyed though it is proven that sound information will undoubtedly win over older, less full bodies of information regardless of the levels of public acceptance. Especially that which easily fills known and unknown voids, displacing the “nothing.”

Comte continues to speak more of encroachments using the area of science as a pallet. He cites the movement of things like “geometry” and how it soon overlaps “calculus,” “mathematics upon physics.” These are fabulous examples of the ideology/theory I have proposed concerning the process of Proximity Gestation and cross pollinations – “Fringe Areas” of existence now as well as in very early areas of development.

What he cites as example, I see simply as different languages set forward in the attempt to describe the very same things, though different parts in different ways. The similarity and consistency in those truths and the traits within my theory are undeniable and even quite substantial within the larger consistencies of existence.

I venture that it is those “Fringe Areas” in regard to most any subject/reality/existence of overlapping that many discoveries are made. It is the overlapping as well that tells us that such an incomprehensible thing as is that “Eternal Source” has shape and size and substance – though not readily visible, and without end. I also believe that within such a pattern/series of patterns is the involuntary/unconscious emulation of our very beginnings – much as result of the consistent properties of that “Eternal Influence”- imparting upon our “everything” such immense consistencies… cycling in a metaphysical sense, again from my observations – in the manner of a spiral pertaining to the direct effects… our progress and how such manifests in our reality. Those “encroachments” being resonation of an original pattern.. manifesting in such a way in regard to our interaction, perception, advance and the degree of which we have achieved structured thought. Thus channeling and producing a similar pattern, differently, individually through the “filters” of our making due to consistent influence of that “Eternal” and our position in given metaphysical cycle proximity and physical proximity. We subconsciously adhere to inspiration/influence of a “type of path.”

Those “different languages” follow with some precision, the very movements of our origin, beginnings (said resonations), though in a different realm….. a different area of existence…. AND it continues as such.

Some see progression as if that “Eternal” were growing. From my perspective, the “Eternal” doesn’t need growth, it doesn’t need to be capable of growth – our perception is.

Does a child really grow? Does a plant? Perhaps they are just filling our perception. Changing our reality a little every day through compliance with that Eternal Influence. Even in that is a deeper exchange through our interactive connectivity and the noticeable “Fringe Areas” throughout the process of such perceived transformations. As it is that basic arithmetic gives way to algebra, and that basic arithmetic isn’t ever forgotten, so then go such transformations. In such a manner and within our interactive connectivity, it would seem to propose the possibility of ever lengthening life spans while we exist in the present, preparing for our tomorrows, for the future, and insuring acceptable yesterdays for our tomorrows.

Comte speaks of “the hope of becoming incorporate into the ‘Great Being’ whose static and dynamic laws it has revealed.” He proposes this to happen through ‘science.’ As I have stated, that seems (and seems to have proven to be) backwards. I don’t believe that science will ever overtake that “Eternal Source” at all- much less enough to “give” the opportunity of being ‘incorporate’ beyond the natural ability and interaction that is already available to us. That opportunity has always existed without technology or science.

I believe our science will never be more than a means of understanding, mapping. A method in which to document the small parts and pieces we become familiar with, for reference and other applications… some useful, some harmful as we have seen. This brings me to the point again, that if there were no “Eternal Source” even science would not exist or be possible. The consistencies documented (which make up the body of science) would never have been much less be applicable in other uses within that larger consistency.

From a certain perspective the statement pertaining to “incorporate” seems as though, and very similar to proposing that someone steal your car, damage it – then offer to sell it back to you for a ‘bargain price’ – if so… after such a transaction all that would remain would undoubtedly be only scrap of actual interaction with such an “Eternal Influence.” Then said science would probably insist upon some sort of admiration for having ‘provided’ such an experience.

If I let my imagination play upon the entire ‘incorporate’ statement, from a different perspective and metaphorically in a poetic sense… it could be reckoned as a dreamy hope and desire for future travel into and through space. He issues this statement in a few paragraphs where he is predominantly speaking about humanity and even the ‘worship of humanity.’ I see this as misconception. We as creatures simply, at best embody only elements of that “Eternal Source.”

While I believe our cumulative, metaphysical existence/thoughts are of some importance- nowhere do I think that man/humans should be worshiped as that Eternal Influence. I do believe that such elements are more present in some than in others, due largely to said interactive connectivity. “Doted upon, loved, nurtured, even as a point of some small obsession as a part of life’s experience- yes… and even more, I don’t believe it is possible to actually worship a human in the same manner and interaction as with that “Eternal Influence.”

To worship a human/humans requires thought, deliberation, preconceived notion, effort. The worship of the “Eternal” is in effect with every breath…’every moment’…. effortlessly without conscious thought. Through existing and there-in interacting with it, such is very much involuntary. Each moment resonating in eternity comprised at least partly of your contribution (plus or minus) in each of those moments through simply being.

I believe cognitive thought and perception being unique in humans – is indicative of such… and a type of proof.

That ‘every moment ‘ manifesting within ourselves as what we call personality. Each due in accordance with much of what I have described at the ‘individual’ level.
There have been statements that refer to personality as a type of ‘disease.’ This statement is against the grain of our very existence and the ‘efforts’ to progress. It is that such a statement may very well be in regard to the existence of personality as much as in reference to some affliction. When this is considered it gives new light to our part in existence.

Personality itself, though filtered and molded in ways that I have described, is innate in origin (somewhat unique that is, to each individual). Yet, when placed in it’s capacity with the rest of existence, it can be seen very much as an ‘affliction’ that imposes itself upon perception, surroundings… on and so forth…regardless of given personalities disposition. Personality itself is as are those structured thought patterns – while being very much because of them… there-in demonstrating yet again the consistencies within the emulations throughout the process of Proximity Gestation and existence. Then there are the aspects of it’s influence on all else through that and as an inseparable part of ourselves. I consider for a moment that perhaps personality in a cumulative sense is a larger part of the very catalyst that is our existence…. A layer within that cumulative that consist of resulting individual personalities. The “timbre” of the overall “tone.” The reason for the “texture” in the “builders stone.” The “flavor” and “scent” of the air as you move through a given space….and the subtle aspects of that, in a larger, cumulative sense. In that sense, much in the same way that we are not entirely of that “Eternal,” nor entirely are we of our natural perceived reality and surroundings.

Such an “affliction” being due to that structured, cognitive thought as we have digested it and retained it’s substance… then re-introducing it to our reality. Other aspects of personality are pre-supposed and as a result of our placement and in that –individual sensitivities to the vast array of influences on us, from our surroundings and that “Eternal.” A greater variety of subtleties pronounced in some more than in others.

The more modern version of “structured thought,” purposeful or as a by-product – is what I refer to as the “burning” of information into the brain/mind with exposure to various levels of manmade radiation/frequency. When a person is exposed to a computer screen the damage incurred is then associated with the information perceived…. Especially of a long period of time and at the proper level of exposure.
Each combination of given sets of information presented in that medium, has a somewhat unique pattern of “radiation emission.” The way that I perceive this, is a type of scarification that is centralized with a flowering pattern in accordance with said “sets” of information combinations. Each ”website/page” having subtle differences in variations. In my opinion – prolonged exposure will result in such scaring as to desensitize the mind/body, even in a metaphysical sense.

This I would apply to television as well. Over long periods of time, I imagine that the physical brain actually hardens, becomes as scar tissue. In a quick note – things such as Alzheimer’s disease may be as result (at least partially0 from such scaring.

It is very much “trading” ones capacity to exist and expand metaphysically as well as intellectually for a type of “hard wired” existence…. Soon being only able to access that which has been burned into the brain tissue, as opposed to the use of our “interactive connectivity.” This is even a larger concern when a person considers the ever expanding capacity that we have naturally.

We aren’t born, knowing how to learn… that is knowing how to learn in the manner that is consistent and common. We must be taught how to learn in that manner. A child recognizes it’s parents through conditioned association (in a physical/intellectual sense), to a lesser of greater degree (given, there is a level of instinct) – but unlike an animal, it cannot make such a recognition physically (such as through sight or smell) until it is conditioned to do so. This leads me to several thoughts.

Firstly, such is an example of the distance between ourselves and our natural state concerning said structures – and as reference to that “chasm.” Then, thoughts directed toward cognitive thought. It is there even at birth and is more relied upon (even idol) than are the sense in humans. “An empty balloon” in a metaphysical sense awaiting the ever happening action of that “Eternal Influence,” other influences and it’s own digestion of the given influence – to transform perception – the information of the mind, said influences into substance which the product of becomes content steadily and constantly of that “empty balloon” – cognitive thought – filling it. This process beginning at and even before birth, and continuing throughout life.

I could speculate that the contents/capacity of the mind only becomes finite when it is removed from the direct “stream” of that “Eternal” influence. The product of cognitive thought becoming less potent in that occurrence and replaced with artificial (finite) means through over exposure to artificial/technological influence and “structure.”

It isn’t as though I believe the mind/brain to be limited. Factually I think it to be a processor in ways uncommon in respect to that “Eternal Influence,” moment to moment, action-thought. I fell that the capacity is near limitless if not as infinite as that “Eternal Source” provided the interaction and flow isn’t hindered in the extreme.

An infants mind may contain as much or more “substance” in motion as a learned adult – the infant simply has yet to transfer such, with other information – into that “balloon” of decided perception. The “essence,” information all being present and awaiting digestion into action, becoming part of conscious knowledge and reality simultaneously.

This leads me to a tangent… that tells me we as creatures, and our reality – are precisely what they should be, given all that is. This is a broad statement and subtleties could be argued about some miniscule decision changing the course of our reality…but the basic truth of it stands.

Even if a person could somehow isolate an infant from every influence of our world/reality – It would still be subject to the very same influence that began what we know of our reality. That infants reality, given the same length of time to develop, would become very similar to ours through it’s generations of physical lineage. I feel that most would be developed in the same ways, learning, buildings, communications… and in that, though theoretic – is yet a more sound argument in support of a cyclical spiral of existence. A consistent, eternal body of influence.

I do contend that the development of such a child, in particular ways – would have allot to do with proximity as well, from the very beginnings. I would be interested to see the results of something like this for another reason as well.

Given that we learn to learn and to structure our mind… and given the opinion that such has much to do with the solidity of our reality – being that our existence is of our natural, physical realm and that of said “Eternal Source,” I toy with the idea of the possibility however slight, of the type of harmony that can allow physical change in our surroundings simply through will. Achieving the “idea” of metaphysically effecting our surroundings (physically/real surroundings) efficiently, isn’t far fetched.

An infant in the womb- as I have already stated, is suspended and perhaps still immersed in that “Eternal,” metaphysically at least. In that time as I have previously stated – that infant is everything and nothing. Unrealized reality existing in what may as well be another dimension and co-existing within ours. That state of mind is what I am referring to.

In theory, if a person could attain that state of mind existing there-in and maintain the “inter-dimensional qualities,” it seems that it would be possible to physically move through solids in our reality…. Being very much part of the ‘energy’ that permeates all. A person could even command physical elements through displacement and movement of that “Eternal Source,” omni present as it is. Doing so through “will,” harmoniously.

As I have touched on here-in (and addressed in other works) – the consideration of such possibility gives a different insight into how malleable our reality is/was, especially in any given time in far off history – in a very real and physical sense……I think much because of a lack of our conscious/structured thoughts…..

Was it at one time such an acute connectivity, that the very thoughts and feelings of the creatures (ourselves included) had effect cumulatively on the physical surroundings? I feel it is entirely too possible.

Envision being able to “think” a marble statue into existence from a large slab? In a very real sense – such is precisely what happens in a lapse of time. We think it, inspired from somewhere. We consider it, ponder it, “moved from something” – we then diligently go about the physical work until it is finished. Then in most cases, go through the same process again.

Did the resonation from when such a statue was completed, carry through in the joy of beholding it, to somehow tell us what it should be when/at that moment we found inspiration?

Are we actually living backwards and proceeding backwards as we age and progress, metaphysically and in thought while perceiving forward progress in existence?

Master sculptors produced many works through thought alone – in regard to directing pupils and apprentices. Might such direction be the channeling of such “elation,” resonations? Still echoing in directionless(in our perception) illusion of progress?
The farther that we progress the less it seems that we know about actual existence. Waiting for some television personality to tell us what to do with our lives, as the moments, days and years pass.

It is as if we unlearn existence while surrounded with modern amenities.
Is it possible for us to be going in two different directions simultaneously?
Is there any real “direction (as per our definite understanding)” at all?
Might we actually be in a zero gravity environment, while struggling with only the illusion of such a constant?

How is it, that there can be such an inconsistency as is our existence (the human creature), surrounded with the consistencies that we perceive as reality? What we think are “free thoughts” are actually structured and confined. Things we perceive as imprisonment, can provide the greatest liberation.

We definitely have our place in the entire process…. But I think it is one of a filtration capacity in regard to our reality.

I definitely think that one must first know oneself, before being able to give of “oneself,” or to be able to give “oneself” up to anything…. and further in that, “self” is ever changing- never really graspable in the degree as to be able to relinquish it in that suggested manner. Many other people that I have experienced with no sense of self, fill their moments and days with a very high disregard of attempting to acquire/develop qualities they may see and long for in others, regardless of how. It is usually the same people that claim a deservedness in their actions, placing their “empty ego(self)” above and as more important than others.

It is those with a sense of self that I have found to be most free and liberated- with a much higher regard of others and a more humbled disposition. Perhaps such is related to proximity of influence during formative years? Perhaps such is actually as result of this transpiring correctly then augmented with formative perceptions?

Given, if the goal is to become an indiscernible part of a larger thing, then one must give up everything including ego (which may not be entirely possible) – Not to be reformed or “filled” in any other way….. in order to be absorbed into the other solids constituting the solid mass absorbing.

If the goal is to become a part of a larger, living/moving reality, then semblance of individualism – personal substance must be kept (or re-introduced past such disbursement) and exercised… kept limber and flowing. This in my belief is of utmost importance in the maintenance of a productive society.

Without this, society quickly reaches that area of metaphysical depletion… in need of other influence to continue. If said isn’t introduced then, soon there after is demise.

I have just been thumbing through the “Complete Works of Aristotle.” In doing so I have found more support in regard to my opinion in respect to much… based on the styling and subject matter of his books.

Most that I have thumbed through I find is in reference to very rudimentary subject matter, in a very matter of fact sense; “If this is such – then thus must be as this other” and the like.

It is very much “structure” and obviously attempt at attaining “structure.” It seems that the overall goal is to “solidify” as much of substance as is addressed. My concerns, as I have mentioned aren’t necessarily about the very necessary established reference points –structure, but the over application of such rigid structures. I consider the substance of all we have been exposed to in this manner (those groups of structures) which in turn are much of our reality- and I muse for a moment from a different angle of perception.

These types of “structures” are very much a type of conduit as I have addressed. If envisioned in a geometrical form – it could be said that, as I have touched on… they combine in a “shaft” like shape – some squares (cubes), circular (spheres), octagonal…. On and such….’end to end’…..

We have established that these structured “cylinders” very much effect the texture of our existence and the raw influence of that “Eternal” with our interactive connectivity (in various combinations). Such movement and consistency could very well be seen as “seed” moving toward the goal of inseminating beyond those given structures… to be placed into the world to gestate and then be born into our reality within that metaphysical cycle.. through the process of Proximity Gestation. Our reality and consciousness being the “egg” awaiting fertilization. Still producing in that metaphysical eco cycle, the means with which to produce and continue to produce the virile element- being what we perceive as ideas. The problem in this being, as I have stated… is the “bottle neck” we (our existence) has become. In the place of being “aqueduct” we in effect have created a metaphysical dam. A place of stagnation.

In reviewing more of Aristotle’s writings, I happen upon another reference to emotions and their effect on our existence. He cites that people are more prone to be deceived, the more emotional that they are. This is in conjunction with the reference of emotions being similar to affliction, disease…. It makes it a wonder in some instances that humans have progressed at all. Given especially that such “afflictions” have been the motive in many of what we perceive as progress/achievements.

Is it then our primary goal, to ‘sicken’ others?
How much more does it speak about our unique existence (among other living creatures) to be thus “afflicted?” In that, is then cognitive thought a disease?
Could everything that we are, all that we see as progress be nothing more than “puss” from a seething wound?

Could our growing body of “a priori” knowledge be only a cancer unto that “Eternal Influence?” Emotions being the movement of our essence, coupled and shaped with and through thought that has been structured… wouldn’t it seem that the extension which is our existence is a growth, a tumor even?... in that emotions being a manifestation of the movement of our essence… and likened to sickness.. affliction…. Affliction I could see through these malicious emotions; “greed, envy, (oddly much of what fuels modern ‘progress’), spite, hatred, on and such. It gives me a curious thought of speculation.

What would be the result should it be that all of any one of those malicious emotions could be placed in a single entity? Hate being housed in an individual – Envy being housed in an individual… greed in yet another….and so on. How would it change the dynamic of our existence? Would it change anything at all (being that such things would still be in the world, only placed differently so as not to be able to surface in any except that/those chosen individuals)?

That no one else would need to feel the pains of such afflictions?
It is said that Christ was crucified as penance –“ the wage of all mans sins.”
What of the ability in a metaphysical sense, to remove the sources of those misgivings from all except those chosen to individually embody each?

Of course in our day, such isn’t attainable (and seemingly gets less likely as we separate ourselves from that influence and familiarity with it)… but metaphysically it does seem quite possible. Hypothetically such an arrangement, over some generations and cycles in that metaphysical eco system, could prove to remove entirely those harmful aspects of emotion. Most times each needs at least the presence of one other to survive. Envy often leads to hatred… greed from and to envy, often in hatred… and from my observations none of those tainted forms of existence truly lead to happiness or any movement of the essence that is pleasing.
Through separating them into individuals, and then again in generations… I speculate that with each generation, given ill emotional substance would decline. Those even that would bear such burdens, eventually finding that burden simply gone.

I have just recently put some thought into personality a bit further. I have already described how I feel that we each relate to particular parts and areas of that “a priori” and how we each are “tuned” to certain aspects of that Eternal body of influence – and… how through those relations, our interactive connectivity and the learned structures of thought, manifests as our individual personalities. This I feel effects our existence and essence even into the physical realm. The timbre of our voice, even the naturally existing odor/smell of our body (sans excretions) – though it is that the P.H. of our body can be physically altered artificially.

Another aspect of that physical manifestation (though very near metaphysical) is the action of the brain itself, in thought/interactive connectivity. I have already briefly described my belief in the dynamics of our thought process… being that none of it really happens in the brain – and is merely interpreted there. More in that direction, and in relation to our personalities- It is my belief that the patterns of that interactive connectivity/thought differ slightly per individual though serving the same functions.

When I think the phrase “slabgomadoc,” the action in my brain produces a pattern. When you think that phrase, it produces a pattern… though it is a pattern with subtle differences- those differences being as result of “personality” as I have described it. In that, It is my belief that should a person “record” my thought pattern of that phrase… and then play that recording of “my thought pattern” in someone else’s brain it would sound-in thought- as it does precisely in my mind- my “voicing, influx, timbre.” Likewise, should the pattern be “placed” in another brain, and likewise should another individuals “thought pattern” be “broadcast” into my mind. The reason neither case would be regarded as thought, is as I have explained pertaining to my beliefs of the “thought process.” It would be no more real, no more a thought than listening to a persons “voice” on a physical recording.
I believe such would be entirely possible, as it is already demonstrated in our reality and everyday life.

I feel that the brain in such capacities is universal – neutral, a processor of stimuli. This is evident in the fact that we each All hear a violin for example, in the same way…timbre… pitch as each and every one of us do. Whether we can all acknowledge the subtleties of said tones, each person in a room with such stimulation – will hear it the same (save for subtle differences in placement), more importantly and to the point, we all recall in our minds that series of tones in the same hues, timbres, tones – as it was displayed even through our “personality” differences.

Even further, should any given individuals “Ratio Cogitamens” (to coin another phrase) be “placed” in the brain of another – the result would have the “personality overtones” of the individual to whome the initial “Ratio Cogitamens” belonged while being experienced in the “host” mind.

The “Ratio Cogitamens” – pattern of thought manifesting individually, and unique at a personal level per individual, being the embodiment in “thought” of a persons personality. Please refer to “stimuli illustrations.”

The same given stimuli is depicted in the two different “brains” illustrated there in… with subtle differences which are related to “personality,”… being the individual difference in response to the same stimuli.

Those differences in the “Ratio Cogitamens” of each illustration… again are due to the individual “personality” and within that, are much as result of said thought structures and formations.

The very same stimulation is perceived the same, in different brains, through different “Ratio Cogitamens.” Those “sparks” of thought (the Ratio Cogitamens) being interchangeable universally within different “minds/brains,” though perceived within the different minds in the “colorings” of the initial “Ratio Cogitamens due to their “personality,” essence, interactive connectivity and learned structures.

This I see as indication that out “thought, intellect, essence, and even conscious existence” – originate somewhere else…. And in that process of “recall exchange” of the “Ratio Cogitamens,” it would be possible to artificially stimulate perceived “recognitions.”

Listening to a violin may not have done anything emotional for one given individual from their perspective/perception – though through the “placement” of someone else’s “Ratio Cogitamens” of the same stimuli that did find/perceive some emotional respons- the “essence” and interactive connectivity/perception of the individual that wasn’t moved, could be fooled (could experience) into perceiving emotion through experiencing that of the other in what would seem to be memory of that stimuli in the recipients mind/brain… this even with the contrast of their own recollection of the experience.

It is my belief that our essence and personality are much of every thought. In further thought.. it would then be possible to layer the “Ratio Cogitamens” of multiple amounts of people.

Envision as a quip – experiencing the climax of orgasms from several people, layered upon your own at the same instant that you reached orgasm…. And then further (and not so much as a quip)… envision the metaphysical transfer in that moment and the effects that it may produce on conception. The influence of several different essences and “personalities” in that equation.

When a person considers it, this would not be difficult to produce in our modern world… it is that we already have the ability to record brain waves…. Why then is it that we fail to re-introduce these influences into the same areas of other people?
The idea of being able to heighten physical sensation is really only the beginning of the possibilities within such a direction. If it were approached properly, it may even be of use in relieving that “bottle neck” of our current developmental direction.

Further I believe this to be possible… simply because it would again, be nothing more than an emulation of our natural state of existence in regard to our interactive connectivity.

Then, for the sake of argument… could something of the sort actually continue to “dumb down” humans in general…creating a numbness due to another type of over exposure? In the sense of utilizing our unused capacity through technological means, is it that we again would be cheating ourselves of the natural development of things of this nature?

As I consider the opinions concerning “finite world,” more in depth…. I find my belief to be that such doesn’t hold true… even physically.

Archeology tells and shows us layers through out history… these layers come from somewhere… Trees, plants 9some grow to be immense) begin as germinated seeds. As they grow they take little (if anything truly substantial) from their surroundings.
Through considering this it leads me to see many “parabolic” aspects that make up (though in no way limited to one another) hyperbolic aspects within the larger “spiral” which in turn is itself a type of “parabolic” within “hyperbolic” which constitutes part of a larger spiral/cycle again….. (and more, none limited to one another).

I see that “Eternal Source” as a type of hyperbolic- constant, omni-present… infinite. I see it as processed through our perception, existing structures which form that perception and the metaphysical aspects of the Process of Proximity Gestation.

I see this as being much a part of our thought process (interactive connectivity) as well. Our personality registering in a visible manner in the manifestation of thought (interactive connectivity) within the brain. The “Ratio Cogitamens” is the “flame” of our essence….. a representation of our person in a metaphysical sense… though it is that it is as fleeting as “thought.” As intangible as flame in respect to it’s matter, substance and use. Each of our “Ratio Cogitamens” is unique to some degree… however impermanent and changing through our personal growth (and introduction to new structures/conduit). Topically a person could see it as the shape of the “flame” which is our every thought, flickering.

I see our existence (and said structures) as what regulates the level of changes we move through within that Process of proximity Gestation with the influence of that “Eternal Source,” due in some part to the movement through that field of “frequency(varying constant)” OF our sun in it’s orbit, and our orbit of it… and then the level effects which such changes due to that proximity, have upon our world.
If that cycle is regulated into a purely two dimensional realm, the damage- all told is hard to even speculate upon.

I see that “Eternal Source” as constant, though varied in content (from our perspective) at least) and given the consistencies of all that we know physically- it is, itself in motion of some sort…. Consistent motion, as it is. With that, our relation with and through it, is very similar to the movement of the smaller gears (ourselves, planet, galaxy, universe) relationship with the largest (if in this case their be a “largest”) metaphysically as a metaphoric example. I suspect that factually there isn’t necessarily a “largest” but more a cumulative motion/relationship/interaction which emits that constant. Such an area of origin would be far beyond our comprehension of size and distance to begin with.

In that line of thought, I believe that there will be a time someday, wherein there will be no destruction in the entirety of the known universe – all of what we can conceive of. Truly, I believe that what it is (that which we are part of) is quite young in respect to itself. Eventually through it’s consistency – there will no longer be collisions through out space, and in that… no longer be their resonations within the entire process….. though such I believe to still be millennia away from actuality ( and I might say a bit detrimental to the creation of new life, through our ‘layers” and those of other places). “It” is all still simply “working out the glitches.” Factually, our existence (and entire universe), in my belief is due to one of those collisions… changes…. Within the consistency of it all.

Recently while researching female philosophers, I happened upon another wonderful example of a proof of sorts in support of our interactive connectivity with that “Eternal source” and it’s consistency…. The example serves to illustrate the distinct possibilities I have described concerning our “thought Process” (interactive connectivity) and from where it is that thoughts actually happen.

“Anne (Finch), Viscountess Conway (1631-1679) was credited with an originality in her concepts and perspective of “substance” and “de-ray modality.”

“Wittgenstein” arrived at the same type of conclusions in regard to “de-ray modality” independently of Conway – “quite in accord” with the direction of opinion.

Is it to be believed that such is simply coincidence? Given more-so how often many great thinkers happen upon very similar perspectives? Granted, in our modern day there is the element of high speed information and from that, high speed plagiarism…. But in the 1600’s, nothing of the sort was in physical existence. A person in our modern day could happen upon something quite unique and within a matter of hours there could be several people seeking to claim it as theirs simply for the notoriety (and in that missing and damaging the substance of the discovery to begin with).

I find a “fork” of sorts in the given example. Even If it is that such could be deemed as coincidental, then it still serves to support the concept of “structured thought patterns” which I have put forward and addressed, much more firmly.

Being that it is in my belief (as I have illustrated in this matter), that this result was due largely to that “body of knowledge,” interactive connectivity and the process of “Proximity Gestation”….both of these thinkers having similar modes of response directly in relation to that “Eternal Source” – there-in finding similar, if not the same lines of connectivity in some instances.

Both directions of that “fork” still find their existence and motion from that “Eternal Source.” In another aspect, such phenomena can be cited as the detrimental effect of structured thought patterns. In such a direction (of structure) as I have stated – all seems finite. This result being directly opposite of the semantical concept of “de-re modality” (in my infantile understanding of it)… being that our physical substance and essence aren’t chained together – inseparable. Yet further – inanimate objects could be living creatures – a stone could be a lion… producing a “wide open universe.”

It is said that Dorothy Emmet, in “the Moral Prism,” investigates whether it is possible to go beyond good and evil.

From observation it seems that the only time anyone has ever attempted to gain such “position” consciously, has always been toward the “evil.”

As a thought and off of the cuff, I can’t see where a person could attain such either way with conscious attempt. Those dedicated to ‘do good,’ would firstly never even consider such (for reasons other than righteousness, even) and those delving in such direction as “evil” for such reasons, find evil. Again, I see this as very similar to Nietzsche, in that the attempt automatically negates the possibility of the desired result.

In such attempts, the only “top” is the hole in the “volcano.”

I even venture to say that no satisfactory result would ever manifest in such attempts. Those trying, only finding more want. The bliss that they see in others, never being theirs.

The article goes on to describe that “Emmet” states that our “moral thinking has a range of different features.” Though I have yet to read the work entirely, It seems from this statement that through observation she has described nothing more than the result of a given thought structure and it’s effects on her surroundings. Instead of examining the human aspects – she (it seems) was examining the effect of such structures on the human aspects while thinking that she was describing human essence.

Our “moral thinking” is direct result of those imposed structures and as has happened in our history, those structures can be formed for ill results on a very large scale (most times, I must say – in a conscious effort to fill the needs of such “beyond good and evil” directions of thought….. most truly being only evil).
It states that she questions “whether it is in some cases justifiable to be non-moral?”

My immediate thought is “subjective.” Again and quite obviously – “moral-non moral” being products of said structures.

No one has seemed to question the ill effects of the two dimensional technological “advances” on our existence – would that then be an example of acceptable “non-morality?” Could “they” now be living “beyond good and evil” while still striving to find the bliss of it? In that I find the tell tale signs of failure within the whole attempt at such….. already existing in such an area to such a large degree, and finding nothing but want for the very existence they already have – more some misguided idea of what it is that they already are…. Most striving for someone else to tell them “it’s alright” and in that, violating their every moment of “progress.”

In my opinion we as a society forsake the one place that does exist beyond good and evil – being the womb.

Doing so for the most insignificant reasons while providing ample means with which to give ill effect unto such – both physically and metaphysically. Abandoning the actual duties of existence in it’s regard – to be replaced with façade and outright fraud, while leaving such human interactions nearly entirely up to the influence of that two dimensional emulation.

Such a place as the womb is all that I can think of momentarily, that is beyond good and evil in the human existence. It is neither, but in my opinion should be treated and regarded as holy – tended metaphysically as to what it is… being a place while physically here… is still immersed in the “other worldly” – that “Eternal Source” and our cumulative ‘a priori.’

Another point pertaining to “beyond good or evil” is in the meaning. Just, as example – as something isn’t acknowledged – kept as secret in their violations – doesn’t make it “beyond good or evil.”

Jeanne Hersch states that “an aspect of the problem of human beings is our existence as both body and soul.”

Body and “essence.” This serves as insight into the capacity I have stated that I feel we serve to fulfill. Existing between “here” and “there”- filtering that influence through our existence.

We exist with nature in our physical body – We exist within that “Eternal Source” (metaphysically) through cognitive thought and our essence. Our progress is really nothing more than the result of that Eternal Source through our existence. It is obvious that the interaction of it and our “nature” is one that produces through it’s given dynamic – trees, animals, formations of stone. The only difference between those things and our “buildings,” books, advancement… is that those things of humans are as result of that dynamic through our being here and influenced as well.

The most magnificent structure of human hands, is really not much different than a tree for instance. They are both as result of that dynamic between that “Eternal Source” and what we call nature. Ourselves being augmentation within the process of that dynamic.

In reading through Julia H. Gulliver’s “Studies in Democracy,” she states that “Initiative is the mans function and conservation is the woman’s function” in society.

This work was published in 1917. It gives light in this statement, to the spiraling aspects of our “cyclical” existence (as a species). Our modern advertising schemes are most often directed at females. Many females hold substantial positions within society, though recently I have witnessed another aspect of that cycle- being regression.

The façade remains, but politically there has been some back slide in regard to actual female “influence.”

The larger point I am addressing here, is the movement within society in that cyclical fashion… and the “fragments” that trail as resonation of earlier points in that cycle. Trailing as does the fragmented parts of a comet, though still in much the same pattern. This I believe is due to the more direct isolated effects of given learned thought structure…. Even evidence of their existence beyond the cumulative focal point of that societal pattern.

Within that larger pattern are other facets to observe.

In 1917 her statements may have held true in total…where in 2005 I find that the change I have described hasn’t been on such a scale… and itself is fragmented. For instance, it is still the expectation of the most successful female to have a male initiate interactions. In that, the female is still seen to fill the roll that existed in 1917.

There are several ill effects of the dynamic within this – it seems to create an off balance within many females – even to the point pf self conscious regression in the equation of “initiative with expectations of being submissive.” Similarly it creates a “double duty” for males in filling the roll of subservient while expected to initiate. It seems to have the effect of repelling magnetic’s. Given both the male and female each “only one leg to stand on in an ass kicking contest.”

The easy point of reference for each in rolls to fulfill is no longer there, giving ample room for confusion, misinterpretation and miscommunication.

The recent occurrences can only bode ill for that equation, much in the way that something is stopped just before completion. I could describe it as a lurch in the progression of social standards in that manner. A “skip” in the metaphysical cycle.
Perhaps the change in roll in regard to sexual, relationship initiations is part of what caused such a backslide/lurch. While I am speaking in generalizations, I feel the point of said is clear. Whether such a backslide was caused from the male or the female “sides,” or even more yet, an unhinging due largely to the magnetic metaphor I used in describing the dynamics of such changes within society….. much could have to do with generation gaps as well… such changes permeating society far enough to “impose themselves” on older generations- and likewise the older generations imposing themselves in places within the modern day, that aren’t conducive to the modern pace….- creating confusion and backlash. “Grannies horse drawn carriage didn’t have a stick shift” so to speak….. and even further perhaps “the fundamental and inexpugnable physiological differences between the man and the woman” (as she states) are the root cause.

Nature itself through various means, over riding the lofty attempts of the human race to entirely summit that plateau.

This direction I think has been very much in the way of ‘equality through subjugation and limitations’ as opposed to equality through the unity of individuals.

To successfully achieve something of this sort, I feel that the focus should be on the brilliance of the mind in creating social condition that would allow such to thrive without the ill effects of what is disjointly created through subjugation and limitation – being that metaphoric ‘magnetic repulsion.’ It can’t be a ‘prize’ to be attained. It must be each day to be lived. It cannot be ‘given’ or ‘taken,’ it quite simply must be ‘done.’

In considering it further, such imbalance and disjointed interactions must make for wonderful economic fuel as well as fodder…. And in that being substantial ‘drive’ for those two dimensional mediums of our modern day – as in their nature, they create a barrier and though customizable – most are quite impersonal. A convenient anonymity with which to escape the human dilemma of that imbalance… which it, itself helps to create….

Further in this reading, she makes a statement pertaining to actuation that I will cite in regard to those things I have referred to pertaining to ‘loss of meaning.’
For instance, the fact that such things as advanced mathematics seem to become no more relative to the practitioner, than the matter of themselves – their meaning and background being lost in the complexity and seeming importance of the languages themselves.

“A teacher may present cubes, straws, and the like to make real geometrical forms in such wise that a child’s attention is so absorbed in the bright colors and other un-essential details that he altogether loses the meaning.” In a larger sense, this is what I have illustrated, though the elements of such advanced equation aren’t necessarily “un-essential,” they can (and do) still detract from their very own importance.

She then states that “facts are dead without meaning.”

What this translates to in many respects in our modern day, is that much of our greatest information (in the larger percentage) is dead. Many of those claiming to be ‘learned,’ having a wonderful command of the aspects of such a language (as example), while being lost in it’s complexity (and as if it were the real)… are blinded and ill-wise of it’s truer uses and meanings. Seeing it much for only it’s topical value, and hardly being able to acknowledge it’s truer existence as a variation of language. From that flat, linear (might I say two dimensional) perspective, such information can be seen as another reason for “finite” perception. Without the meaning, then there is no depth – no living application.. the difference between a well sung song and a groan.

In a lengthy passage from Sartre’s “Materialisme et Revolution” he states that “…..for there is no outside or inside for man.”

The supports the view I have concerning our place between that “Eternal Influence” and the natural surroundings (physical) in which we exist.

He goes on to state that “freedom” exists “for engaging oneself in present action and constructing a future.” This puts light on the subject of posterity, and seems to suggest that one unto the other should be readily self perpetuation. My opinion differs from Sartre’s in the respect that his belief is that freedom is “never enjoyed” but “revealed in it’s products” - I hold that freedom can, and is able to be enjoyed even while producing for the sake of one’s self, one’s interests AND posterity (which in my belief, should be part of one’s interests).

I have found the most success in this through “doing.” Being part of the day at hand in my actions, through my interests and the product there-in.

Marjorie Grene states that “mere facts will never to all eternity generate values; nor can science-psychology as little as nuclear physics – by itself generate good or evil.”

This gives realization, coupled with examining the uselessness of information without applied meaning… depth… understanding (of even self), which our modern day and it’s disposition overall… along with deteriorating values, falls dreadfully short of substantial existence in the now, much less posterity. In that statement and through observation, it is readily evident that values are the most important tool that humans wield in the maintenance of reality, society and our body of knowledge. Empty information is everywhere and more-so without value in the common, insincere usage of fact/information.

Values are not only set aside in our modern day, in some instances they are blatantly disregarded and even mocked. I believe that such is as a result of the illusion of a finite world and perpetuated in the ease of information access.. perhaps even through the lack of personal involvement.

Values are scorned, relinquished for the ease of “automated living.” This is really no surprise though, as I have happened upon far too many examples to list here, of great writers in various centuries citing the very same degradations in different ways. Mostly in regard to government degeneration and despotism.

Those that are in such an “automated existence” care nothing in regard to the maintenance aspects of existence, which in my opinion happen quite naturally through personal involvement. It is as though they have happened upon a really nice house that they neither know how to maintain (due to removal from actual existence) nor even care to through the lack of values and involvement.

Dewey’s “Hedonistic Calculus,” combined with instant gratification/hedonism of our “modern world,” and the attitude of attaining without any values…. As if all efforts of humanity to date are simply to be used up, devoured unscrupulously without reciprocative production in at least the same level of quality as has been devoured. To some degree metaphorically, it is the type of people that can’t even ride the bicycle that they stole, claiming ownership of a “starship” that they have begun living in as if it were a rat hole. Demanding credit of ownership while it deteriorates, in the place of untold pleasures from riding in it and utilizing it’s potential, productively.

It is stated in Marjorie Grene’s “Dreadfull Freedom,” while exploring existentialism, that Dewey had said that “a man does not build a house in order to live in it….. he builds it for the present activity, itself.” Such truth is lost in our modern day, at the level this statement pertains to. Hidden and confused behind loads of “colors and shapes,” un- acknowledged, and in that I see part of the resulting deteriorizations within society.

People unknowingly live their lives in an opposite manner of such a truth, most likely due to “ease of living” in our day – and in that may be a root cause of the loss/inhibited interactive connectivity. For example- while it is that perhaps people shouldn’t, many that study are solely motivated in the desire to someday see themselves as having amassed some volumous amount of knowledge….. some mass of other wealth as well. Perhaps even through simply a want of recognition for such. What is missed here, is the very essence of such activity. The very meaning of each moment spent in that manner, is lost – more so, never actually realized in the level or spirit of a true scholar. In losing the very essence of such, it is hard to still categorize it as scholarship. It is more in the likeness of a lab rat in a maze.

It has been established that information without meaning, is in essence, dead. What then of the actual meaning being replaced with the meaning of a ‘goal?’ A want with little to do with the path/substance of what it appears is now the normal way to “get there?” What then of the meaning replacing the true meaning of so many other things? Is it even approachable? That without substance must truly be intangible in that sense. The goal being more important (the ‘reward’), than all it is supposed to be positioned and poised upon.

True, the goal is a sort of “meaning,” but it’s value is nearly non-existent past the value of a rodent attaining a treat through a maze.

In my belief and based on my personal findings within the interactive connectivity, observation and life experience…. Is that when such activities are full with the actual meaning of them (which is becoming more and more scarce), the wealth of information is nearly boundless. The meaning is immediate and substantial. In honoring oneself in that moment with truly grasping and acknowledging the sense of it’s depth and it’s meaning… a person strikes a note in harmony with many still resonating throughout our existence – from those ‘tones’ and harmonies struck of the truly great minds that have gone before. It is something that cannot be forced… scarcely taught, and I think it is something that cannot even be successfully emulated though the rewards are immediately evident in revelation and realization to degrees that do not happen without such a focus.

The difference between words on a page compared with living information and the feeling of connectivity with it, surging through ones existence. Understanding vs. Absorption. Re-iteration opposed to actual knowledge in the true meaning of that word. A very human connection with the resonations of true scholars of today and gone on – yourself becoming another tone within that chordal resonance whilst you inhabit those very clear and calm moments. Adding to it through yourself, a type of filter (of yourself) while uncovering within yourself and interactive connectivity, the substance of that information….. this further establishs connectivity(many see as knowledge) between yourself and that larger body of influence- “a priori” knowledge – “a posteriori” knowledge – and establishing a unity within individualism. In my opinion, this is the stuff of true “Nobility” within a given instance, activity – and is without limit in it’s application. The noblest aspects of humanity.

I should cite that it is widely known of some philosophies pertaining to the truly over bearing structuring of thought… the type in the manner of “brain washing.” A good example of such loonacy is “The cult of Incompetence.” This again is wonderful proof of the type of structuring that I am describing, though it in kind, is very much an unconscious emulation while being a conscious attempt at ‘structuring.” I believe it is attitude such as what this philosophy puts forward, that are much part of the “bottle neck” in our society. It actual proposes to stifle the human existence and interactive connectivity until it is essentially dead of it’s own.

Without even the ability of considerations beyond the “teachings” much less any type of thought/interactive connectivity past it’s bounds. It is a type of work that cites the use of those with such topical traits as the ability of near perfect re-iteration….. promoting the use of empty (dead), substanceless information. It actually promotes the topical “colors and shapes” as the substance.

The knowledge that such empty “programming” exists in the guise of philosophical direction, gives a bit more depth to the statement I happened upon while considering Sartre’s Existentialism.

“Contemplation is a luxury” it is stated, whether it be for or against existentialism – I disagree.

In my opinion contemplation is directly related to cognitive thought. Cognitive thought is much of what makes humans unique from other creatures in our reality.
Sartre then goes on to say that there are those existentialists that claim “existence precedes essence.” He then proceeds to utilize an object as example. In my opinion even in the realm of inanimate objects, such isn’t possible. The essence of anything exists, and must before existence.

To use the inanimate as example – thought of words must occur before they can be written. Their essence is before their physical manifestation. There must first have been an essence to illustrate, before even the first marking was ever made. Knowing that our entire existence is an emulation of a larger process, a person need go no farther than realizing that.

In a different fold of the same thought, it could be construed to say that the thought exists before it’s essence is revealed in the form of writing – thus posing a rather flimsy dichotomy in claiming the essence to be the existence – which in my opinion, it is to some degree though not in any way he had described such a “fringe” of meaning. The essence of something must first have been, before it can physically exist.

In trailing such a dichotomy, a person is lead to consider, through observing the consistent conundrum – the possibility of “essence of essence.” Knowing that in fact essence exists….. in the existence, what then precedes it and again precedes that?
I notice that the tendency of such a direction in thought, draws to a “linear” form – I have to consider this to be as result of those patterns I have been exposed to that form my thought process in it’s “architectural consistencies.”

When I realize that tendency and then opt for a different perspective, that series of exchanges is no longer the “flipping sides of a coin.” It becomes three dimensional and each turn full with essence and it’s existence – then further within each essence and existence is again that series of inseparable exchange.

This dichotomy serves to illustrate several things. The first of which in my opinion, is our ignorance as creatures pertaining to the origin of “essence,” that which begat our existence – being that all we can conceive of in that exchange is one into/of the other. This can be seen as a form of infinity and simultaneously as a form of limitation. A fence. An intellectual boundary pertaining to understanding –existing in that capacity only as long as we as creatures cannot conceptualize, grasp anything within that realm of thought…. We can’t as of yet, ‘think.’

My thought in breaching such a barrier, is one of a positive sort.

My believe is that the intermingled – “Fringe” aspects of these dichotomies is our clue in quelling such areas of ‘impass,’ bottle necking, for the purpose of furthering our species. That clue being similar in use and action as is a spinning button on a string pulled between a persons hands. When the colors are placed on the button, and the button is then spun – the colors combine to form another.

Should such a dichotomy be “spun” fast enough in that manner (metaphorically), it ceases to be a limitation and becomes a new area – boundless- a new canvass independent of the dichotomy. Likewise, over and again should similar boundaries arise.

This type of dichotomy serves as well to illustrate our capacity for thought. Cognitive thought, itself. Further it serves to illustrate the different effects of those imposed thought structures on our existence. They serve as well as notification to the fact that such dichotomy is not forward thought and further still- self imposed (humans upon themselves).

The dualism that is ‘existentialism’ seems to be separated into those who hold belief in “God” and those who don’t. In reading it, the latter is manufactured.
There are great efforts in attempting to create that dual sense, and some contradictions that do not seem intended.

Sartre speaks of existence before essence and illustrates the idea using a physical object. He uses the same object and example further in the work in an attempt (assumption) to describe the “concept of man in the mind of God,” as his understanding of such a relationship in the works of philosophers such as Descartes and Leibnitz.

In the use of such an object and narrow view in interpretation of such works, he seems to not have understood such workings in the least. Perhaps even is purposefully skewing the greater meanings in those works to trivialize a larger influence – which in my opinion is that “Eternal Source” I have described.

His interpretation of such metaphysical interaction is quite topical, and in doing so he not only lessens the word “God” (as I feel is his intent), but manages to scar the concept and availability of understanding a larger, very real body of influence that the word “God” has been used to describe in several ways throughout history. In negating the depth of interactive connectivity – he limits the understanding (and perhaps purposefully, the meaning) of those concepts he puts forward in the attempt at creating a duality (which in itself is an emulation).

He goes on to state that “human nature is a concept of man.” Human nature, in my view is as result of our being within that larger influence – having developed through that and our interactive connectivity.

Science can easily aid anyone in examining the consistencies of existence… such consistency is due, in my opinion as I have stated – to the relation of that “Eternal Source” and our reality (physical realm) with a percentage of it being influenced withour interaction with that consistent dynamic. The result being the display of our differences as creatures in what we have built, developed, discovered.
From my perspective, that “Eternal Source” isn’t particular to ourselves above anything else in our reality. Such difference in ourselves and other creatures is due largely to that unique aspect of cognitive thought (which is as I have explained-the power of interactive connectivity). All else in our reality receives the very same body of influence – more so it’s effect (with respect to proximity) – our uniqueness in that manner is what makes the differences in result of that influence.

Further, in my opinion – one cannot call something a “human concept” only because the “essence” of it’s substance was conceived and then solidified in “existence” with a label. He further states a series of words that try to suggest that human existence precedes essence.

Such a statement implies that humans and our perception of reality, are the reason for essence. Again, as if the labeling of something conceptualized is the reason it exists, through nothing more than it’s own efforts. If such were true, given the consistencies so readily available to reference – the humans (and other creatures) would not need a pulse. Would not need to breath. Would not need nourishment.

Through such reasoning, it is suggested that we as creatures made all of those things necessary to exist… not only in ourselves but in every living creature.

I must say that I am not so closed minded that I cannot see considering the idea that there is no “Eternal Source,” for the sake of absurdity and the abstract. As I have addressed, such directions of thought as abstract are vital to our survival in some respects. I feel that the attempt at ingraining such consideration in a structured form, is as much a detriment to it’s use as it is without such absurdities. As it seems to be common, I should state that his is in no way an argument for anyone’s “version” of ‘God’ to be deemed as ‘superior.’ That seems to be the usual reaction within the existing dichotomy of ‘belief’ and ‘non-belief,’ and even a consistent reactionary direction of such works, themselves.

If a person removed themselves from such leanings one way or the other pertaining to works like “Sartre’s; Existentialism,” a person could even consider the element of such absurdity being as useful in exploring the concept of “God,” as it is attempted to be used in disproving it. This is very consistent with the observation and direction of the “contradiction” factor I have recently addressed.

To further my point within the direction of what appears to be a “radical concept,” why would we think that such held true in the midst of all the un-pleasantries humans must endure? If we are our own creation, why would anyone choose to have to endure the pains of childbirth, for instance? Why then choose to put ourselves through so much which we have endured?

In the sense that I have addressed concerning our influence on our reality and thus our own future – there is the same aspect of “being our own creation,” but as we have established we must wait for, or discover things to manifest from beyond such boundaries (that our direction set’s for ourselves) that I have illustrated within the “progression” of dichotomy.

In a curious way, through conceiving such work as “Existentialism,” a person expose’s themselves to a pre-fabricated limitation. That dichotomy being very much as result of a human concept. To adhere to “Existentialism” is to limit your very existence. Laughably, “pong” wasn’t really that popular as a video game, why then choose to live it?

In many ways I have found that some works are as much in the attempt to make a claim to some sensationalism, as anything else, really. Much in the spirit of the insecure, greedy child – acting as though they are puppeteering something beyond what they can even grasp mentally – through actions and word – putting as much effort into convincing others that they are causing things to happen, than even their own lives. A type of opportunism that I’m sure actual opportunists are embarrassed of. Much in the same ‘spirit’ and tact as early “pharmaceuticals” and shyster snake oil salesmen… but then again, how much difference is their between that “spirit” and modern television entertainment? Advertising? The music industry?

It doesn’t matter how many people any can get to lie in unison, it is still a lie. Such possess a curious situation where lie is build upon lie. For instance those basing their lives on the scripted happenings of a television program.

Given, “Fiction” is most times seen as different than “lie,” but it is “lie” all the same. Oddly enough, some even use that fact to justify their own purposeful deceptions. Adding to this binding and limiting direction, Sartre states that in his belief “a person finds themselves in the presence of others” and that “a person realizes they cannot be anything (jealous, witty) unless others recognize it as such.”

In some ways this seems like a remedy for the self seen/perceived problem he puts forward about his idea of the real reason people tend to believe in “God,” being that “they need something to cling to.” He convincingly provides for that with insisting that a person can’t actually exist as an individual.

If a person is a backstabbing, scavenger scumbag- no one has to acknowledge it for it to be true. No one has to tell them that they are a scumbag. A person could live in complete isolation and still know these things about themselves – the only exception I can think of is if a person were never exposed to another individual, and there were never any other individuals around.

Even in that, through our essence and interactive connectivity, we would still know of ourselves. Of our leanings in any given moment.

The concepts of right and wrong, in an individual that had never had contact with others, seems it would be rendered to an animal like “cause and effect”-“pain hurts, hungry; eat….” It is my belief that even such a person would develop emotionally through thought (interactive connectivity) and comprehension – discovering that “a priori” within themselves through exposure to various influences…… the color of a stone, of a clothe…. Wild life. The song of a bird most assuredly invoking a different response through that interactive connectivity, than would the roar of/growl of a predatory animal.

I am sure that a sense of misconduct would be present should that individual slay the bird that gave it song – finding that the song and it’s benefits were no longer there. Through that, the individual would then know more about itself and “essence.” No one would need to tell that individual about the absence of that bird song, or what it then knew of itself.

Further in the work Sartre states (and I agree) that “If you do not choose, you are still choosing.” He states as well, that “it is not possible not to choose.” In that I differ – for instance, “choose to think a thought that humans cannot already think.” A person cannot choose to do that and there is no default choice through deciding not to choose in that instance.

This fact corroborates with the concepts that I am presenting. Especially in regard to the growing body of “a priori” and the existence of interactive connectivity.

The physical proofs are all around us. Everything that you see and experience in today’s life, was at one point not even a thought in a “creatures” mind. It isn’t as though anyone has/had the ability to choose to think the thoughts that lead to what we now see as normality. The basic fact, is that those thoughts came from somewhere….. we know that we did not choose to think them. We know that it isn’t possible to have chosen to think them. This I believe is part of and as result of the Process of Proximity Gestation. It supports the concept of interactive connectivity as I have described it, almost unarguably.

Another example is “choose to think.” A person cannot choose to think while they are alive, and most definitely cannot make that choice once they are physically dead.
What this means to me, is that there are boundaries that we, through existing, have set in conjunction with the result of our interaction, filtration of that “Eternal Source.” This is another area of the paradox which I have addressed which is very similar with that “tunnel vision” of thought that I mentioned more recently.

That “tunnel vision” I believe, is the perspective from “inside” of any combination of those thought structures sooner or later….. as it is that sooner or later any and all of them find their boundaries. Some corresponding to others… all, in my opinion, in direct relation with the idea of “contradiction” being vital to that metaphysical landscape and in use toward illuminating a larger “subject.”

“The blind folded people describing the elephant” metaphor.

From “Dreadfull Freedom,” Marjore grene address’ Sartre’s view of denying “Gods” existence being the primary concern of the “inner odyssey” of “self seeking” and “self philosophy.” This indicates that Sartre’s view is quite shallow (as I have demonstrated), In regard to searching of ones self. In attempting such without acknowledging that “Eternal Influence” and connection with it, is to fail in realizing the true potential of our capacity.

In my opinion our capacity extends well beyond ( as I have stated and demonstrated) our physical existence. It is cited that his belief is that there is no single concept of humanity because there is no “God.”

Quite to the contrary of that in many ways in my belief. There are different concepts of humanity because of that “Eternal Source” and it’s influence on our existence. The different perspectives and perceptions from that interaction being due to proximity – especially during formative periods (of many varieties)….. gestation for example.

This effect within our unique “cognitive similarities,” creates differences within various cultures of humans (and sub cultures) that liken to the differences between man and animal though far more subtle- and complex in specific attributes.

The audacity in his claims of no “God” is remarkable, again given what all else is removed with entirely denying an “Eternal Source,” a greater influence….. especially given that there is not one culture on the planet that he cites as the place where there is “no single concept of God,” which is without some form of deity. Those deities being representative of the given ‘proximities’ interpretation and description of their relationship with that “Eternal Source.”

For someone of supposed intellect to miss such a large commonality must very well have been purposeful. It gives thought toward the possibility that such sensationalism may have had a hidden motive… in my most optimistic stance I consider the possibility that the direction of desired effect from such sensationalism would be in the direction of effort to alleviate stress between sects and religious organizations. That optimism may be a somewhat farfetched interpretation of my own… but even further I feel is a misdirection if it were.

In my opinion, the direction for true progress in that area, is in acknowledging that “Eternal Source” and citing the fact that, in a realistic sense, all that any holy writ, doctrine, theological illustration of any religion is… is a description and interpretation of that (the very same) “Eternal Influence.”

In a similar manner, as I have illustrated, the contradictions being as important to the larger picture as are the similarities.

We know from history that “forced conversions” to one or another belief (illustration of that source), have hardly been successful in their intended result. Many times actually spawning unstable derivatives of the given belief structure – as it is then used for other purposes. Easily, as example is the blend of “native beliefs” and “Catholicism.” This stemming from the attempts to convert forcibly, those people in an entirely different proximity… to the structure of Catholicism.
The result has had various different outcomes to various different degrees. The most prominent extreme example that I can think of, is that blend which resulted in modern “voodoo.”

In a simple explanation, the natives simply adopted the catholic representations to be used to signify their beliefs. The resulting modern “voodoo” is no more catholic than is the most primitive of superstitious belief structures. This has created a very precarious situation though, on both sides of the issue and a larger change in society with it in the bigger picture.

The native beliefs have been hiding behind the catholic represented effigy for so long, that their own belief origin has been long forgotten in the repetition and comfort of the provided representations.

This itself is another example of the effect of Proximity Gestation. It is a very good example of the heaviest of results from any given “Fringe Area” within the process of Proximity Gestation. Within this “new voodoo” are varying levels of belief pertaining to both structures throughout, and even to the level of individuals. There are those within it, which have stronger leanings toward Catholicism (though it is more the “mixed version”), and there are those within it with leanings more toward the “voodoo” element (please see percentage element graph- replacing “animal” and “human” with these examples). Neither of which are the original belief structure of that which was forcibly changed, or the imposed belief structure. “It” is very much a product/example of the process of Proximity Gestation and more, from a very obvious “Fringe Area.”

The fact that things such as the inquisition and converting crusades happened, is again evidence of this process that I have described, as much as being a part of it.
The very real results of this interaction serve to illustrate in a real manner, those naturally occurring, metaphysical borders.

Diagrams and Graph;

Proximity Gestation Diagram 1

Proximity Gestation Diagram 2

Proximity Gestation Diagram 3

Proximity Gestation Elemental Properties Graph 1

Ensemble Illustration


Other Photographs and Maps
Links to Website


Proximity Gestation Part II;
In Relation To The Beginnings of Species


Proximity Gestation;
A Basic Math Illustration


Proximity Gestation;
Electromagnatism and The Human Mind




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Blogger David A. Archer - Proximity Gestation said...

Note that someone went to the trouble of signing up for a blogger account, simply to write "koo-koo for coconuts, eh?"

Pretty pathetic and entirely exhibiting a lack of insight and understanding pertaining to the subject matter of my composition.

I am flattered in a way, though.... as they did put the effort forward to get an account here, just to try and make themselves important in some sad way, through voicing a very useless and meaningless 'criticism' that is easilly bested on any pre-school play ground.

If that is the best that the "opposition" have... we are all in loads of trouble.

Curious that they would use a name such as "safe and sane." Factually directly in line with the consistency of such drivel as is their comment. Directly opposite of the truth of the matter.

I am sure that they are niether safe, nor sane... and most likely quite "koo-koo for coconuts."

7:10 AM  

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